BUILDING A CARTOGRAPHIC QUALITY CONTROL SYSTEM ON TOPOGRAPHIC MAP PRODUCTION H.P. Dalkıran, Ö. Simav, M. Üstün General Command of Mapping, Ankara, TURKEY,, Abstract Managing Spatial Data needs deep understanding of the data and its nature of the relation with the geographical objects. Once it is obvious in most cases, unlike a common data, the spatial data has its own behaviors which can not be easily estimated while starting a quality control process. However, there are widely used data collecting and digitizing criteria and rules, there are no fully standard procedures for quality control system which is applied to spatial data and databases for Spatial Data Producers. To find a proper way to quality check and error correction methods, each producer needs to develop its own quality control system, fits to her geodatabase structure. In this case, General Command of Mapping (GCM) in Türkiye has been developing such a quality control management system for her spatial data to produce Cartographic Vector Maps which have been manufactured since 1999. The existent data was very complex and the system developed in 3 years. The spatial data is not an easy fairy tale giant to fight with the Quality Control weapon. It needs very hard study and training for many different situations to deal with. In GCM, there has been manufactured about 3000 Cartographic Vector Maps in 7 years. Meanwhile the digitizing and the cartographic editing rules and criteria have been changed many times for the 1:25 000 scaled topographic maps. There were to be handled many different types of coverages that have distinctive attributes and spatial relations. We have to resolve many errors and problems while developing automation, semi-automation and manual process procedures. Also the optimization of the system was necessary to gain more effective results in a short time. In this article you will find the very abstract of the whole story, the walls faced with, the problems occurred, some statistical results and the lessons learned for developing such a quality management system. 1 Key Words: Data Quality, Quality Management System, Quality Assurance, GIS, Topographic Map production, Quality Control, Cartographic Vector Maps, Spatial Database, Map Library 1. INTRODUCTION Quality Control Process is neither a new discussion point, nor a new thing for the map production system. It is a must for the life-cycle of any project or any production line. Improvements on the GIS technology enhance the quality of Quality Control Management (QCM) Systems but do not prevent human factors in it. On the other hand it is not a handicap or a weakness. It is the nature of the product and its life-cycle. Touching any part of a production line needs a careful inspection for the Quality Control process, if it affects other parts of the system. Once the balance of the system is stabilized, every improvement or development may produce unforeseen errors. Hence, for any Map or GIS Data manufacturer has to consider such errors and issues while she is upgrading the production system. In this article you will find a case study for an upgrade process of the map production system in GCM Cartographic Data Model and how the quality control management is handled in this period. The entire story began with a major requirement for the generalization of the 25 key Cartographic Maps to 100 key by using new aspects of technologies developed in recent years. Fast map production was the main objective. What was to be handled was a huge, not standardized and complex cartographic data. The most important part of the problem was the data itself In General Command of Mapping, Turkiye, when the initial works started on creating a Spatial Database and Digital Mapping in early 1990’s it was not possible to predict the potential risks of cartographic concerns. The pre-version of the spatial data structure, which is the fundamental part of the Spatial Database, was based on the aerial photographs. Implementation and conversion of this data to produce the paper maps could not be solved for many years. So initial publication of the paper maps were to be re-digitized from printed sheets and existing paper maps after correction and completion by topographers. In 2001, the data structure and collecting techniques had been changed in order to gain the ability to convert and integrate this data to satisfy the cartographic concerns. This situation created two types of data sets. After 2001, GCM has decided to start a project, named KartoGen, which is based on generalization of 1:25000 to 2 1:100000 scale maps by using this data. In 2002, the generalization project developers determined that a geodatabase is required. The initial study, which has been done on the existing data, brings about the need of a detailed inspection for the map production system. A closer look at the map production system in GCM shows the framework as a starting point. All 1:25 000 scale sheets are digitized in Microstation DGN format from aerial photographs. This kind of spatial data is known as digital landscape model (DLM) and has no visual scope. In cartographic model theory, primary model is called Digital Landscape Model (Bildirici & Ucar 2000). A DLM denotes the type of data that most of us consider as base GIS data compiled from source information that is registered to the ground. Many agencies have the intention of deriving lower resolution DLMs from higher resolution databases using various generalization processes (Buckley et al 2005). After producing DLMs, they are printed on matte films for correction and completion by topographers on