Characterizing Climate (a version of this exercise was written by Ricklefs for inclusion in the next edition of the text) What we think of as climate covers many aspects of the environment. Temperature and precipitation immediately come to mind. Being outdoors on a sunny day also reminds us that solar radiation also can make a big difference in our perception of warmth. All of these aspects also change with the seasons. Given such complexities, it is not surprising that ecologists have devised many ways to characterize climate. Of course, any scheme of describing climate should consider how climate factors affect living systems, particularly plants, which are the base of the food web and the source of most of the energy for ecosystems. Physical factors typically interact in their effects on living systems. For example, seasonal rainfall promotes plant growth more strongly during warm months than during cold months. Thus, the total precipitation or average temperature during the year would miss the important point that plants require more water—and can use more water to support their growth—when it is hot. Most descriptions of climate take into account this interaction between temperature and moisture. One of the simplest depictions of climate in this way is the climograph. A climograph shows seasonal changes in temperature and precipitation simultaneously, permitting a visual comparison of climates at different localities. Examples of climographs for several places are shown below. We see that the seasons at San Jose, Costa Rica bring marked variation in rainfall but little change in temperature, just the reverse of the situation in New York City, where pretty much the same amount of rain falls in each month, on average. San Jose, Costa Rica New York City Moving from east to west across the United States (middle panel) from Cincinnati, Ohio, to Cheyenne, Wyoming, and Winnemucca, Nevada, climate becomes more arid but temperatures remain within the same range. Thus, the change in vegetation from deciduous, broad-leaved forest in Ohio to short-grass prairie in Wyoming and desert shrubland in Nevada depends on the responses of plants to water availability rather than temperature. Cincinnati, Ohio Cheyenne, Wyoming Winnemucca, Nevada Although San Diego’s weather in January resembles that of Lincoln, Nebraska in April, the climates differ as much as their vegetation. San Diego’s Mediterranean climate, with hot, dry summers and cool, moist winters, favors slow-growing, drought-resistant shrubs (chaparral), whereas Lincolns’s wet summers and cold, dry winters favor the development of tall-grass prairie. The climograph provides a useful basis for comparing localities, but it fails to combine the effects of temperature and precipitation in a biologically meaningful way, and it does not reveal the cumulative effects of temperature and precipitation patterns on conditions for plant growth. For example, during extended dry periods both evaporation and transpiration (the evaporation of water from leaves) remove water from the soil. When precipitation does not balance evaporation and transpiration, the water deficit in the soil steadily increases, perhaps for months at a time, and plant growth slows or stops. Soil water reflects last month’s conditions as well as today’s weather. In 1948, the geographer C. W. Thornthwaite published a method for estimating the seasonal availability of water in the soil from temperature and precipitation. He compared the rate at which water is drawn from the soil by plants and by direct evaporation with the rate at which it is restored by precipitation. The sum of evaporation and transpiration is called evapotranspiration, and the measured amount is the actual evapotranspiration, abbreviated AET. In natural environments, evapotranspiration is at times limited by the availability of water in the soil. Potential evapotranspiration (PET), the amount of water that would be drawn from soil if moisture were unlimited, can be calculated from temperature and precipitation. When precipitation input to the soil (rainfall minus surface runoff) exceeds potential evapotranspiration at all seasons, the soil remains saturated throughout the year, as at Brevard, North Carolina. In Canton, Mississippi, precipitation falls below potential evapotranspiration during the warm summer months, and so the soil is depleted of water during the late summer and early fall. In the dry climate of Grand Junction, Colorado, soils are depleted of water most of the year and become saturated only briefly, after heavy rains. Questions to consider: What kinds of adaptations would you expect of plants that must tolerate seasonal cold conditions, as in New York City? What kinds of adaptations would you expect of plants in dry regions, such as Winnemucca? How might chaparral shrubs and prairie grasses be differently adapted