LIT 507: Literacy and Learning in the Content Areas Wednesday 4.30-7.30 Wilber 121 Spring 2009 1 Dr. Anne Fairbrother 250H Wilber 312-3216 (office) e-mail: Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 2:00pm – 4:00pm and by appointment. School of Education Conceptual Framework: The ideal role of schools is to promote authentic learning by all students. The role of educators in meeting that goal is to function as socially conscious catalysts for change who create and sustain school environments where excellence is cherished and social justice flourishes. Social Justice Authentic Learning Reflection Knowledge Practice Collaboration & Leadership Dispositions and Conceptual Framework: “Faculty, administrators, teachers and other school personnel associated with programs in the School of Education support the development of candidates’ understanding and practice” of the following professional dispositions: • Commitment to authentic learning and teaching • Critical reflection • Integrity • Socially-conscious responsibility • Socially- conscious respect • Collaboration • Advocacy These professional dispositions are the habits of mind and behavior that make it possible for educators to use their professional knowledge and skills effectively to fulfill the vision expressed in the conceptual framework of the SUNY School of Education. Course Objectives: A. To develop and refine a definition of literacy in the content areas (KNOWLEDGE); B. To discuss factors that influence the reading process and the construction of meaning (KNOWLEDGE); C. To experience, study and apply instructional strategies designed to improve students’ reading comprehension and response (PRACTICE); D. To examine theoretical and philosophical bases for content area literacy instruction (KNOWLEDGE); E. To design instructional materials to be used in content area classrooms with learners whose learning styles and needs vary widely (KNOWLEDGE; PRACTICE); F. To integrate speaking, reading, writing and listening for increased learning of content and for fostering critical thinking (KNOWLEDGE; COLLABORATION & LEADERSHIP); G. To select and evaluate a variety of content texts and textbooks (PRACTICE; COLLABORATION & LEADERSHIP; AUTHENTIC LEARNING); H. To select and use appropriate assessment tools and strategies in content area classrooms (KNOWLEDGE; PRACTICE, TECHNOLOGY); I. To demonstrate the ability to plan instruction using technology and instructional software (KNOWLEDGE; PRACTICE, TECHNOLOGY); J. To show familiarity with young adult literature, including multicultural literature, and to design lessons incorporating the use of trade books (SOCIAL JUSTICE; KNOWLEDGE; AUTHENTIC LEARNING); K. To develop strategies to motivate students to read and write in content areas (AUTHENTIC LEARNING; PRACTICE; KNOWLEDGE); L. To develop strategies for instructing students whose first language is not English (SOCIAL JUSTICE; KNOWLEDGE). LIT 507: Literacy and Learning in the Content Areas Wednesday 4.30-7.30 Wilber 121 Spring 2009 2 Course Texts: Kane, S. (2007). Literacy and Learning in the Content Areas (2nd Ed). Holcomb Hathaway: Scottsdale Arizona Finn, Patrick J. (1999). Literacy with an Attitude: Educating Working-Class Children in Their Own Self-Interest. Albany: State University of New York Press. Primary documents in your field – District and State Reading Standards and Content Standards Weekly handouts and journal articles Also, please obtain access to a textbook (in your discipline if secondary) that is currently being used in a K-12 classroom. COURSE REQUIREMENTS Academic Requirements Submit written assignments on time. Late work will be graded down for each day it is late. If absent, please submit your response paper in person or by email (only in Word format as an attachment) on time for a full grade. Constructive participation will help you and every one else to enjoy and to learn from the class! Operate with the utmost integrity and honesty in all class activities and on all assignments. This course is part of your professional career and your personal future. Treat your position in the course with the respect it deserves by doing your best work, and helping and encouraging others to do their best work. There should be no question in your mind about what it means to act in an honest way, including avoiding plagiarism. If there is, please do not hesitate to ask questions of your fellow students, or your professor. Review the sections in the college catalog that relate to this issue. General civility requirements for class