Top of Form Curriculum Vitae September 2009 Dr. FAROUK

me Address
Curriculum Vitae
September 2009
: Farouk Ahmed Mohamed SOLIMAN.
: Professor of Environmental Geology and Geochemistry.
: Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University.
: Suez Canal University (SCU), Ismailia, Egypt.
Telephone/Fax. (Work)
: (064) 3236416.
: The University staff members Buildings, Round Street, Ismailia, Egypt, Building No. 2,
Apartment No. 204.
Telephone (Home)
: (064)-3201532 ( Ismailia ).
: 012-8584513.
Marital Status
: Married.
: Two Boys and a Daughter.
(1) B.Sc. (Geology and Chemistry), Faculty of Science, Assuit University, May 1970,
(very good grade).
(2) M.Sc. (Geology), Faculty of Science, Cairo University, 1981, for a thesis entitled:”
Geology and Geochemistry of Umm Samiuki Area, Eastern Desert of Egypt.
(3) Ph.D. (Geology), Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Egypt/Nottingham
University. UK, 1986, for a thesis entitled: “Geology of Wadi Saal Area, South Sinai, Egypt."
1)- Major:
1- Geology and Petrology of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks.
2- Environmental Geology.
3- Economic Geology.
II)- Minor:
1- Petrography and Geochemistry of Igneous Rocks.
2- Geological , Geochemical and Geophysical Exploration Techniques.
1- Geological Survey of Egypt (GSE), Field Geologist, September, 1970 – November
2- GSE representative in the UNDP Project entitled " The Assessment of the Mineral Potential
of the Aswan Region", October 1970 – September, 1977.
3- Head of Field Expeditions in the Eastern Desert of Egypt (EDE); Drilling, Mapping,
Prospecting, and other field requirements, 1970 – 1977.
4- UNDP Fellowship, Kalgoorlie, Australia; 1973-1974.
Assistant Lecturer, Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Sana'a University, Yemen,
September, 1977 - 1979.
5- Lecturer, Assistant, Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Kuwait University, Kuwait;
1979 - 1981.
6- Field Geologist, GSE; 1981 – 1982.
7- Lecturer Assistant, Geology Department, Suez Canal University (SCU); 1982 – 1985
8- Ph. D. Scholarship, Nottingham University, UK; 1984 – 1985.
9- Lecturer of Geology, Economic Geology, Environmental Geology, Petrology and Petrography
of Igneous and Metamorphic rocks, Geological and Geochemical Exploration Techniques,
and Ore Mineralogy; (SCU); 1986 – 1992.
10- Associated Professor, Faculty of Science, (SCU); 1992 – 1999.
11- Professor of Environmental Geology and Geochemistry, Faculty of Science,(SCU), 1999 –
1- Member of the geologic missions of the Geological Survey of Egypt and the Egyptian Nuclear
Materials Authority, Cairo, through M. Sc. And Ph. D. Theses (still active collaboration).
2- Head of research groups from the Suez Canal University (SCU) to the different localities in
Sinai to evaluate and Exploration for Ore Deposits and carry out for other Geologic and
Environmental Studies.
3- Co-Principle Investigator (CPI) of a project entitled “ Copper Mineralization in South Sinai “
in co-operation with Boston University, USA, through the RRCU mini-linkage projects,
4- Co-Principle Investigator (CPI) of the project “ Origin of Copper Mineralization in quartz
monzonite rocks in South Sinai ”, funded by the Academy of Scientific Research and
Technology, Egypt; 1992-1994.
5- Supervising staff member of the Faculty of Science, (SCU) for the field trips of the
Undergraduate Students.
6- Secretary General Assistant and Head of the Editing Group and field trips committees for the “
Geology of Sinai and Development “ Conferences 1983, 1986, 1989, 1992, 1995 and 1998,
2001, 2004, and 2007.
7- Supervising a number of Thesis ( 13 Ph. D. and 13 M. Sc. ), the Thesis was on Sinai and
Eastern Desert of Egypt Problems.
8- Principle Investigator ( P.I ) and Co-Principle Investigator ( C.P.I. ) of 8 Scientific
Projects in the fields of Hydrogeology and Hydrogeochemistry and Applied
Environmental Aspects.
9- Published and Chaired in more than 40 Papers; Mostly on Sinai Problems.
1- Participated in teaching several undergraduate courses during the period from 1983 to date;
viz.: Earth Components, Optical Mineralogy, Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology,
Geochemistry, Crystallography and Mineralogy, Industrial Minerals and Rocks, Economic
Geology, Ore Mineralogy, Ore Microscopy Geochemical Prospecting New Techniques, and
Environmental Geology.
2- Participated also in teaching the following post-graduate courses: Advanced Mineralogy,
Advanced Petrology, Geochemistry and Instrumental Analyses.
