Hospital Plan for Patient Care Areas



Patient Care Areas


Relocation /

Evacuation PLAN



Main Hospital

2315 Stockton Blvd

Sacramento, CA 95817

* Please fill out the highlighted areas as applicable for your individual unit or area. Please be sure to thoroughly read the plan as it has been substantially updated. Upon completion, please save a copy for yourself and submit an electronic copy to Melissa Vink with UCDHS Fire Prevention at for review.

Once reviewed, the Fire Prevention Department will send the final version back to you and maintain a copy in our files.

HOSPITAL (Patient Care) UNIT / AREA NAME: ________________

This Fire and Relocation / Evacuation Plan is to be used by staff* to protect visitors and themselves from fire or other emergencies requiring evacuation from the building. In conjunction with the fire evacuation signs posted throughout the building, this plan satisfies the requirements of Section 3.09 of the California State Fire Marshal’s

Regulations and meets the requirements of The Joint Commission.

* Staff includes all UC Davis Health System employees, faculty, licensed independent practitioners, contract workers, etc.

Report all fires , even if fire is immediately contained.

Dial 911 from a landline or 734-2555 from a cellular phone .


This section is filled in by UCDHS Fire Prevention Department

Fire Component Yes No

Area is constructed of non-combustible structural materials, principally concrete and steel.

Corridor doors should be in the closed position during a fire emergency.

Automatic Fire Sprinklers are installed in area.

Fully sprinklered

Partially sprinklered; Define areas with sprinklers:


Smoke Detectors are installed in the area.

Manually activated red fire alarm pull stations are located in the exit routes of this area.

Audible fire signal installed in building.

Type = (fill in) ______________________ e.g. Chime, automatic voice message

Visual fire signal (e.g. strobe lights) installed in area.

Fire Extinguishers in area.

A / B / C Type (for use on most fires)

Other (fill in) __________; for use on (fill in)__________________



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HOSPITAL (Patient Care) UNIT / AREA NAME: ________________


Become familiar with the floor plan for the area and know the locations of:

Manual Pull Stations (MPS), fire extinguishers, and telephones

Exit routes and exit doors.

Adjacent smoke compartments.


The Fire and Relocation/Evacuation Plan consists of two essential elements, both of which must be present for it to succeed:

1. Written guidelines & posted information - The plan contains general information applicable to the entire building, as well as specific guidelines and floor plans for each clinic within the building. Fire evacuation signs located in each building and near the exit stairwells are designed to complement the plan.

2. Employee training - Your training is essential to the success of this plan.

Without training the fire plan will not work for you or your associates, so take time to learn and practice the procedures on a regular basis.


If a fire occurs, you should follow the R.A.C.E

. procedure:






Rescue anyone (this includes yourself) who is in immediate danger from the fire. Remove these people to the closest safe area, simultaneously notifying other staff of the fire and its location. Know where alternate exits are located .


If you are the first person to discover a fire, communicate your discovery to other staff in the area, activate the closest fire alarm activating device; call 9-1-

1 from the nearest safe location. If you are involved in rescue, send someone to call 9-1-1.

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HOSPITAL (Patient Care) UNIT / AREA NAME: ________________


Confine the fire by closing all of the doors in and around the fire area. This will help keep fire and smoke from contaminating the exit paths during evacuation.

It also helps to keep the fire to a much smaller area and aids in preventing it from spreading to other areas.


There is no better time to control and extinguish a fire than in its early stage.

Utilize fire extinguishers, acronym P.A.S.S.

, if you discover a fire in its earliest stage. If a fire is well developed, however, the best thing to do is close the doors around it and get out. Do not place yourself at unnecessary risk –your greatest value is as a rescuer, not as a firefighter.



Stand back from the fire and pull the pin.

Aim the nozzle at the base of the flame

S-SQUEEZE Squeeze the handle

S-SWEEP Sweep the nozzle from side to side at the base of the flames until the fire is completely extinguished.

The Sacramento Fire Department is responsible for extinguishing fires at the

Medical Center . You should never hesitate to call 9-1-1 . Remember that a fire, even a small fire, presents an extreme risk to patients and staff, so don’t hesitate

– act immediately!

As a Reminder:

All fires will require an investigation as to the cause.

A report must be taken by UCDHS Fire Prevention Department investigator after each event.