attendance Please disconnect cell phones, unless there is an emergency that you mention to the professor before the class meets. Please refrain from doing other work during class periods. Well-behaved children, guests & pets in class are OK when necessary. Please show respect for each other’s ideas, learning, wellbeing. LIT 507: Literacy and Learning in the Content Areas Wednesday 4.30-7.30 Wilber 121 Spring 2009 3 Course Requirements and Assessment: 1. Attendance and participation (15%) I can’t stress enough the importance of attending every class on time. For the course to be a good and helpful experience for you, our bodies/minds must be really present and engaged in the ideas at hand before, during and after class meetings. While this is the ideal, things happen. Please email ( or phone (312-3216) before missing a class. There is no making up of missed work=presence in class. Attendance grade will drop to A- with one absence, from A- to B with the second absence, from B to C with a third absence, from C to D with a fourth absence. It doesn’t matter the reason for the absence. More absences will probably result in dropping or failing the course. 2. Class Readings (Homework & In-class work: 30%) You will write responses/reflections/reactions in which you will react to the chapters of the Kane text and write your responses to the EXPERIENCES within the text. Sometimes specific types of reactions or applications will be called for. This will serve as a record of your active reading. These will be turned in after discussion each week. (2-3 pages). You will be reading articles and annotating and responding to them to prepare for discussion. You will also read and respond to other in-class and out-of-class readings. It is important that you have the readings and responses done on time. Discussion of readings will occur during class and will center on applicability to classroom contexts. Reading and reflecting will allow for informed participation in class discussions. Class meetings will necessarily reflect the quality of work students put in during the week. Organize yourself so that you can have time to study. Please type your responses. Turn them in when they are due. There will be late grades applied to late work – down a grade every day. If you are absent you may submit your paper by email, with one day grace, after that the late grade policy applies. Each response paper should start with the class and date of the class (example: LIT 507 February 4, 2009, and a list of the authors and titles of the readings). You can write a narrative with both summary and response/reaction, or keep a dialectical journal where you divide the page into two parts with notes (a brief summary of concepts and issues addressed in the readings) on one side and a response (your comments) on the other. Or another format? Make sure that you both anchor your response in the text and analyze and/or contextualize your thoughts. 3. Student Led Discussions (10%) In pairs, you will lead a discussion of one chapter of Kane’s book. 20 minutes maximum. It is expected that you will draw students into a discussion of key ideas and strategies. Please including an activity. 4. I-Search paper (5%) An Exploration of Professional Organizations and Journals. Due March 25 LIT 507: Literacy and Learning in the Content Areas Wednesday 4.30-7.30 Wilber 121 Spring 2009 4 5. Literature Circle Work (5%). Each week you will meet with an assigned group (of 4) to discuss a chapter (or two) of the book: Literacy with an Attitude: Educating Working-Class Children in Their Own Self-Interest. The group will decide how to structure discussion of each chapter and how to report to the class (The professor will provide discussion questions if the group wants them). The group will decide on a final “project” from/for the book. Due April 22 6. Research (20%): A group research paper on an area of interest in Literacy (not necessarily in your content area), that includes an overview of the research and your analysis/evaluation. 