Supervision of Scientific Dissertations:
- Thirteen M.Sc. Thesis, mostly on solving Problems in Sinai and Eastern Desert of Egypt
- Fourteen Ph.D. Thesis solving problems in Sinai and (E.D.E.).
Chief Editor of the “Geology of Sinai for Development“ Conferences, held at the
Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Ismailia.
Proceedings of the conference are abstracted in the Geological Abstracts of El-Sevier
Co., The Netherlands.
1- UNDP- Counterpart in the Aswan Region Mineral Project, 1970 – 1977.
2- Principle Investigator (P. I) of a Project entitled “ Biogeochemical Studies on Saint
Catherine Area, South Sinai.” funded by the Supreme Council of Universities, 1990
– 1992.
3- Leader Expert and Member of Exploration Project Team Looking for New
Locations and Evaluating the known Gemstone Varieties Located in the Eastern
Desert of Egypt, Funded by the Egyptian Academy of Science, Ministry of High
Education, 1990.
4- Co – Principle Investigator of a Project entitled “ Saint Catherine a National
Park” Funded by the Egyptian Ministry of Environment, 1993.
5- P.I. of Geology and Co – (P.I) of a Project entitled “ Geophysical Studies on
Locating New Drinking Water Wells in Saint Catherine Area, Funded by the
Sinai Constructing Organization, 1996.
6- P.I. and SCU representative in a Project entitled “ Geological, Geophysical and
Hydrological Studies to Locate New Water Wells for Drinking and Irrigation
Aspects at Saint Catherine and EL – Qaa Plain Areas “, Collaboration between
SCU, Ismailia Egypt and the Geosciences Department, Western Mitchigan
University (WMU), Kalamazoo, U.S.A., Funded by; US Department of State and
WMU, 2003 – 2006.
7- P.I. and SCU representative in a Project entitled “ The Possibility of Developing
the Salt Production Spots, South El – Qantara Sharque, ( Sinai ), Ismailia, 1998.
8- P. I. and SCU representative in a Project entitled “ The Possibility of Developing
the Salt Production Lakes of El – Arish, North Sinai Governerate, 1999.
9- PPD, NATO Project entitled “ Assessment and Development of Alternative
Water Resources in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt in Collaboration with the
Geosciences Department, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, USA, 2007.
Membership of Scientific Societies:
1- Member of the Geological Society of Egypt.
2- Member of the Egyptian Mineralogists.
3- Member of the Mineralogical Society of Egypt.
4- Member of the Remote Sensing Society of Egypt.
5- Egyptian Society for Environmental Science, Egypt.
1- Farouk A. Soliman ( 1989 ): The Tectonic Situation of Umm Samiuki Area,
Eastern Desert , Egypt. M.E.R.C. Ain Shams University, Earth Sc., Vol. 2,:80–90.
2- Farouk A. Soliman ( 1989 ): Geochemical and Geotectonic Investigation of
Granitic Rocks from Sinai, Egypt. Egyptian Mineralogists, Vol. 1: 55 – 61.
3- Farouk A. Soliman and Mahmoud L. Kabesh ( 1989 ): Geochemistry of Serwah –
Marib Basalt and its Bearing on the Tectonic Evolution. Yemen Arab Republic.
Egyptian Mineralogist, Vol. 1: 143 – 147.
4- Kasem Y. A and Farouk A. Soliman ( 1989 ): Analysis of Gold, Silver and
Mercury in Ores from Umm Samiuki, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Annals of the
Geological Survey of Egypt, Vol. XVI: 175 – 178.
5- Farouk A. Soliman ( 1990 ): Trace and Rare Earth Elements Geochemistry of
Metavolcanic Rocks in Wadi Zaghra – Wadi Saal Area, Southern Sinai, Egypt.
Proc. 2nd Conf. Geol. Sinai Development, Ismailia: 13 – 16.
6- Khairat, A. and Farouk A. Soliman ( 1990 ): Niobium Distribution Associated
with Alkaline Magmatism in Gebel Abu Durba Area, Southern Sinai, Egypt. The
2nd Conf. Geol. Sinai Development, Ismailia: 86 – 90.
7- Farouk A. Soliman, O. A. Kamel and E. A. Missak ( 1990 ): On the Ni–Co–Cu
Mineralization of El-Genena El-Gharbia Area, Eastern Desert, Egypt. The 8th
Symposium on Precambrian and Development, Cairo, 3 February. National
Committee of Geol. Scs.
8- Farouk A. Soliman, A. H. Rasmy and E. A. Shendi ( 1991 ): New Gold
Occurrence in El-Reigata Area, South Sinai. The 9th Symp. On Precamb. And
Develop., Cairo, 24th of February National Committee of Geol. Scs.