Wait for an ALL CLEAR from UCDHS Fire Prevention or the Sacramento Fire

Department before re-occupying a building/area after a fire.

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HOSPITAL (Patient Care) UNIT / AREA NAME: ________________


To be filled in by Unit or Area Manager in consultation with UCDHS Fire Prevention


Primary Relocation Site*:

Alternate Relocation Site:

Evacuation Staging Area  Pavilion Lobby or Tower Lobby

ED (for ICUs only)

* Relocation Site = Adjacent or other smoke compartment(s) identified for relocation with adequate resources and utilities to manage patients.

Movement will begin with relocation of patients most affected by the emergency in the following order:

1. Patients in immediate danger

2. Ambulatory patients

3. Non-ambulatory patients

Relocation/Evacuation Movement Priority:

1. Horizontal from the danger area to a safe area on the same level.

2. Vertical to a lower (or higher) floor, as necessary

3. To the Staging Area(s) on first floor (Tower Lobby, Pavilion Lobby, or

Emergency Department) to prepare for evacuation to another facility; only upon direction from Incident Commander.

If you are the first person to discover a fire or other emergency necessitating a building evacuation, call 911 (from a landline) or 916-734-2555 (from a cellular phone). Communicate your discovery to other staff in the area and activate the closest fire alarm device. For response to criminal activities, refer to 1.a. below. If you are involved in rescue, send someone to call 9-1-1 . a. For criminal activities, such as a bomb threat, active shooter, or hostage situation, call 911 from a land line. Unless directed by emergency responders (fire or police), do not activate the fire alarm system. i. For a bomb threat, turn off all two-way communication devices, such as two-way radios, cell phones, and Vocera.

Code Green, Internal must be initiated for any incident that triggers the relocation or evacuation of patients.

All Staff (including nurses and physicians) will take personal belongings, such as purse or wallet, car keys, and cell phone, if items are immediately available .

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HOSPITAL (Patient Care) UNIT / AREA NAME: ________________

RELOCATION / EVACUATION PROCEDURE (for any unit/area with direct patient care)

1. Direct family and visitors to the nearest exit as they are to evacuate to the outside of the building.

2. If relocation is necessary, move patients and staff horizontally into adjacent smoke compartments and close the smoke barrier doors to provide separation from the emergency. Generally, in most emergency situations, patients are held in the relocation site(s) until conditions stabilize.

3. Group patients according to ambulatory status. Assign personnel to move specific groups. Patients will be relocated to the Relocation Site in the following order - unless otherwise notified by the Incident Commander or the Sacramento City Fire Department.

3.1 Patients in immediate danger

3.2 Ambulatory patients (moved in small groups by staff).

3.3 Non-ambulatory patients who do not require life support equipment

3.4 Non-ambulatory patients who require life support equipment.

3.4.1 It may be necessary to move these patients to areas beyond the nearest area of refuge to assure they have the appropriate medical services warranted by their condition.

4. Nursing staff and physicians will quickly assess the patient needs before relocating / evacuating, items to consider include, but are not limited to:

4.1 Coordinate with Respiratory Therapy to transfer oxygen and/or ventilator dependent patients to portable oxygen units. Bag patients as needed on portable oxygen.

4.2 Turn off oxygen, air, suction, and flow meters at the wall.

4.3 Disconnect/discontinue non-essential equipment from patient


4.4 If patient on dialysis, disconnect, clamp and tape dialysis lines with assistance from Dialysis Nurse

4.5 Send infusion pumps and/or feeding pumps with the patients, if possible.

4.6 Place belongings in the clothing bag with the patient's name and medical record number. Place all Patient's medications (including IVs and IV medications), prosthetics and special patient need items in a labeled bag inside the clothing bag.

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HOSPITAL (Patient Care) UNIT / AREA NAME: ________________

5. If the entire unit is to be vacated,

5.1 Shut off oxygen zone valves.

5.2 Take the crash cart and portable defibrillator with the patients to the safe area, if safe to do so.

5.2 Shut off oxygen zone valves.

6. Pediatric / Infant / Intensive Care Nurseries will move infants/toddlers/children by carrying them or by using isolettes, warmers, bassinets, cribs, blankets, or staff may use the kangaroo aprons, such as

“Safe Babies Apron”, where available.

