Test 2

Assessment Builder - Printer Friendly Version
Magnets A and B are of equal magnetic strength. In which position will magnets A and
B have the greatest attractive force toward each other?
The illustration below shows a student approaching the door to a building.
Which two simple machines are being used to enable the student to reach the door?
(1) inclined plane and pulley
(2) lever and wheel-and-axle
(3) pulley and lever
(4) wheel-and-axle and inclined plane
Which graph correctly shows the effect of heat energy on the motion of molecules of
The tiny particles that make up all matter are called
(1) genes
(2) atoms
(3) minerals
(4) cells
The diagram below shows a spring scale being used to weigh a 100-gram mass.
Which diagram best represents the correct reading for the same spring scale being
used to weigh a 200-gram mass?
The diagram below shows the relative wavelengths for several types of
electromagnetic energy.
Which type of electromagnetic energy has a shorter wavelength than ultraviolet
(1) visible light
(2) microwaves
(3) x rays
(4) infrared light
Plastic is used to cover the copper wires in the power cords of appliances because
plastic differs from copper in
(1) density
(2) hardness
(3) phase at room temperature
(4) electrical conductivity
Which energy source is considered a nonrenewable resource?
(1) solar
(2) wind
(3) moving water
(4) fossil fuel
A television set changes electrical energy to sound and light energy. In this process,
some energy is
(1) created
(2) destroyed
(3) changed to matter
(4) changed to heat
When a person breathes, the lungs absorb oxygen, which is used by cells to carry out
the process of
(1) respiration
(2) secretion
(3) photosynthesis
(4) excretion
Running is an activity that causes the cells in the muscular system to use oxygen at a
faster rate. Which system responds by delivering more oxygen to these cells?
(1) digestive
(2) nervous
(3) circulatory
(4) endocrine
The cross section below shows sedimentary rock layers containing fossils.
Assuming that these rock layers have not been overturned, which fossil is in the layer
that was formed most recently?
The diagram below shows how a frog develops. A fertilized egg hatches into a tadpole
with gills. The tadpole develops legs and lungs and becomes an adult frog.
What is the term for this series of changes during the life cycle of the frog?
(1) fertilization
(2) reproduction
(3) mutation
(4) metamorphosis
Base your answers to the following questions on the diagram below and on your
knowledge of science. The diagram represents a pond community containing a variety
of plants and animals.
Why are the fish able to survive in the pond?
(1) The fish use carbon dioxide produced by the plants.
(2) The fish use oxygen produced by the plants.
(3) The plants use oxygen produced by the fish.
(4) The plants use chlorophyll produced by the fish.
The main source of energy for this pond community is the
(1) plants
(2) Sun
(3) pond water
(4) animals
A new variety of tomato is better tasting and can be stored longer than other tomato
varieties. This new tomato is produced by placing additional gene segments into the
cells of the tomato plant. This process is known as
(1) genetic engineering
(2) selective breeding
(3) natural selection
(4) sexual reproduction
Which human body systems are directly involved in reflex actions, such as knee jerk,
blinking, and jumping when startled?
(1) circulatory and respiratory
(2) digestive and excretory
(3) nervous and muscular
(4) reproductive and skeletal
In a one-celled organism, cell division is responsible for
(1) growth and maintenance
(2) sexual reproduction
(3) asexual reproduction
(4) production of sex cells
In which human body system are hormones produced?
(1) respiratory
(2) endocrine
(3) nervous
(4) digestive
Base your answers to the following questions on the food web below and your
knowledge of science.
What is the role of the foxes in this food web?
(1) carnivore
(2) decomposer
(3) herbivore
(4) producer
Which organisms in this food web are omnivores?
(1) birds
(2) carrots
(3) grasshoppers
(4) rabbits
Which statement would be true if the owl population disappeared?
(1) The mouse population would increase.
(2) The carrot population would increase.
(3) The fox population would decrease.
(4) The rabbit population would decrease.
A new yeast cell is sometimes produced from a single parent by a process called
budding. The process of budding is best described as
(1) sexual reproduction, with genetically identical offspring
(2) sexual reproduction, with genetically different offspring
(3) asexual reproduction, with genetically identical offspring
(4) asexual reproduction, with genetically different offspring
When do organs begin to develop in humans?