9- Ibrahiem H. A., Farouk A. Soliman, M. M. Hassan and M. A. El-Ghawaby ( 1992 ):
Geochemical Orientation Survey for Copper at Umm Rinna Area, Westcentral
Sinai. Al Azhar Bull. Sci.
10- Sofia Y.Afifi, Farouk A.Soliman, Ibrahim E. El-Aassy, Mohamed Y. Atawiya and
Mohamed A. El-Ghawaby (1992):.Geochemical and Mineraloical characteristics
of the lower carboniferous rocks,Wadi Nasib Area,Southwest Sinai,Egypt.The
Mineralogical society of Egypt. The fifth annual meeting: 26-27.
11- FaruokA.Soliman (1992):.Minor and Trace Elements Distribution of some
Grnitoid rocks from Wadi Sidud Area, South Sinai, Egypt. Egyptian Mineralogist.
12- Sofia Y. Afifi, Ibrahim E.El-Assawy, Farouk A.soliman, Mohamed Y. Attawiya and
Mohmaed A. El-Ghawaby (1992):.Uranium and Thorium Distribution in Um Bogma
Formation, Southwest Sinai. Proc.3rd Con. Geol. Sinai Devalop, Ismailia: 217-222.
13- Farouk A.Soliman, and Adel A.Ramadan (1993): Mineral pollution and plant
Indicator in some localities, South Sinai,Egypt. Proc. 1st Conf., EgyptianHungarian. Env. Egypt: 79-87.
14- Farouk A.Soliman, Mostafa H.Hashad and Samia K.Ibrahim (1995):.Geological and
Geochemical Characteristics of The Intrusive Rocks of Wadi Hurkus-Elwet ElAgramia Area, South Sinai, Egypt Proc.4th Conf. Geol. Sinai Develop., Ismailia: 5972.
15- Farouk A.Soliman, and Abdel Azim M. Mehanna (1995): On the Dykes, Dyke
Sawarms and Clastic Dykes of Basement Rocks of South Sinai, Egypt. Proc. 4th
Conf. Geol. Sinai Develop., Ismailia: 46-58
16- Farouk A. Soliman and EL Arabi H. Shendi ( 1995 ): Geological and Geophysical
Prospecting for Gold Mineralization at Wadi Saad, South Sinai. The 11th Sympo.
on Precambrian and Development. The Academy of Science and Technology,
National Committee of Geological Sciences, 21.
17- Farouk A. Soliman, Ibrahim H. Ahmed, Gunter Matheis and Mahmoud M. Hassan (
1996 ): Geochemical Characteristics of the Metavolcanic Rocks Hosted
Volcanogenic Sulphide Mineralization at Wadi Kid Area, South Sinai. Al-Azhar
Bull. Sci. Vol. 7, No. 2(Dec.): 1755 – 1775.
18- Farouk A. Soliman ( 1996 ): Geology of Wadi Tarfa – Wadi Isla Region, South
Sinai, Egypt. M. E.R.C., Ain Shams Univ., Earth Sci. Ser., Vol. 10: 214 – 228.
19- Farouk A. Soliman ( 1997 ): Contribution to the Geology and Geochemistry of
the Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks of the Shgarate Area, South Sinai, Egypt. M.E.R.C.,
Ain Shams Univ. Earth Sci. Ser., Vol. 11.
20- Mahmoud F. El Ramly, Farouk A. Soliman, Amal H. Rasmy and Maher A. Abu El
Farh ( 1997 ):Petrographic and Geochemical Characteristics of the Island Arc
Metavolcanic Rocks in the Area between Wadi Graf and Wadi Um Khariga,
Central Eastern Desert of Egypt. Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt.
21- Farouk A. Soliman, Ibrahi H. Khalifa, Mahmoud M. Hassan and Guter Matheis (
1998 ): On the Igneous Rocks of Wadi Rofaiyed-Wadi Talaa Area, South Sinai:
Their Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Minerals Chemistry. Proc. 5th Conf. Geol.
Sinai Development, St. Catherine, 27 – 30 October, 1998.
22- Farouk A. Soliman and Abdel Aziem M. Mehanna ( 1998 ): Geology and
Geochemistry of west Wadi Hebran Area, Southwest Sinai, Egypt. Proc. 5th Conf.
geol. Sinai Develop., St. Catherine, 27 – 30 October, 1998.
23- Farouk A. Soliman, Imbarak S. Hassan and T. Szaderkenyi ( 1998 ): Geochemistry,
Topology and Origin of Wadi Akhdar Granitoids, Central South Sinai, Egypt.
Proc. 5th Conf. Geol. Sinai Develop., St. Catherine, 27 – 30 October, 1998.