to the special conditions of their environments? Exercise: Plot the monthly temperature and precipitation for Windsor, Ontario through the year, and then as a function of each other in the form of a climograph (data for your vicinity and other sites around the globe are available from To which of the climographs above is the local climate most similar? Website: Go, which shows global monthly actual evapotranspiration at different seasons of the year. Notice seasonal shifts and differences between regions. Where are the areas of highest AET, and the lowest AET? What aspects of climate are responsible for these differences? Which areas have high AET throughout the year; which are continuously low? What kind of vegetation do you think might occur in each of these areas? Thornthwaite’s approach to the calculation of potential evapotranspiration was based primarily on empirical measurements to which he fitted the following equation for PET expressed in millimeters per day (mm/month): when T > 0 PET 16 (10 T / I ) a and PET = 0 when T ≤ 0 where T = mean temperature (º C), a = 0.49 + 0.079i + 7.71×10-5i2 + 6.75×10-7i3, i = (0.2×T)1.514, a monthly heat index, and I = the sum of the 12 monthly values of i. Because the value of PET calculated by this equation is for a 12-hour day and 30-day month, the value has to be adjusted by the average day length (DL, hours) and number of days per month (M) according to PET (adjusted) = PET((DL/12)×(days/30). These days, climatologists use much more sophisticated equations including solar radiation and water vapor pressure of the atmosphere to calculate potential evapotranspiration, however Thornthwaite’s equation provides a reasonable approximation. Go to the Excel spreadsheat labeled “Thornthwaite's calculation of PET” and fill in the monthly values for average monthly temperature (from and day length for your area, which you can obtain from the web or from data/calculations shown below). Thornthwaite’s PET will automatically be calculated. You can also compare these monthly values to your average precipitation and determine months during which soil water is depleted and recharged. If you are unable to locate daylength on the web, there are two approaches to getting an approximate daylength for sites at differing latitudes. The simple way does an interpolation on latitudes in the table below, and provides a value for each month (the table is for day lengths on the 21st of each month). Latitude (ºN) Month 0º 10º 20º 30º 40º 50º 60º 70º 80º J 12.07 11.39 11.07 10.33 9.49 8.48 7.08 2.00 0 F 12.07 11.52 11.36 11.18 10.58 10.28 9.44 6.30 0 M 12.07 12.07 12.07 12.09 12.11 12.13 12.18 12.30 13.15 A 12.07 12.24 12.42 13.04 13.30 14.07 15.05 19.00 24.00 M 12.07 12.37 13.09 13.47 14.34 15.40 17.35 24.00 24.00 J 12.07 12.43 13.21 14.07 15.01 16.23 18.53 24.00 24.00 J 12.07 12.37 13.10 13.48 14.36 15.44 17.41 24.00 24.00 A 12.07 12.24 12.42 13.04 13.32 14.09 15.09 20.00 24.00 S 12.07 12.08 12.08 12.10 12.13 12.17 12.23 12.45 13.15 O 12.07 11.51 11.35 11.17 10.55 10.26 9.41 7.30 2.00 N 12.07 11.38 11.07 10.32 9.48 8.47 7.07 2.30 0 D 12.07 11.32 10.55 10.12 9.20 8.04 5.52 0 0 The more complex way is to use a formula that calculates daylength for any Julian day (days counted from 1 on January 1 of a year to 365 on December 31 of the year (except, of course, for leap years) and latitude. The calculation formulae given below are from Forsthe, et al. (1995). They calculate daylength in three steps: 1) Calculate the revolution angle (in radians, based on the elliptical orbit of the earth and its tilt) from the Julian day J: = 0.2163108 + 2 tan-1[0.9671396 tan (0.00860 {J – 186})] 2) Calculate the declination angle (in radians, the angle at solar noon between the sun and the equator) from the orbit and revolution angle: = sin-1[0.39795 cos ] 3) Calculate daylength D (plus twilight, with differing definitions of what is included in twilight embedded in a coefficient p) using the declination angle and latitude L. Looking at what is required to perform these calculations (partly due to including the elliptical orbit of the earth around the sun), you may find it simpler to use the table. The p in the equation is 0 if sunrise and sunset are defined as the time when the center of the sun is even with the horizon. Its value is 0.26667 if sunrise and sunset times are defined as when the top of the sun is even with the horizon. p L sin sin sin 24 180 D 24 cos 1 180 L cos cos 180 Now compare the graphical estimates of actual evapotranspiration to the calculated potential evapotranspiration. During which seasons/months is there a water balance in deficit? Why is there no measure of rainfall in the calculation of PET? Reference: Forsythe, W.C., E.J. Rykiel Jr., R.S. Stahl, H. Wu and R.M. Schoolfield. 1995. A model comparison for daylength as a function of latitude and day of year. Ecol. Model. 80:87-95.