Reproduction Living things . is the process by which organisms

Living things _____________________________.
___________________ is the process by which organisms produce new organisms
_____________________ - new organism produced by a living thing
Two Types of Reproduction
a. Asexual
b. Sexual
Asexual reproduction needs only _______________ parent.
The offspring are _______________ like the parent.
Only ________________ set of genetic material.
Examples of asexual reproduction:
a. _______________ - parent organism splits into two
-Bacteria reproduce by fission.
b. __________________ - growth of new organism from parent organism
-Yeast and hydra reproduce by budding.
c. __________________ - new organisms are grown from one cell
– Dolly the Sheep
d. ____________________________ - kind of asexual reproduction that used
parts of plants to grow new plants
tubers – potatoes
bulbs – daffodil
– fleshy roots cut apart and placed backed into soil - Hosta
- parts of leaf or stem placed into water – African violet
runners – spider plant or strawberry
Sexual Reproduction needs _____________________ parents.
Two different sex cells (one from each parent) must ____________.
The offspring is ______ exactly like either parent.
*Organism can have traits
from __________ parent
traits ____________parent has.
Sexual reproduction increases __________________ among organisms.