REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA COUNCIL OF MINISTERS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRAFT DECISION COUNCIL OF MINISTERS on approval the “Regulation on Bottles as measuring containers” According to Article 35, item 3 of Law on Measurements No…, data…/…/200…. with the aim of performing fear trade, the protection of consumers from defectives bottles as measuring instruments , the implementation of EU directive 75 /107/ EEC, concerning bottles as measuring containers, diminution of technical barriers to free trade and with proposal of the Minister of Economy, Trade and Energy, Council of the Ministers DECIDES 1.To approve the “Regulation on bottles as measuring containers ” enclosed (herewith) , where are specified: -Bottles that are legally controlled -Metrological requirements for bottles as measuring containers -Reference method for control of net volume of bottles - Inscriptions and marks placed on bottles as measuring containers 2. Based on Part VI , article 47, of Law on Measurements authorised organ DPM, shall organise and through his responsible structure (competent department), shall perform the metrological supervision of produced, imported or offered for sale of bottles as measuring containers, in accordance with provisions of this Regulation. 3. Producers or importers of bottles as measuring containers who start their activity after the coming into force of this Decision, are obligated to adopt the requirements of this “ Regulation on bottles as measuring containers ” and others sub-legal acts concerning issued for implementation of law of Measurements. 4. Producers or importers who have existing activity on bottles as measuring containers are obligated within 6 months to meet requirements of this “Regulation on bottles as measuring containers: and others sub-legal acts concerning issued for implementation of law of Measurements 5. Responsible structure for protection of consumers shall coordinate the activities of the public structures for market surveillance and local power , to not allow that defective bottles as measuring containers placed in the market and to coordinate the activities for continuous sensitivity and information of business and consumers on the implementation of this Decision. This Decision comes into force data …./ / 200 : PRIME MINISTER DRAFT REGULATION on “ BOTTLES AS MEASURING CONTAINERS” Part I GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.This Regulation specifies: 1.1.Bottles that are legally controlled 1.2.Metrological requirements for bottles as measuring containers 1.3.Reference method for control of net volume of bottles 1.4.Inscriptions and marks placed on bottles as measuring containers Part II BOTTLES THAT ARE LEGALLY CONTROLLED 2.1. This Regulation shall apply to the packages intended to be used as measuring containers of the liquids’ volume enclosed , further called “bottles”, with nominal volume from 50 ml to 5 l inclusive , made of glass or any other substance having such rigidity and stability that it offers the same metrological guarantees as glass, when such containers: 2.1.1.are stopped or designed to be stopped and are intended for the storage, transport or delivery of liquids; 2.1.2.have metrological characteristics (design characteristics and uniformity of manufacture) such that they can be used as measuring containers with accuracy that meets the requirements to the net quantity specified by G.D. on Pre-packages in the “Regulation on Pre-packages”. Part III METROLOGICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR BOTTLES AS MEASURING CONTAINERS 3.1 The nominal capacity, the brim capacity and the actual capacity of a bottle shall be determined at a temperature of 20 C. 3.2 1. The measuring container bottles shall be filled: a constant level corresponding to the theoretical filling level for the nominal capacity; a constant vacuity corresponding to the difference between the brim capacity and the nominal capacity. 3.2.2. All bottles of the same design, size and nominal capacity shall have: a. a perceptibly constant difference between the theoretical filling level for the nominal capacity and the brim level; b. a perceptibly constant difference between the brim capacity and the nominal capacity, known as the volume of expansion or vacuity. 3.3.1. The bottles shall be manufactured so that the difference between the actual capacity and the indicated nominal capacity shall not exceed the maximum permissible error. 3.3.2. The maximum permissible error referred to in item 3.3.1, positive or negative, shall be in accordance with Annex 1. 3.3.3 The maximum permissible error in the indicated brim capacity of a bottle shall be the same as the maximum permissible error in the corresponding nominal capacity. 3.3.4. The bottles meeting the requirements referred to in item 3.3.1, shall be marked with the sign provided for in Part V and can be used as measuring containers. 3.4. Bottle producers shall ensure the conformity of their capacity with the requirements of items 3.3 , by performing production statistical checking. 3.5. In bottle production the systematic exploitation of tolerances shall be prohibited. PART IV REFERENCE METHOD FOR CONTROL OF NET VOLUME OF BOTTLES. A. The requirements to the methods and measuring instruments used for determining the actual capacity of bottles 4.1.1. The actual capacity of bottles shall be checked by determining the quantity of water of a known density filled to the level theoretically corresponding to the nominal capacity. 4.1.2. The quantity of water filled shall be determined by weighing at 20 C. 4.1.3. The actual capacity of bottles may also be checked indirectly. 