(1) in the sperm cell before fertilization
(2) before fertilization and after birth
(3) in the egg cell after fertilization
(4) after fertilization and before birth
The vast variety of different traits found in humans results from
(1) intensive training and education
(2) sexual reproduction and mutations
(3) exercise and conditioning
(4) birth defects and recessive genes
Which body system is responsible for the elimination of liquid and gaseous wastes?
(1) nervous
(2) skeletal
(3) excretory
(4) digestive
Which factor has the least effect on a person’s metabolism?
(1) exercise
(3) intelligence
(2) hormones
(4) diet
Base your answers to the following questions on the cross section below and on your
knowledge of science. The cross section shows the heat flow and movement of some
material within Earth, causing sections of Earth’s crust (plates) to move.
How does the temperature of Earth’s crust compare to the temperature of Earth’s
interior? [1]
Name two geologic features or events that might result from the movement of crustal
plates. [2]
(1) ______________________________________________________________________
How does the thickness of Earth’s oceanic crust compare to the thickness of the
continental crust? [1]
Base your answers to the following questions on the graph below and on the data
table. The graph shows the amounts of three solid solutes that will dissolve in 100
grams of water at various temperatures.
Using the graphed data, describe the relationship between the temperature of the
water and the amount of solute that will dissolve. [1]
The data table shows the solubility of a fourth solid solute, KBr, in 100 grams of water
at various temperatures.
Solubility of KBr
of Water (ºC)
Grams of KBr Solute
That Will Dissolve in
100 Grams of Water
Using the data in the table, construct a line graph on the grid below to illustrate the
solubility of KBr.
Follow the directions below.
a Use an X to plot the location of each point on the data table. [1]
b Connect the Xs with a line. [1]
c Label this line KBr. [1]
Base your answers to the following questions on the map below and on your
knowledge of science. The map shows earthquake activity in and around the United
States. Earthquake activity is indicated by dots.
State one reason that there are more earthquakes in the western section of the area
shown on the map. [1]
According to the map, what is the latitude and longitude of the location at letter X?
[Your answer must include a value, unit, and direction for each.] [2]
Longitude: _____________
List two actions that residents of the west coast might include in an earthquake
emergency preparedness plan. [2]
Base your answers to the following questions on the diagram below. The diagram
shows Earth’s revolutionaround the Sun as viewed from space. Positions A, B, C, and
D represent the beginning of each season on Earth.
State one reason that Earth has seasons. [1]
If Earth were at position D, how much time would it take to return to position D? [1]
Which season begins in the Northern Hemisphere when Earth is at position A? [1]
The diagram below uses letters A, B, C, and D to represent processes occurring in a
water cycle.
In the chart below, identify the process that is occurring at each letter in the diagram.
Select the process from the list below. [2]
Process That Is Occuring
A student is given a mixture of salt, sand, and iron filings. Explain two laboratory
methods that the student could use to physically separate some of these substances.
In the diagram below, the letters A, B, and C represent three identical satellites and
their relative distances from Earth as seen from space.
a Which satellite would experience the strongest pull of Earth’s gravity? [1]
b State a scientific principle that explains your answer in part a. [1]
c Predict what might happen to satellite B if the forces acting on it become
unbalanced. [1]
The Punnet square below represents the result of the cross between two tall pea
plants. All of the resulting offspring were tall.
Identify two offspring from the Punnet square that could produce short pea plants if
they were crossed.
Explain your answer. [2]
The table below provides some information about common plant cell structures and
their functions. In the table, there are three blank spaces. Fill in the three blank spaces
by writing the name of the plant cell structure that performs the function described. [3]
Plant Cell Structures and Their Functions
Plant Cell Structure
Cell membrane
Allows substances to enter and leave the cell
Directs the cell's activities including
Captures energy from sunlight to make food
Protects and supports the cells
Allows the movement of materials around the
and supports other cell structures
Stores food, water, and waste
Base your answers to the following questions on the information below and on your
knowledge of science.
A company built a paper plant on 90 acres of land in a local community. The company
employs 800 people and uses local timber to make the paper.
a Describe a situation that might harm the environment as the company operates its
paper plant. [1]
b Describe a way that the company might prevent this damage to the environment in
the future. [1]
What is the term given to the substances produced by the paper industry that are
harmful to organisms? [1]
In 1990, there was just one farmhouse on a square kilometer of land. The land was sold
to a developer who planned to build a total of 20 houses. While some of the houses
were being built, a scientist collected the data in the table below.