the field. This is a long and costly process. Then the data of each tile is converted to Arcinfo Coverage format via object conversion tables. This data is also crude in the sense of cartographic concern and far from cartographic esthetics. A map production system, which is called KARTO25, implements Arcinfo Workstation environment, gets the coverages and matte films as the inputs. Then operators start to edit and modify the data according to cartographic rules written for many years of experience. Manipulating the spatial data changes it into a new type that is not related to the previous spatially accurate data. This new kind of data, known as digital cartographical model (DCM), includes esthetics, rules, representational view and much information about area of interest. A single DCM could be used to support the production of multiple map products if changes in the workflow only, and not the data, were required (Buckley et al 2005). Adding other map elements like legend, grids, title and other texts, this map is ready for publishing. After a paper map is published, the outputs of KARTO25 system that are EPS, PDF, TIF, MAP and DATA are stored on the HDDs and DVDs for archiving. Above is the very brief presentation of the map production system in GCM. So many issues that need to be explained in the production system are not focused on this paper. But the reviewing of dataflow shows the pathway for the building of a spatial database. Because of the existing data structure, the initial spatial database has to be constructed on Arcinfo Coverage format. This is named initial spatial database because it will be the base for a real geodatabase managed by Oracle DBMS and Arcsde as agreed by GCM. The most suitable structure for the coverage format is the Map Library, which is managed by Arcinfo Librarian module. This module is an extension and integrated into Arcinfo default package without any cost, very easy to build up and manage. 3 For these reasons GCM prefers this pathway to the geodatabase. This intermediate solution also shows the data quality, consistency and integration with the cross-tiles. Other reasons are the operator’s familiarity with the Arcinfo Workstation software environment and KARTO25, which is built upon Arcinfo Workstation. 2. DATA STRUCTURE OF KARTO25 Starting point of the Quality Control Management System is the product itself. In order to maximize efficiency and data quality, the product and its resources must be inspected very carefully. This will create the road map of the development cycle. In Karto25, data structure is divided into 9 different classes. Each class is subdivided into 3 coverages as line, point and polygon. With the additional annotation coverage, total number of coverages is 28. Table 1 shows these coverages. Table 1. Data Classes (Aslan 2003). CLASS (English) CLASS (Turkish) Abbreviation Annotation Yazı yazi Boundary Sınırlar bnd Elevation Yükseklik ele Hydrography Hidrografya hyd Industry Endüstri ind Physiography Fizyografya phy Population Yerleşim pop Transportation Ulaşım tra Utilities Tesisler uti Vegetation Bitki Örtüsü veg Each coverages has some common attribute fields that are given in table 2. Table 2. Attribute Fields (GCM 2003). Name Explanation 4 F_CODE Feature Code defined uniquely and based upon FACC F_NAME Feature Name defined uniquely and as Turkish name P_NAME Private Name for the object’s special identifier VALUE Value for some special objects 3. DATABASE STRUCTURE OF KARTO25 MAP LIBRARY In order to manage the data, it must have a base and a structure. Commonly the structure is expected to be well defined, but if the resources are not the same it has to be reorganized. Restrictions of the software used for the spatial data force the project to use a map library structure as a base. Hence we decided to use ArcInfo Librarian module for our base to reorganize map sheets which are separately collected and stored on the network computers. Map libraries organize spatial data into a logical, manageable framework. Librarian uses a hierarchical data model (figure 1) to keep track of available map libraries on a computer system and the actual coverage that make up each individual tile. Map libraries are composed of standard Arcinfo data structures (coverages and info files). Librarian is the Arcinfo subsystem for creating and maintaining map libraries (ESRI 1992). Figure 1. Librarian Hierarchical Data Model Total drive space would need for this huge data was approximately 150 GB in size for the 5550 cartographic vector maps which cover entire the country extend. There were 3000 sheets of vector map and 28 layers for each have to be restructured. 5 Construction of the map library cannot be done by manually. The batch processing should be used to reconstruct the vector maps. On the other hand it is not possible to develop a stable batch process for a data which has no metadata of any kind. Early releases of Karto25 had many versions while the product line was operating. It took 5 years to make it stable software for the production of cartographic vector maps based on photogrametric resources, meanwhile 1400 sheets of map had been manufactured and archived. Tracking this data was almost impossible and there should be used iterative development for the batch process. The weight of the job was on this part and took 3 years of working on it. However the data were produced after the first stable release of the Karto25 had its consistency and suitable for batch processing. It was easy to run scripts and take the results that expected. 