4.2.1. In checking the actual capacity of bottles the uncertainty of measurement shall not exceed 1/5 of the maximum permissible error for the corresponding nominal capacity. 4.2.2. General Directorate of Metrology shall publish in its official bulletin recommended values for the metrological characteristics of the measuring instruments used for checking the actual capacity of bottles. 4.3. The measuring instruments used for checking the actual capacity of bottles shall be suitable and verified by appropriate organs of GDM, and bear valid marks certifying this control 4.4. Bottle producers shall store the measuring instruments’ documentation certifying that they meet the requirements of this Part. B.The criteria and methods for control of the actual capacity of bottles 4.5. 1 The control on bottles shall be performed by: a.Bottle producers; b.General Directorate of Metrology on carrying out metrological supervision under the Law on Measurements. 4.5.2. General Directorate of Metrology method laid down in Annex 2. shall carry out this control by the reference 4.6.1. Bottle producers shall carry out production statistical checking on each batch. 4.6.2. The actual capacity control criteria include the deviation from: a. the sum of the nominal capacity of a bottle and the corresponding maximum permissible error specified; b. the difference between the nominal capacity of a bottle and the corresponding maximum permissible error specified. 4.7.1. Bottle producers shall decide upon the checking method to be employed and shall organize the checking procedure in such a manner as to ensure that their batches meet the requirements to the actual capacity of bottles referred to items 3.3. 4.7.2. Producers shall determine, depending on the checking results, the size of the inspection batch and the size and frequency of drawing samples. 4.8.1. Bottle producers shall document and keep records of the conducted themselves checking. 4.8.2. The check records shall certify that these checks, together with the corrections and adjustments which they have shown to be necessary, ensure that only bottles meeting the requirements to their actual capacity are put on the market. 4.9. Bottle producers shall keep checking documentation that shall include: 4.9.1.a description of the checking method applied; 4.9.2.records of the measurements and of the results’ processing and checking; for corrective actions taken where nonconformity of the actual capacity of bottles with the specified requirements is established; 4.9.4.other records that show the observance of the checking method described . 4.10. Bottle importers shall keep documentation on the checking of imported batches certifying the conformity of the actual capacity of bottles with the specified requirements. 4.11.1. The records referred to items 4.9 shall be drawn up precisely, clearly, unambiguously and impartially. 4.11.2. The records referred to items 4.9, shall be kept on a carrier that enables their reliable storage and opportunity to be accessible, easily legible and comprehensible. 4.11.3. The records referred to items 4.9, and 4.10 shall be kept chronologically for not less than one year from the date of the checking’s carrying out. PART V INSCRIPTIONS AND MARKS PLACED ON BOTTLES AS MEASURNG CONTAINERS A.The rules for affixing of inscriptions on bottles, 5. 1. Bottles shall bear the inscriptions provided by Article 36, item 1 of the Law on Measurements. 5.2. All inscriptions on the bottles shall be affixed in such a manner as to be indelible, easily legible, and visible in normal conditions of presentation. 5.3. 1. A bottle shall bear on its side, on the bottom rim or on the bottom: a).an indication of its nominal capacity in figures: 1).at least 6 mm high if the nominal capacity is greater than 1 l; 2).4 mm high if it is from 1 l down to but not including 200 ml; 3).3 mm high if it is not more than 200 ml,followed by the symbol for the unit of measurement used. b).the producer’s identifying mark; c).the sign “З” (reversed epsilon) certifying that the actual capacity of a bottle meets the requirements specified. It shall be at least 3 mm high and have the form, graphical representation shown in Annex 3. 5.3.2. A bottle shall bear on the bottom or on the bottom rim, according to the method or methods of filling for which it is intended: a).an indication of the brim capacity expressed in centilitres and not followed by the symbol cl; b).and/or an indication of the distance in millimeters from the brim level to the filling level corresponding to the nominal capacity, followed by the symbol mm. 5.3.3. The indications referred to in item 5.3.2 shall be affixed in figures of the height specified in item 5.3.1.a. in such a manner as to avoid confusion with the indications under items 5.3.1. 5.3.4. The nominal capacity of a bottle shall be expressed: a).in litres if it is greater or equal to one litre; b).in millilitres or centilitres if it is less than one litre. 