Precipitation - water in any form that comes from the clouds (e.g. - snow, rain, sleet, hail) Interception - this is where plants, trees, or buildings collect the precipitation Stem Flow - where the precipitation flows along the stems of a plant to the ground Infiltration - where the water filters through the ground and the tiny pores in the soil Percolation - where the water moves downwards through the soil Over Land Flow - this happens when either the soil is impermeable or saturated and the water flows over the top of it Ground Water Flow - this is the movement of water sideways through the soil Underground Flow - slow movement of water through the ground Transpiration - where the water goes up through the plants and is released into the air through the leaves Evaporation - where the water is evaporated straight from the ground or from the sea Evapo-transpiration - here, the water vapour consists of both evaporated and transpired water