Number of
per km2
Number of
per km2
a The last four houses were built in the year 2000. Based on the data in the table,
predict what happened to the number of rabbits in the year 2000. [1]
bExplain how you arrived at this prediction. [1]
Base your answers to the following questions on the diagram below and on your
knowledge of science. The diagram shows a model of sexual reproduction. The lines in
each cell represent genetic material (chromosomes).
Which letter in the diagram represents a female sex cell? [1] ______________________
Which process is occurring at C? [1]
What evidence in the diagram shows that sexual reproduction occurred? [1]
Base your answers to the following questions on the chart below and on your
knowledge of science. Each food in the chart is a particularly good source of the
nutrient listed.
Food Source
orange juice
olive oil
Which nutrient listed in the chart is primarily responsible for growth and repair in the
human body? [1]
Which food source listed in the chart would provide a quick source of energy for the
cells of the body? [1]
The diagram below shows the rock cycle in Earth’s crust. Use this rock cycle diagram
to fill in the rock types and method of formation that have been left blank in the chart
below. [3]
Rock Type
Method of Formation
melting and solidification
depostion, compaction, and
The items listed below were found in a science classroom.
• a heart made of plastic with many of its parts labeled
• clay formed to look like Earth and other planets
• a giant plastic plant cell with removable cell parts
These items are all examples of
(1) models
(2) experiments
(3) variables
(4) controls
What is the main function of the circulatory system?
(1) secrete enzymes
(2) digest proteins
(3) produce hormones
(4) transport materials
Infectious diseases are caused by
(1) allergies
(2) vitamin deficiencies
(3) chemical spills
(4) microorganisms
If a species is no longer able to reproduce, it will
(1) adapt to its environment
(2) become immune to disease
(3) become extinct
(4) increase its population
The diagram below represents a magnified view of an air sac in the human lung. The
white arrows indicate blood flow.
Which two systems are interacting in this diagram?
(1) skeletal and muscular
(2) nervous and endocrine
(3) reproductive and digestive
(4) respiratory and circulatory
The diagram below represents a bean seed that has been cut in half to show its
various structures.
Which letter represents the stored food that the new plant will use for early
(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) D
Base your answers to the following questions on the drawings of bird feet and the
dichotomous key below.
Bird B is correctly identified as
(1) a cormorant
(2) a duck
(3) an eagle
(4) a jacana
What is a common feature of both the eagle and the kingfisher?
(1) claws large
(2) claws curved
(3) three toes webbed together
(4) four toes webbed together
Which graph best represents the relationship between the amount of pollutants in the
air and the quality of the air?
The eyes of the owl and the rabbit shown in the diagram below give each animal a
different advantage. The front-facing owl eyes allow the bird to accurately judge
distance when swooping in on prey. The side-facing rabbit eyes allow the animal to
detect the motion of possible predators.
The specialized eye types of these animals are examples of
(1) disruptions of the natural balance
(2) the interdependence of living things
(3) adaptations for survival under certain conditions
(4) involuntary responses to stimuli
Which disease is a result of abnormal cell division?
(1) AIDS
(2) cancer
(3) chicken pox
(4) common cold
The energy obtained from food is measured in units called
(1) watts
(2) Calories
(3) degrees
(4) pounds
The diagram below shows a student making a wet-mount slide.
Why should the student make sure the edge of the coverslip touches the drop of water
before setting the coverslip onto the slide?
(1) to increase evaporation
(2) to reduce air bubbles
(3) to clean the slide
(4) to prevent the coverslip from breaking
Beaver dams can cause floods.
This statement shows how
(1) animal growth is affected by environmental conditions
(2) animal behavior may affect the environment
(3) an animal’s health depends on its environment
(4) an animal’s development depends on its environment
Base your answers to the following questions on the diagram below. The diagram
shows the offspring of a white mouse and a gray mouse. All of the offspring are gray.
Which is a correct gene combination for the parents shown in the diagram?
(1) GG × GG
(2) gg × gg
(3) gg × GG
(4) Gg × Gg
If two gray (Gg) mice mated, what percent of their offspring would have pure white
(1) 25%
(2) 50%
(3) 75%
(4) 100%
The diagrams below show the plant communities present in the same area at different
times over a 200-year period following a forest fire.
What is the correct sequence of these plant communities following the forest fire?
(1) B → A → D → C
(2) B → C → D → A
(3) B → D → C → A
(4) B → A → C → D
Base your answers to the following questions on the diagram below and on your
knowledge of science. The diagram below shows some relationships within a natural
Which statement best explains the relationships shown?