4. SOME OF DATA QUALITY PROBLEMS Spatial database is a factory that produces bullets for generalization machine gun. Creating a spatial database requires much consideration of other users of the data than for only cartographic purposes. Cartographic data modeling is similar to the process used in geographic data modeling (Burrough 1992, Goodchild 1992, Hadzilacos & Tryfona 1996, Peuquet 1984). So if one needs to build an enterprise geodatabase by using very different types of spatial data, he should design the system architecture with the modern approaches of development methods. Examining the data and dataflow, inspecting bottlenecks in the system and debugging the architecture are essential parts of the development process. Conceptual design, logical design and physical design are the three categories of the design process. There are ten steps (Arctur & Zeiler 2004) to design a geodatabase: 1. Identify the information products that will be produced with your GIS 2. Identify the key thematic layers based on your information 3. Specify the scale ranges and spatial representations for each thematic layers 4. Group representations into datasets 5. Define your tabular structure and behavior for descriptive attributes 6. Define the spatial properties of your dataset 7. Propose a geodatabase design 8. Implement, prototype, review, and refine your design 9. Design work flows for building and maintaining each layer 6 10. Document your design using appropriate methods These steps are the most common design principles and one should obey these steps not to go back to the starting point. To meet the cartographic requirements that might be imposed on a GIS, a complete cartographic data model should be considered (Arctur &, Zeiler 2004). In this scope, the data and the dataflow have been analyzed and the framework of the study has been drawn in GCM. The conceptual part of the design was completed by the end of 1998 and most of the main structure was defined in great detail. Logical design was clarified by grouping the spatial objects into datasets and adding descriptive attributes. After implementing this structure to the workflow, in time, some minor refinements had to be done. Data structure that was changed over and over again was the main handicap of the study. Standardizing this data requires too much batch and automation processes. These processes will be explained in the next part. A projection system and the map extent are the main characteristics of a map and these are related with the geodetic reference system that is stuck into the Datum. Changing the datum seems to be a very common and simple task for any GIS Software but in a workflow of a map production, it is not an easy thing. GCM has decided to produce maps in WGS84 datum in 2001. On the other hand, about 1500 sheets of vector data had been produced in ED50 datum. This was the second main problem that needed to be solved. The datum transformation of the sheets and automation of this process showed that computers with very high capacity were needed for such a huge job. Datum transformation also includes a major problem that each map’s extent overlaps 4 more maps’ extent in the previous datum. For creating a map in a new datum, a clipping process is required for each tile and coverage. This task is also time-consuming for a batch process. For generalization, the spatial data must be standardized, checked for errors and must be seamless. To achieve this goal, the edge-matching process for adjacent tiles must be done manually or semi-automatically by operators. Statistics on the existing data have been collected for this task showed that for each edge of a tile, 3 hours of work is needed. When it is expanded to the sheets cover whole country for only the edge-matching process, it is approximately 16.500 hours of work is required to accomplish this task. The process of map making will always require human intervention - as natural languages require smart interpretation. Therefore, it is impossible to fully standardize the methods or processes of thematic cartography, nor to provide universal rules of information generalization (Beconyte & Govorov 2005). It has been experienced for many years the data workers, the cartographers in this issue; themselves are the main error resource for the spatial data. Such 7 factors as loss of attention, lack of knowledge, concentration, motivation and personal problems create rude errors that are inevitable. To avoid this kind of errors there must be a task to be done which is the Raster Control Method. In this method, vector data is symbolized and compared with the scanned paper maps or published raster data. There are also some statistics collected for this task. The mean time for each tile is 4.5 hours of work and total work needs about 25 000 hours. 5. APPLICATION OF QUALITY CONTROL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ON EXISTING DATA A system designer must be meticulous about the dataflow. It is essential that the workflow itself is a resource for errors and bottlenecks. Especially the Arcinfo Coverage system is very vulnerable by the operating system and operator tasks. The structure of the Karto25 is built upon Arcinfo coverage system and each vector map layer is stored in a tile-based system on the hard discs. These tiles are managed and authenticated by Microsoft Server 2003 Operating System in Karto25 Map Library. The tiles of 1:25 000 scale vector maps is collected in the relevant 1:100 000 scale tile names and all tiles are stored under the LIBRARIES/KVK25/TILES folder on a map network drive. 