7. Non-ambulatory patients will be moved using beds, stretchers, wheelchairs or litters.

8. VERTICAL: When vertical relocation is required, patients must be moved to different floors or to the first floor. Vertical relocation must be accomplished in the following order:

8.1. Elevators - Elevators may be used. If smoke is detected in any elevator lobby on any floor, the elevators will automatically proceed to the first floor and will remain out of service with the doors open until overridden by the Sacramento Fire Department or UCDHS Fire

Prevention. Elevators that serve the fire area are generally held for

Fire Department use. The elevators in other building wings, however, are separated by smoke compartment walls and should be used under the direction of the AOD, Nursing Supervisor, or other emergency response personnel.

8.2 Ramps may be used for vertical relocation. The ramps are accessed from the North-South wing.

8.3. Stairwells - if patients cannot be moved horizontally to locations where there is an operational or safe elevator, move them vertically using the exit stairwells. Transport non-ambulatory/critical patients using vertical evacuation equipment (i.e., ParaSlyde or evacuation chairs are available on Davis 10, 11, 12, and 14). In an emergency, it may be necessary to improvise with available equipment. Where no other method is available, use a two-person or three-person carry.

8.4 If an individual cannot be moved vertically using the stairwells, they are safest left in their room with the door closed. Immediately report the name and location (floor and room number) of the person to the fire department/ emergency responder.

8.5 <<Delete 8.5 and 8.6 text if not applicable to unit>> Patients in

Davis Tower floors 10 to 14 cannot be relocated horizontally to the

University Tower or East Wing; if the entire floor must be vacated, patients must be moved vertically to a lower floor.

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HOSPITAL (Patient Care) UNIT / AREA NAME: ________________

8.6 Assign personnel to relocate specific groups. Patients will be relocated to the pre-identified Relocation Site(s) unless otherwise notified by the Incident Commander.

8.6.1 Davis Tower 10 (PICU) evacuate to (identify possible areas in Pavilion (ie PACU), or University Tower /

East Wing on floors 6, 7, 8)

8.6.2 Davis Tower 11 evacuate to (identify possible areas in University Tower or East Wing on floors 6, 7, 8)

8.6.3 Davis Tower 12 evacuate to (identify possible areas in University Tower or East Wing on floors 6, 7, 8)

8.6.4 Davis Tower 14 evacuate to (identify possible areas University Tower or East Wing on floors 6, 7, 8)

8.7 Non-ambulatory patients will be evacuated using ParaSlydes,

Stryker Chairs, beds, wheelchairs or litters.

8.7.1 Evacuation equipment, including ParaSlydes, is located in

Room 14776 on Davis 14, Room 12776 on Davis 12, Room

11776 on Davis 11, and Room TBD on Davis 10.


8.7.2 Instructions for use of ParaSlydes are located in outer pocket of storage bags.

To prevent duplication of efforts during the evacuation, staff should apply tape across the door and door jam to indicate that the room has been evacuated.

10. Once patients are taken to the Relocation Site(s), the Incident Commander will coordinate the placement of patients into new areas with the assistance of Administration and Bed Control, as needed.

11 When Incident Commander, UCDHS Fire Prevention, or the Sacramento

City Fire Department declares the evacuated area to be safe and free from any hazards, the Incident Commander will coordinate re-occupancy of the unit(s).

12. If patients need to be evacuated to other facilities, the Memorandum of

Understanding for Patient Transfers will be implemented. Patient transfers to other facilities will be coordinated by the Incident Commander.

13 For evacuation of an entire wing or the whole facility, complete Attachment

2 to provide transportation requirements for patients in the unit to the

Hospital Command Center and move patients to the Staging Area. a. Ambulatory patients should be moved to the Tower Lobby or Pavilion

Lobby (as directed by the Incident Commander) for transport by bus, van or other multiple-passenger vehicle b. Non-ambulatory/critical patients should be moved to areas near the

Emergency Department (ED) entrance for transport via ambulance

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HOSPITAL (Patient Care) UNIT / AREA NAME: ________________ c.

Print the patient’s medical records to send with them. At a minimum, the

“Snap Shot” and “Demographics” information in EMR will be printed plus other information, as needed. If EMR is not available, the pertinent information will be written on the Transfer Record. d.