(1) Water changes over time to a nonrenewable resource.
(2) Living things exchange materials with their environment.
(3) Minerals recycle the dead materials in the environment.
(4) Living things produce other living things.
Which process produces oxygen that is released into the atmosphere?
(1) respiration
(2) locomotion
(3) excretion
(4) photosynthesis
The weather map below shows the locations of a warm and a cold front over part of
North America.
The numbered lines on the weather map connect locations with the same
(1) wind direction
(2) wind speed
(3) air temperature
(4) air pressure
Which graph best represents the relative distance between the particles of most
substances in their solid, liquid, and gas states?
Which scientific model could be used to predict the properties of an element?
(1) closed loop system
(2) Punnett square
(3) Periodic Table
(4) water cycle chart
Base your answers to the following questions on the chart below, which shows
various data collected and predicted for Albany, New York, on March 9, 2001.
The chart shows information about Moon phases, times of sunrise and sunset, and
(1) climate patterns
(2) local weather conditions
(3) seasonal changes
(4) global warming
Which diagram correctly shows the position of the Moon with respect to Earth on
March 9, 2001?
Which instrument dial shows a correct airpressure reading for Albany, New York, for
this date and time?
The diagram below shows a ball held in place by two blocks. The diameter (width) of
the ball is shown between the two blocks.
What is the diameter of the ball?
(1) 6.0 cm
(2) 8.0 cm
(3) 14.0 cm
(4) 17.0 cm
The diagram below shows Earth as viewed from space.
Which season is occurring in the Northern Hemisphere?
(1) summer
(2) autumn
(3) winter
(4) spring
A chemical property of a mineral is evident if the mineral
(1) breaks easily when struck with a hammer
(2) bubbles when acid is placed on it
(3) is easily scratched by a fingernail
(4) reflects light from its surface
The bold line on the map below shows the San Andreas Fault.
The San Andreas Fault is the result of
(1) overpopulation
(2) a large glacier
(3) weathering and erosion
(4) crustal plate movement
Four identical sand castles are shown below. Which sand castle will most likely be
eroded fastest by the wind?
The diagram below shows a boulder rolling down a hill into a valley and then up the
opposite hill.
At which position does the boulder have the greatest kinetic energy?
(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) D
Base your answers to the following questions on the graph below, which shows the
solubility (amount that will dissolve in 100 grams of water) of three substances at
various water temperatures.
Which statement is a correct interpretation of the data in the graph?
(1) As water temperature increases, solubility decreases.
(2) As water temperature increases, solubility increases.
(3) As water temperature increases, solubility increases and then decreases.
(4) As water temperature increases, solubility decreases and then increases.
As the water temperature is increased from 30°C to 70°C, how many more grams of
substance A will dissolve in 100 grams of water?
(1) 20 g
(2) 40 g
(3) 50 g
(4) 90 g
City administrators can encourage energy conservation by
(1) lowering parking fees
(2) building larger parking lots
(3) decreasing the cost of gasoline
(4) lowering the cost of bus and subway fares
Which two factors determine the gravitational attraction between two objects?
(1) time and temperature
(2) shape and orbital speed
(3) color and hardness
(4) mass and distance apart
The diagram below shows a pinwheel rotating above a lit candle. The arrows indicate
the direction of air flow.
Which energy transformation is best shown in this diagram?
(1) heat to mechanical
(2) mechanical to light
(3) sound to heat
(4) heat to sound
The diagram below shows four objects and their orbits around the Sun, as seen from
Which statement is true about all of the objects shown in the diagram?
(1) They produce their own light.
(2) They belong to our solar system.
(3) They are composed mostly of gases.
(4) They are the same distance from the Sun.
Base your answers to the following questions on the diagrams below and your
knowledge of science. The diagrams show liquid water changing to water vapor in four
different situations.
Which observation would be evidence that the water is undergoing a phase change?
(1) Waves form on the top of the pond.
(2) Water soaks into the wet sand.
(3) The water splashes out of the swimming pool.
(4) The water level in the glass of water decreases.
How is heat energy transferred within the liquid water in the pond?
(1) compound formation
(2) convection currents
(3) chemical reactions
(4) nuclear reactions
The drawing below shows a person about to lift a book using a ruler and pencil.
This drawing illustrates an example of which simple machine?
