Downstream changes in a short section of the River

Downstream changes in a short section of the River Cole in South Birmingham.
G.Ref 103785 ( Point 4 )
April 9th 2002
12 stations at approximately 30m intervals
Summary of Results using GeoSoft Channel
Correlation matrix for the selected variables using Pearson Product Moment
The 12 locations downstream correspond to the gauging points at approximately 30m intervals.
G.R 103785 is the road bridge located between points 4 and 5.
Section 1
Graph 1.1
Discharge and Distance Downstream
Graph 1.2 Wetted Area (Cross sectional area) and Distance Downsteam
Graph 1.3 Width and Distance Downstream
Graph 1.4
Mean Velocity and Distance Downstream
Graph 1.5
Hydraulic Radius and Distance Downstream
Graph 1.6
Depth and Distance Downstream
Section 2 ( a line of best fit is drawn if the level of confidence is greater than 95%)
Graph 2.1
Discharge and Distance Downstream
Graph 2.2
Wetted Area and Distance Downstream
Graph 2.3
Hydraulic Radius and Distance Downstream
Graph 2.4
Velocity and Distance Downstream
Graph 2.5
Width and Distance Downstream
Graph 2.5
Depth and Distance Downstream
The River Cole; a managed stream on the outskirts of Birmingham
Photo 1
View from G.R 103785 looking South, upstream to points 4,3,2, and 1.
The channel is straightened, the bed is levelled and the banks are reinforced with gabion
The bottom of the gardens of residential properties back onto the stream on the left of the
Photo 2
The River Cole looking North from G.R. 103785 to points 5 and 6.
This is the less managed middle section from point 5 to point 7 that includes meanders
and some natural pool and riffle features. Land use on either side is less vulnerable to
flooding; open common rising some metres above the banks.