Our Environmental Pledges - Lincolnshire County Council


Our Environmental Pledges

This checklist is a ‘quick & easy’ method of demonstrating how your organisation already makes or could make a contribution towards environmental issues within your community. You may feel that certain areas do not relate to your project, however we are also interested in how you Community

Organisation as a whole contributes towards environment issues such as those listed below.

The following checklist must be completed and submitted with a grant application. It should be reviewed at regular intervals. A good way to ensure this happens is to add a review of the checklist on the agenda for your committee meetings. Please keep a copy of this form as it can be used in your end of project report to show progress towards implementing environmental procedures/policies.

Group Name:

Date completed: Date due for review:

We will ……..


Already doing

Will do this within 3 months

Will do this within 6 months

Will consider at next review

N/A to us

Ensure all taps are turned off fully

Put up notices to remind people to turn taps off fully

Install low flush toilets or install a water hippo


Check for and fix leaking taps or pipes quickly

2. WASTE - Reduce, Re-use, Recycle

Re-use materials and equipment, where possible

Provide separate bins for different types of waste eg. paper, glass, cans

Put up notices asking people to recycle their waste

Provide a collection point for recycling mobile phones

Use mugs instead of plastic cups


Switch off lights in parts of the building which are not being used

Put up notices to remind to turn off lights

Use low energy, long life light bulbs and/or slim-line fluorescent tubes

Reduce heating levels rather than opening windows

Ensure sound insulation of all boilers and pipe work

Only hear rooms which are occupied

Ensure good roof insulation

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We will ……….


Install cavity wall insulation

Insulate the hot water tank

Replace old, inefficient kettles with fast boil alternatives

Only boil the water we need, rather than filling the kettle every time

Defrost fridges and freezers on a regular basis

Switch to energy generated from renewable sources

Already doing

4. ICT

Switch off computer screens rather than leave on stand by

Display notices reminding users to turn off computers

Use double sided printing for printers and copiers

Provide a collection point for recycling toner/ink jet cartridges

Use recycled paper


Purchase from local suppliers, where possible

Use eco-friendly cleaning materials

Buy energy efficient products


Plant trees and shrubs on spare spaces

Provide bike racks to encourage cycling

Display leaflets/posters promoting the use of public transport eg. bus timetables


Display leaflets on environmental/recycling issues


Position on Committee:



Will do this within 3 months

Will do this within 6 months

Will consider at next review

N/A to us

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Money for old rope

By providing a collection point for unwanted mobile phones, empty printer cartridges or drink cans, you can raise extra money for your community group while at the same time promoting recycling.

Community fonebak will pay up to £4.00 for unwanted mobile phones. www.communityfonebak.com

(Tel: 01708


Accutecc will pay up to £4.00 each for empty printer cartridges. www.accutecc.co.uk

(Tel: 01279 401404)

Alcan recycle aluminium drink cans. Through their Cash for Cans Centre they will buy back large quantities of empty aluminium cans from the public. www.thinkcans.com

For Christmas cards, these can be recycled through Woodland Trust. www.woodland-trust.org.uk

Recycling Appeal is an organisation that looks at all of the above ways of recycling and offers easy ways for

Community groups to raise funds. www.recyclingappeal.com

(Tel: 0845 130 2010)

For further information from the Government’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs regarding support to community groups through recycling. www.defra.gov.uk/environment/waste/community

Produced by Revive & Thrive and RACoL

Revive & Thrive and RACoL are part financed by the

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Lincolnshire County Council.

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