8 Figure 2. Quality checking workflow An adjustment between map edges and neighboring areas is the main problem of seamless database. To make it easier, there must be a workaround solution for this process. Therefore all 1:25 000 scale tiles in a 1:100 000 tile are appended and edited by manually to prevent from unwanted errors stemming from programs. After merging 25 key tiles, 100 key tiles are processed by edge matching on the neighboring cross-tiles in 1:250 000 scale extent. Then the vector and raster data comparison process starts. All of these time-consuming processes are required to be done manually. Finishing these steps the data are prepared for quality checking. The quality checking software is a program that is based on Arcgis environment and implements Arcgis objects. The software produces a report for each tile to be corrected by operator interactively. This task loops for several times until there are no errors. Faultless tiles are ready to be put into Map Library. In this step, another batch process takes the action and prepares the data by cleaning temporary files and doing some other operations needed. Once the data is ready in the map library, the operation of extraction is performed and the data is ready for generalization purposes. Conversion software gets these coverages and converts them to a personal geodatabase, which will be used by KartoGen software tool kit. Figure 2 depicts the quality checking workflow. Clear map graphics and a good legibility of the content are much more important. Objects in DCM are not only simplified, but also selected, enlarged and displaced. For a DCM the positional precision is not as significant as the topologic consistency. It is achieved if the relative position of objects towards its neighbors is correct. The structure of DCM data can be compared to the data of landscape models. In order to perform automated generalization, the data need to be topologically correct. The vector data of a DCM can be visualized with different symbol sets. A limitation to the freedom of symbolization is the displacement, since it is performed with respect to a specific symbol with or size (Nreiter 2005). Deciding which data model has to be selected for a spatial database is clarified by the Cost-Benefit analyses. One of the prime decisions to be made in all changes of technology is whether start now or later. In general, the later start-up, the greater the cost of establishing databases and the longer the time before benefits are realized (Bernhardsen 1992). The data model is the main bottleneck for the generalization that needs highly integrated and very qualified data to accomplish its tasks. The level of ease for the implementation of the algorithms of generalization tools depends on the mostly data model. Semantic, geometric, topologic and cartographic restrictions are the basics of the data model constrains. Table 3 includes some of these for a spatial database built upon Karto25 data. 9 Table 3. Some Examples of semantic, geometric, topologic and cartographic restrictions (Dalkiran 2005). Description Sample Explanation River in the polygon Representing geographical objects by the graphical elements layer and its contour lines in the line layer. that are separated on many layers. geographical Representation of a dam phenomenon is very complex to be in front of a barrage with modeled and there must be taken undefined black lines. Some some workaround solutions. Due to the restrictions of software, some geographical objects in polygon layers have to be represented by lines. Big gaps and rises on a land that are represented by polygons, not have by directional brown lines to show the slope. The object of the same type does symbolized the identical attributes due to operator faults or mistyping. The adjacent polygons in the vegetation layer, has different values. the The label “Kiraz Çş.” in annotation layer are not related the annotation layer, for the with nearby fountain object’s attribute The the labels in geographical object attributes. is missing. Streets do not connect to Connectivity errors for the each other in a suburban area. line objects. Some continuous A Stream lines must be geographical objects are broken continuous, unless there is a by absence of required lines. shaft. 10 Some of the geographic objects are not orthogonal. Polygon buildings are not orthogonal. Line objects are split by many arcs that cause knitted lines. Overlapping lines of a polygon object that represents a river. Elevation contour lines that are snapped each other that are caused by high snap and edit Snapping elevation contour lines. tolerances. Different attributes of the elevation layers on the edges of tiles. Geodetic reference points require orthometric height information as value attribute. Mistyped values of some very important objects. Some edge-matching problems of datum transformation. Data collection differences of two operators. Elevation lines must be continuous. Missing values for geodetic reference points Some contour lines have wrong elevation value. Missing polygon object attributes on the edge of between two tiles. On the edge of two tiles the polygons cannot be merged. 