8-10 pages. More details later. (20%) Presentation and paper due April 29 7. Curriculum Materials File (10%) You will create a curriculum materials file focusing on one unit or topic or book you would like to teach. Your binder will possibly include (but is not limited to): an annotated bibliography of titles and descriptions of books; poems; primary resources; newspaper and magazine articles; professional journal articles; quotes; and Web sites and software programs that will enhance your teaching. Visit bookstores and libraries. You may also download lists from the internet and use bibliographies from professional journals, giving proper citations. Due May 6 – last class 8. Reflection (5%) You will hand in a reflection about yourself as a content area teacher/reader/writer, or as a teacher of literacy in your content area. Due May 13 (finals’ week) FINAL GRADE: Attendance and Participation: Weekly Responses & Classwork: Discussion Leading I-Search Literature Circle Research presentation/paper: Curriculum Folder Final Reflection: 15% 30% 10% 5% 5% 20% 10% 5% 100% NOTE: The INTASC standards include certain dispositions which are expected of future teachers. Students in this course will be expected to demonstrate positive and professional attitudes toward the education of all students while in fieldwork assignments and during class time. Examples include being prompt and prepared for both class and field placement, using respectful language and practices when discussing or writing about students, and demonstrating culturally sensitive and respectful attitudes toward and interactions with students, staff, and peers. If you have a disabling condition that may interfere with your ability to successfully complete this course, please contact the Disability Services Office, 183 Campus Center, 312-3358. Email: Also, if you feel comfortable doing so, please let me know about any disability (social, physical, cognitive) that you have that will affect your involvement in the class. LIT 507: Literacy and Learning in the Content Areas Wednesday 4.30-7.30 Wilber 121 Spring 2009 5 Reading and Assignment Schedule: Please note that there will also be handouts and activities during each class period. Below is the list of some of the reading/writing to be done outside of class in preparation for the next class. NOTE: ALL REQUIRED ASSIGNMENTS MUST BE COMPLETED SATISFACTORILY IN ORDER TO PASS THE COURSE. Week 1: January 28 Introductions For Week 2: February 4 1. Read Kane – Preface, Acknowledgements & Introduction Make notes for discussion 2. Assign NCLB research 3. Reading – article(s) Week 3: February 11 – meet outside of class in groups – NCLB research For Week 4: February 18 1. Read and respond to Kane – Chapter One “Reading, Literacy, and Teaching in Content Areas.” AND – Chapter Two “Affective and Social Aspects of Content Area Learning and Literacy” 2. Present on NCLB 3. Reading and Writing in the Content Areas – article(s) 4. Finn – meet in Literacy Circle For Week 5: February 25 1. Read and respond to Kane Chapter Three “The Role of Texts in Content Area Learning” 2. Bring a copy of NY State Curriculum Standards in your area(s) 3. Bring Textbook from your content area / grade level – in-class analysis 4. Reading & Writing in Content areas – article(s) 5. Finn – meet in Literacy Circle 6. Assign I-search - due March 25 For Week 6: March 4 1. Read and respond to Kane – Chapter Four “The Role of Knowledge in Comprehension” 2. Reading Comprehension – article(s) 3. Finn – meet in Literacy Circle Week 7: March 11 – no class – Spring Recess LIT 507: Literacy and Learning in the Content Areas Wednesday 4.30-7.30 Wilber 121 Spring 2009 For Week 8: March 18 1. Read and respond to Kane – Chapter Five “Metacognition and Critical Thinking” 2. Critical Thinking –article(s) 3. Finn – meet in Literacy Circle For Week 9: March 25 i-search due 1. Read and respond to Kane – Chapter Six “Vocabulary Development and Language Study” 2. Vocabulary – article(s) 3. Share i-search info 4. Finn – meet in Literacy Circle For Week 10: April 1st 1. Read and respond to Kane – Chapter Seven “Writing in the Content Areas” 2. Writing – article(s) 3. Finn – meet in Literacy Circle For Week 11: April 8 1. Read and respond to Kane – Chapter Eight “Speaking and Listening: Vital Components of Literacy” 2. Speaking and listening (and language) – article(s) 3. Finn – meet in Literacy Circle For Week 12: April 15 – no class – Research Day For Week 13: April 22 – starts at 5pm 1. Read and respond to Kane – Chapter Nine “MultiLiteracies: Visual, Media, and Digital” 2. Critical Literacy – article(s) 3. Group presentations on Finn For Week 14: April 29 1. Read and respond to Kane – Chapter Ten “Assessment of Content Area Literacy” 2. Read Chapter Eleven “Content Area Literacy: Envisioning Your Future” – make notes for discussion 3. Presentation of Literacy Research For Week 15: May 6 1. Presentations of Curriculum Materials File 6 LIT 507: Literacy and Learning in the Content Areas Wednesday 4.30-7.30 Wilber 121 Finals’ Week: May 13 Final Reflection due Spring 2009 7