Fill in HICS Form 260 “Patient Evacuation Tracking Form and make copy. Send one copy with patient and keep one copy for records.

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HOSPITAL (Patient Care) UNIT / AREA NAME: ________________

Area-Specific Instructions: Copy or Delete this section, as applicable.


Refer to (or copy) information in P&P 1637 -- or --- Copy and paste applicable text into Relocation/Evacuation Procedure #4.

1. Nursing staff and physicians will quickly assess the patient needs before evacuating:

2.1 Move only those patients in immediate danger.

2.2 Obtain portable oxygen tanks for each room.

2.3 Surgeons need to effect hemostasis and cover open wounds appropriately

2.4 Transfer patient to gurney.

2.5 Transport portable equipment with patient as needed

2.6 Turn off oxygen zone valves.


Copy and paste applicable text into Relocation/Evacuation Procedure #4.

1. If the Emergency Department must relocate or evacuate patients in the ED: a. Determine status of patients receiving treatment in the ED;

2. b. Triage patients to determine suitability for discharge, relocation to another location within the hospital, evacuation and/or transfer to on-site clinics for interim care, or evacuation and transfer to another hospital. Use attachment 2 to document patient type and transport needed for those patients identified for transfer. c. Discharge as many patients as possible. d. Based on the level of relocation/evacuation required, either prepare the patient for transfer to another facility or move the patient to a holding area in the ED to await in-house admission. e. Assign all available staff to the relocation site to care for patients and/or prepare patients for transfer to other facilities. f. Document actions and decisions on a continual basis.

For evacuation of an entire wing or the whole facility, the Emergency Department will receive non-ambulatory/critical patients from the hospital units to prepare for transfer to another facility via ambulance.

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HOSPITAL (Patient Care) UNIT / AREA NAME: ________________


Additional Resources that may be requested for the relocation/evacuation of patients, including:

Lift Team to assist with evacuating patients

Patient Transport to assist in evacuating patients

Other medical services (physicians and nursing) to assist in maintaining emergency patient care

Respiratory Therapy Staff to assist with oxygen needs

Pharmacy (medications)

Clinical Engineering Staff to assist in obtaining additional equipment (such as portable suction machines, IV Poles, Defibrillator, Cardiac Monitors, etc).

Linen (blankets)

Central Processing or Distribution (supplies)

Code Blue Team (if needed)

Trauma Team (if needed)

PO&M (special utility needs such as medical gas).

Blood Bank.

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HOSPITAL (Patient Care) UNIT / AREA NAME: ________________



To be filled in by Unit/Area Manager

Nursing Supervisor


Pager Number

Patient Care Resources


Phone Number


Phone Number

Nursing Supervisor


Bed Control and Staffing Office (24/7)


E-mail Address

Relocation Site CONTACTS - if applicable

Relocation Site

Contact Name

Phone Number

Cell Phone

E-mail Address

Relocation Site

Contact Name

Phone Number

Cell Phone

E-mail Address

Relocation Site

Contact Name

Phone Number

Cell Phone

E-mail Address

Relocation Site

Contact Name

Phone Number

Cell Phone

E-mail Address

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HOSPITAL (Patient Care) UNIT / AREA NAME: ________________



To be filled in by Unit/Area Manager

Unit Name


Phone Number

Cell Phone

E-mail Address

Unit Name


Phone Number

Cell Phone

E-mail Address

Unit Name


Phone Number

Cell Phone

E-mail Address

Unit Name


Phone Number

Cell Phone

E-mail Address

Unit Name


Phone Number

Cell Phone

E-mail Address

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HOSPITAL (Patient Care) UNIT / AREA NAME: ________________



Phone Number – Front Desk (916) 734-3036


Phone Number – Landline

Phone Number – Cellular Phone


(916) 734-2555


Name Bob Lawson

Phone Number (916) 734-2740 or (916)-734-3355

E-mail Address



Phone Number

E-mail Address

Glynis Foulk



Phone Number (916) 734-8117

Pager Number (916) 762-1230


Phone Number

Hospital Operator

(916) 734-8700

(916) 734-7020


Phone Number (916) 703-4315

**************** Delete for Buildings with no Academic or Research Staff **************


Name UC Davis Campus Safety Services

Phone Number 530-752-1493


Name Diane Hoffmann

Phone Number (530) 304-0006 cell

E-mail Address

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