(1) gear
(2) pulley
(3) balance
(4) lever
Base your answers to the following questions on the graph below. The graph shows
the results of an experiment that tested the effect of time on the growth of a plant. A
student measured the height of several plants for ten weeks and determined the
average height. The results are shown in the graph below.
Identify one variable that should be held constant during this experiment. [1]
According to the graph, what will the average height of the plants be at week 11 if
growth continues at the same rate as in weeks 8 through 10? [1]
_____________ cm
Base your answers to the following questions on the partial food web below and on
your knowledge of science.
How are the feeding relationships of the mice different from the feeding relationships
of the other organisms in this food web? [1]
Explain this statement: The energy for all the organisms in this food web can be
traced back to the Sun. [1]
Give an example of a carnivore, a producer, and an herbivore shown in this food web.
Carnivore: ________________________________
Producer: ________________________________
Herbivore: ________________________________
The diagrams below show the life cycles of a grasshopper and a butterfly.
Describe one difference in the pattern of development of the grasshopper and the
pattern of development of the butterfly shown in the diagrams. [1]
Base your answers to the following questions on the laboratory procedure described
below and on your knowledge of science.
Explain why the baby rat was identical to its mother. [1]
A different female laboratory rat gave birth to several babies after being fertilized with
sperm. Explain why these babies will not be genetically identical to the mother. [1]
The diagram below shows several organs in the human digestive system.
Explain two ways that food is changed as it passes through the digestive system. [2]
Base your answers to the following questions on the diagram below and on your
knowledge of science. The diagram shows a cell with some basic cell structures
Identify two structures labeled in the diagram, other than the large vacuole, that
indicate this cell is a plant cell. [1]
(1) ______________________________________
(2) ______________________________________
Which hereditary material in the nucleus of the cell is responsible for passing traits on
to the next generation? [1]
Base your answers to the following questions on the information below and on your
knowledge of science.
Maintaining a constant body temperature, no matter what the temperature of its
surroundings, is a condition that needs to be balanced in many organisms. This ability
is important to the organism’s survival. These organisms have many different body
structures and behaviors that help maintain a constant body temperature.
Humans sweat when they are in the hot sun. How does sweating help humans to
maintain a constant body temperature? [1]
Foxes living in different parts of the world have different-sized ears. The arctic fox,
which lives in cold climates, has small ears. The desert fox, which lives in hot
climates, has large ears. How does ear size help each of these foxes to maintain a
constant body temperature? [1]
Whales have a thick layer of blubber (fat) under their skin. How does this blubber help
the whales to maintain a constant body temperature? [1]
Base your answers to the following questions on the information below and on your
knowledge of science.
A student determined that shaking a container of sand caused the temperature of the
sand to rise.
The student then performed a new experiment to see if shaking a container of pebbles
would cause the temperature of the pebbles to rise.
Explain why the shaking caused the temperature of the sand to rise. [1]
Write a hypothesis for the new experiment. [1]
Identify the dependent (responding) variable in the new experiment. [1]
Base your answers to the following questions on the partial map of the State of
Wyoming below. The locations of Casper and Rawlins, Wyoming, are shown.
Explain why sunrise in Casper, Wyoming, occurs 4 minutes earlier than sunrise in
Rawlins, Wyoming. [1]
On the map above, place an X to represent the location of Medicine Bow, Wyoming,
(42° N, 106° W). [1]
Base your answers to the following questions on the map below, which shows the
depth of water, in meters, for a portion of the Gulf of Mexico in the vicinity of
Galveston, Texas.
An isoline connects points of equal value. On the map, draw the complete 15-meter
isoline to show the depth of the Gulf of Mexico shown on the map. Your 15-meter
isoline should extend from point A to point B. These points are circled on the map. [1]
Explain why the gulf sides of Galveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula have smoother
coastlines than their inland coastlines. [1]
Base your answers to the following questions on the illustration below and on your
knowledge of science.
The illustration shows a number of activities happening on a sunny day.
What is the original source of energy for all these activities? [1]
Identify one activity in the diagram that requires the use of fossil fuels. [1]
Identify one renewable resource shown in the diagram. [1]
An energy transformation occurs when one form of energy is changed to another. Fill
in the spaces below to describe an energy transformation that occurs as the children
play baseball. [1]
________________________________ is changed to
Base your answers to thw following questions on information below and on your
knowledge of science.
Equal-sized pieces of aluminum were placed in test tubes containing equal volumes of
acid, at different temperatures. The temperature of the acid in test tube A is 5°C. The
temperature of the acid in test tube B is 20°C.
