Proposal Contact Information Name: Thomas P. Macioce, P.E. Title: Chief Bridge Engineer Agency/AASHTO Committee: PA Department of Transportation Address: 400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120 E-mail: Telephone number: (717) 787-2881 Date of submission: November 5, 2007 Title of Proposed Scan Best Practices for Bridges Problem Statement (What topic is to be examined? What drives the need for the scan? Why now?) There is a desire to design and construct bridges that have a longer service life among DOT’s to help address funding constraints. Scan Scope (What specific subject areas are to be examined? Which cities and states might be visited? Which agencies/organizations (including specific departments or types of staff if applicable)? It is requested that the following subject areas be examined further: bridges polices, procedures and materials that lead to a 100-year life specific policies and procedures related to inspection that other states have in place to insure bridges are safe methodologies used by states to obtain timely environmental permits types of LRFD bridge design and rating software currently being used by states State experiences with using high performance concrete bridge decks Recommended staff: DOT Bridge Engineers, FHWA Scan Objectives (What key information is to be gained? What information is to be shared after the scan? Who would the audience be for this information?) Range of Design considerations that lead to longer lasting structures Documentation of software currently being utilized with the experienced pros and cons of the software Documentation of various state procedures and policies related to environmental permits with an emphasis on projects involving structures Benefits Expected (Including potential impacts on current technology or procedures) The information gathered from these visits and the subsequent documentation would aid in future updates to national bridge policy to ensure longer lasting structures that are safe.