Challenge 81: `Millennium`

Challenge 65: ‘Age Old Problems.’
Possible strategies:
 Mark multiples of different numbers (or square numbers, cube numbers etc.) on
a 100 square in different colours.
 Work systematically from the beginning to spot a pair of numbers which meet
the criteria.
 Alternatively, use lists of times tables and spot pairs of consecutive numbers
which meet the criteria.
 100 square.
 Times tables lists.
 Set similar problems using
easier multiples, e.g. my age this
year is a multiple of 2. Next
year it will be a multiple of 5.
How old am I?
 This year my age is a prime
number. Next year my age is a
multiple of 4. How old could I
be? (11, or 3, or 7, or…)
 This year my age is a multiple of
19. Last year my age was a
multiple of 7. How old am I?
Related problems:
 Challenge 42: ‘Stickers’.
 Challenge 66: ‘Zids and Zods’.
Problem Solving
Suffolk Advisory Service