What observation would indicate that a chemical reaction is taking place in the test
tubes? [1]
What effect does the temperature of the acid have on the rate at which the reaction
progresses? [1]
Identify two actions the student could take to increase the reaction rate in the test
tubes. [2]
Base your answers to the following questions on the information below and on your
knowledge of science.
A student adds a mixture of oil, sand, and salt to a beaker of water and stirs. The
student stops stirring and observes that the salt is no longer visible, the oil floats to
the top, and the sand sinks to the bottom of the beaker.
Explain why the oil floats after the stirring stops. [1]
Explain why the salt is no longer visible after the stirring stops. [1]
Identify one way to remove the sand from the mixture in the beaker. [1]
Nutrients from digested food enter the blood stream through the process of
(1) absorption
(2) elimination
(3) respiration
(4) secretion
The kidneys, which remove dissolved wastes from the blood, are organs of the
(1) endocrine system
(2) excretory system
(3) skeletal system
(4) nervous system
Which two systems of a rabbit's body must be working together for the rabbit to run
away from a fox?
(1) digestive and endocrine
(2) reproductive and nervous
(3) muscular and skeletal
(4) excretory and respiratory
In which process is oxygen used to release the energy stored in food?
(1) photosynthesis
(2) respiration
(3) digestion
(4) reproduction
Chromosome is to nucleus as DNA is to
(1) cytoplasm
(2) gene
(3) cell membrane
(4) chloroplast
In sexual reproduction, what fraction of genes does each parent contribute to the
(1) 1/4
(2) 1/3
(3) 1/2
(4) 3/4
The fur of a snowshoe rabbit changes to white during the winter. This change is an
example of
(1) adaptation
(2) competition
(3) metamorphosis
(4) metabolism
The drawing below shows a woodpecker using its long, sharp beak to obtain insects.
What factor might contribute to the extinction of this species of woodpecker?
(1) a new source of food
(2) an overabundance of trees
(3) the use of pesticides in the forest
(4) an increase in the population of insects
Which condition is the result of abnormal cell division?
(1) cancer
(2) pregnancy
(3) infection
(4) extinction
Which process gives rise to a variety of traits within a species?
(1) sexual reproduction
(2) dynamic equilibrium
(3) cellular respiration
(4) internal regulation
In multicellular organisms, cell division is required for growth and
(1) circulation
(2) locomotion
(3) repair
(4) respiration
Base your answers to the following questions on the diagram below, which shows
many organisms in a food web.
One type of organism in this web that represents a producer is
(1) rabbits
(2) grasses
(3) trout
(4) snakes
Which organisms obtain energy for growth and development directly from the Sun?
(1) caterpillars
(2) hawks
(3) frogs
(4) bean plants
According to this food web, which organisms are herbivores?
(1) caterpillars
(2) foxes
(3) hawks
(4) snakes
Which organism correctly completes the food web at A?
(1) horses
(2) mice
(3) bacteria
(4) trees
Which process is illustrated in the diagram below?
(1) natural selection
(2) mutation
(3) metamorphosis
(4) photosynthesis
Fats are important nutrients because they
(1) provide genetic information
(2) contain stored energy
(3) are used in photosynthesis
(4) maintain bone density
Which factor contributes to global warming?
(1) increased use of solar-powered cars
(2) increased burning of fossil fuels
(3) better long-term weather forecasts
(4) changing distance between Earth and the Sun
The diagram below shows a rock sample and an identification key.
This rock sample would best be classified as
(1) volcanic
(2) sedimentary
(3) metamorphic
(4) igneous
Oceans, glaciers, lakes, and rivers are part of Earth’s
(1) atmosphere
(2) hemisphere
(3) hydrosphere
(4) lithosphere
The diagram below shows the water cycle.
Which letter represents the process of evaporation?
(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) D
Convection currents in Earth’s mantle are believed to be responsible for
(1) ocean currents
(2) crustal plate movements
(3) climatic changes
(4) uneven surface heating
Water vapor changes to liquid water during which process?
(1) dissolving
(2) melting
(3) evaporation
(4) condensation
A student drew the pictures below to show how the Moon looked from Earth over a
two-week period.
The differences shown in the student’s drawings are mostly due to the changing
(1) distance between Earth and the Moon
(2) speed of the Moon in its orbit
(3) position of the Moon in its orbit
(4) position of the observer on Earth