5.3.5. Other indications may appear on the bottle provided they do not rise to confusion with the indications referred to in items 5.3.1 and 5.3.2. B.The form and graphical presentation of the mark for conformity of the actual capacity of bottles with the specified requirements 5.3.6.The form and graphical presentation of the mark for conformity mast be conform Annex 3 ADDITIONAL PROVISION A.P. 1. To the effect of this Regulation a “maximum permissible error” is the maximum deviation that is allowed for the actual capacity of a bottle to be different from the indicated nominal capacity. FINAL PROVISIONS F.P. 1. This Regulation is issued by virtue of Article 36, item 3 of the Law on Measurements. F.P.2. This Regulation shall enter into force from ….. Annex No 1 MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE ERRORS Nominal capacity (Vn) in millilitres from 50 to 100 from 100 to 200 from 200 to 300 from 300 to 500 from 500 to 1 000 from 1 000 to 5 000 Maximum permissible error as % of Vn in ml 3 2 1 3 6 10 - The values of the maximum permissible errors shown as percentages in the table, if calculated in units of volume, shall be rounded up to the nearest one-tenth of a millilitre. Annex No 2 REFERENCE METHOD FOR SAMPLING (STATISTICAL) CHECKING OF THE ACTUAL CAPACITY OF BOTTLES The inspection batch shall comprise bottles of the same design and size, nominal capacity, material and manufacture. The size of the inspection batch shall be determined by the hour’s production. A random sample shall be drawn from the batch and the actual capacity of each bottle shall be measured. The actual capacity shall be measured by weighing at 20 C. The bottles shall be weighed empty, then filled with water at 20 C of a known density, up to the filling level appropriate to the method of checking used. They shall be then weighed in full. The average of the actual capacities of the bottles measured shall be calculated and then estimated by one of the following statistical methods: 1. the standard deviation method; 2. the average range method. The number of bottles constituting the sample shall be 35 or 40, depending on which of the two methods has been chosen. If the result of the check of a batch corresponding to an hour’s production is not satisfactory, a second test can be carried out, based on another sample from a batch corresponding to a longer period of production or the results recorded on the manufacturer’s check-cards can be checked instead. Checking the actual capacities of bottles by estimating the average of the actual capacities of the bottles in the sample using the standard deviation method A random sample of 35 bottles shall be drawn. The actual capacities xi of the bottles in the sample shall be measured. Calculate as follows: 1. the mean value х of the actual capacities xi of the bottles in the sample; 2. the standard deviation “s”; 3. the upper permissible limit Ts of the actual capacity; 4. the lower permissible limit Ti of the actual capacity. The batch shall be declared to comply with the requirements to the actual capacity if it satisfies simultaneously the following three acceptance criteria: х + k.s Ts х - k.s Ti s F(Ts - Ti ) (1) (2) (3) where: k = 1,57 F = 0,266 Calculations 1. The mean value х of the actual capacities xi of the bottles in the sample Calculate as follows: - the sum of the actual capacity measurements xi by the formula х хi - the mean value х of the actual capacities of the bottles by the formula хi х 35 2. The standard deviation “s” The estimated standard deviation is calculated by the formula: S= 1 n . n 1 i 1 2 xi - x ) 3. The upper permissible limit Ts of the actual capacity It is calculated as the sum of the indicated capacity and of the maximum permissible error corresponding to this capacity. 4. The lower permissible limit Ti of the actual capacity It is calculated as the difference between the indicated capacity and of the maximum permissible error corresponding to this capacity. Checking the actual capacities of bottles by estimating the average of the actual capacities of the bottles in the sample using the average range method A random sample of 40 bottles shall be drawn. The actual capacities x i of the bottles in the sample shall be measured. Calculate as follows: 1. the mean value х of the actual capacities xi of the bottles in the sample; 2. the average range R of the actual capacities of the bottles in the sample; 3. the upper permissible limit Ts of the actual capacity; 4. the lower permissible limit Ti of the actual capacity. The batch shall be declared to comply with the requirements to the actual capacity if it satisfies simultaneously the following three acceptance criteria: х + k-. R ≤ Т s (1) х - k-. R ≥ Тi (2) R ≤ F- ( Т s - Т i ) (3) where k- = 0,668 F- = 0, 628 Calculations 1. The mean value х of the actual capacities xi of the bottles in the sample Calculate as follows: - the sum of the actual capacity measurements xi by the formula х хi the mean value х of the actual capacities of the bottles by the formula хi х 40 2. The average range R of the actual capacities of the bottles in the sample Divide the sample, in chronological order of selection, into eight sub-samples of five bottles each. - Calculate as follows: - the range of each of the sub-samples, i.e. the difference between the actual capacity of the largest and the smallest of the five bottles in the sub-sample; eight ranges are thus obtained: R1, R2, R3…R8 ; - the sum of the ranges of the eight sub-samples: R R1+ R2+ R3+…+ R8 The average range R is then calculated by the formula: R R i 8 3. The upper permissible limit Ts of the actual capacity It is calculated as the sum of the indicated capacity and of the maximum permissible error corresponding to this capacity. 4. The lower permissible limit Ti of the actual capacity It is calculated as the difference between the indicated capacity and of the maximum permissible error corresponding to this capacity. The “k” and “F” coefficients applied by the standard deviation method as well as the kand F- coefficients applied by the average range method correspond to the ones specified in BDS 11052-82 for statistical acceptance sampling. Annex No 3 ”3” SIGN FOR CONFORMITY OF THE ACTUAL CAPACITIES OF BOTTLES WITH THE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED The sign is a stylized letter epsilon symmetrically reversed towards the vertical axis.