24- Moustafa H. Hashad, Farouk A. Soliman, and Mohamed Z. El-Bialy ( 1998 ):
Geology of the Basement Rocks of Abu Durba – Abu Haswa Area, Southwest
Sinai, Egypt. Proc. 5th Conf. Geol. Sinai Develop., St. Catherine, 27 – 30 October
25- El Rayes, A. Farouk A. Soliman, Kehew, E. Alan, and El Shamy, I. ( 2000 ):
Hydrogeochemical Exploration for Sulphide Mineralization: Application in the
Arabo-Nubian Shield, Sinai, Egypt. Journal of Environmental Research, Zagazig
Univ., Egypt.
26- El-Rayes, A. E., Farouk Soliman, Kehew, E. and El Shamy I. ( 2001 ):
Hydrogeochemical Exploration for Sulphide Mineralization: Application in the
Arabo – Nubian Shield, Sinai, Egypt. Proc. XXXI. Cong. IAH., Mnich.
27- El-Amawy, M, Watait, Mehanna Abdel Aziem and Farouk A. Soliman ( 2003 ):
Geology, Opaque Mineralogy and Structural Evolution of the Basement Rocks of
Imlig Area, Southwestern Sinai, Egypt. Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt.
28- Mamoun, Kh., Farouk A. Soliman, Shendi E. H., Khalil, s. and Nakagwa ( 2004 ):
Integrated Geophysical Exploration for Sulphide Mineralization in Wadi Saal,
South Sinai, Egypt. Journal of Geosciences, Osaka CityUniversity, Japan, Vol. 47,
Art. 10: 113 – 126.
29- Khalifa, I. H., Farouk A. Soliman, Ibrahim, S. K. and El Bialy, M. Z. ( 2004 ):
Petrologic and Petrographical Characteristics of Old Granites in South Sinai.
Proc. 7th Conf. Sinai Geol. Develop., Ismailia, 11 Deccember, 2004.
30- Imbarak S. H., Ibrahiem Kh., Farouk A. Soliman and Elemer ( 2004 ): The
Geological History, Evolution and Magma Sources of the Late Precambrian
Rocks at Nuweiba Area, West Gulf of Aqaba, South Sinai, Egypt. Proc. 7th Conf.
Sinai Geol. Develop., Ismailia, 11 December, 2004.
31- Sauck, W. A., Kehew, A., Farouk A. Soliman and Mesbah, M. ( 2005 ): Basin
Definition with Gravity and Resistivity (VES) in the Central El-Qaa Plain, South
Sinai, Egypt. Conf. “ General Assembly of thhe Eurpean Geosciences Union “.
32- Imbarak S. Hassan and Farouk A. Soliman ( 2006): Geo-indicators: Tools for
Assessing Rapid Environmental Changes, ( Human Impacts to Geological Processes ),
Sinai, Egypt. Egyptian Society for Environmental Science, the first International
Confrence, Ismailia, Egypt, 18 – 19 June, 2006.
33- A. E. Kehew, A. M. Milewske and Frouk Soliman ( 2007 ): Reconstructing an
Extreme Flood from Boulder Transport: Wadi Isla, South Sinai, Egypt. 4th
International Palaeoflood Workshop, Crete, Greece, 2007.
34- . Becker, D. B., Sultan, M., Becker, R., Milewski, A.,Soliman, F., Abdeldayem, A.,
W., and Rashed M. ( 2007 ): An Integrated Approach for the Assessment of the
Renewable Ground Water Resourcesof Sinai, Egypt. The Geological Society of
America, Denver Annual Meeting (28 – 31 October 2007 ), Denver Colorado.
35- Mohamed A. Rashed, William Sauck and Farouk A Soliman ( 2007 ): Geophysical
Portrayal of El – Qaa Plain, south Sinai, Egypt. The 8th Conference “ Geology of
Sinai for Development “ Ismailia, 3 December 2007.
36- Soliman, F. A; Ibrahim, m. Abd el Wahed A. A and Mahmoud,M.A.M ( 2008 ):
Mineralogical and Geochemical Studies of the Muscovite Granites at Wadi El Gemal
area, South Eeastern Desert, Egypt ( in press )..
37- Mahmoud, M.A.M; Ibrahim, M.A ; Soliman, F. A; and Khaleal, F.M. ( 2008 )
Geologic and Radiometric studies of Muscovite Granites at wadi El- Gemal area,
South Eastern Desert, Egypt ( in press ).
38- Adam Milewiski, Mohamed Sultan, Eugene Yan, Richard Becker, Ahmed
Abdeldayem, Farouk Soliman, and Kamil Abdel Gelil ( 2008 ) Remote Sensing
Solutions for Estimating Runoff and Recharge in Arid Environments.
39- El-Ghazalawi, W. S, Mostafa, M. S., Ibrahim, M. A., and Soliman, F. A. M.( 2009
):.Structural elements configuring Nugrus Sikait area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt.
Accepted paper, Faculty of Science, Menofia, University Journal of Science ( in press