11 6. QUALITY CHECKING PRODUCTION LINE Quality checking is a streamline of the some following procedures and it can be named as Quality Checking Production Line. There are several tasks and loops should be done by automatic or interactive procedures. As mentioned before, the quality checking and attribute completion tasks should be done in order to prevent the rude errors. This task needs very detailed knowledge about the data structure, data itself and programming skills. Automatic control steps are listed below for data quality process on the Karto25 data. 1. Coverage existence control 2. Creating or completing the missing coverages 3. Deletion of temporary coverages 4. Redefining projections 5. TIC coordinate equality for each coverage to the index coverage 6. Attributes and item order standardization 7. F_CODE, F_NAME, and SYMBOL items cross-checking process 8. Unspliting line coverages with a unique temporary item 9. Overlapping points deletion 10. Deletion of objects without any attribute 11. Recreating the outline arc of the polygon coverages by using index polygon 12. Tolerance Setting for each coverage 13. Building and cleaning the topology of the coverages 14. Killing unwanted feature classes 15. Deleting log files and other system files Below is the semi-automated log based error reporting processes; 1. Incremental value checking for elevation contour lines 2. Edge-matching for line layers 3. Checking intersections for contour lines 12 4. P_NAME and VALUE control for polygons and lines 5. Related object existence 6. Value standardization control for P_NAME and VALUE attributes 7. Character and syntax error checking for annotations and labels 8. Abbreviation checking for annotation coverage 9. Annotation layer symbol checking Below is the list for full manual processes. 7. 10. Vector and raster data comparison 11. Comparison with object value and annotation coverage 12. Missing required value control for some important objects SOME STATISTICS ON THE DATA It’s obvious that one cannot comprehend the volume of the entire data and whole work, unless one has them together. On the other hand it is not necessary to hold all the data collected in the hard discs. Statistics is a tool that assists to estimate the whole work and the data. Sampling is very important for estimation and opinion about the entire collection. Statistics have been applied on approximately 1500 sheets of 1:25 000 scale vector maps. Table 4 indicates some impressive results of these. Processing such a tremendous dataset needs too much manpower, computer processing time and automation. Batch processes are very essential. On the other hand it’s very dangerous to create a batch process for every task for spatial data. Cartographic design and production consist of complex procedures, which cannot be automated easily (Konstantinos & Lysandros 2005). There are always some unexpected errors and surprising situations that cannot be foreseen before occur. A careful programmer or developer should test the batch processes many times for many situation and it needs to be experienced. All of these cause a paradox. The benefit-cost estimations must be done for which tasks will be batched and which not. After deciding the batch processes, one must consider computer processing time and optimization of codes. Table 4. Statistics on the data (Dalkiran, 2005). Explanation M Num Estimation 13 ean ber of Entire Sheets Total Arcs 4 .954 Total polygons 68 .555 89.615 59 78 space 0 Mb data to Map library .5 hours 25.280.250 x 5.55 2.162.363.250 x 5.55 3.102.450 x 5.55 1.542.900 x 5.55 110 Gb x 5.55 13875 hours ≈ 578 days ≈ 1.5 years 0 2 8 5.55 0 2 Total Coverages x 0 2 Total work to upload 3.152.400 0 2 Total Physical drive 5.55 0 5 Total Annotations x 0 3 Total Labels 27.499.039 0 4 Total Segments 5.55 0 5 Total Points x x 5.55 155.400 0 Statistics on the workflow of Quality Checking Process Line indicates that about 30% of work can be batch-processed securely on the vector data. The other 70% is covered by interactive or manual tasks. Some statistics about time needed to accomplish the interactive and manual tasks for a 1:25 000 scale vector map data are shown below (Table 5). These results signify that, for 8 hours of work with 10 data workers, time required for the entire data is estimated as 1.283 workdays and it is about 5.3 years. Table 5. Estimation of Total Hours of Work (Dalkiran 2005). 14 H Task Name ours of Work Edge-matching for line layers Num ber Estimation of of Total Hours of Entire Work Sheets 2 x 5.55 11.100 x 5.55 5.550 x 5.55 11.100 x 5.55 11.100 x 5.55 8.350 x 5.55 8.350 x 5.55 2.775 x 5.55 2.775 x 5.55 24.975 x 5.55 16.650 x 5.55 102.675 0 Edge-matching polygon layers 1 0 P_NAME and VALUE control for 2 polygons and lines Value standardization 0 control for 2 P_NAME and VALUE attributes 0 Missing required value control for some important objects 1 ,5 Character and syntax error checking for annotations and labels 1 ,5 Abbreviation checking for annotation coverage 0 0 0 ,5 Annotation layer symbol checking 0 0 ,5 Vector and raster data comparison 0 4 ,5 Comparison with object value and 0 3 annotation coverage 0 Total 1 8,5 8. 0 CONCLUSION 15 Pathway to the GIS heaven passes through the Spatial Database Bridge. Establishing the database is not the end; it is the beginning of the future works. The first thing to be done is to find a strategy. Without an implementation strategy, projects often become technology-driven, and technology takes the upper hand, ahead of the tasks it is to perform (Bernhardsen 1992). In order to publish this data as soon as possible and get the users’ feedbacks, establishing this map library is very essential. There are many milestones to be passed. After establishing this map library the first thing to be done is converting this data to the geodatabase format, which is managed by Relational Database Management System. The new model and the previous model conversion tools should cover both formats and should have no conflicts with the map production system. Geonames are another issue to be solved. It is estimated that there will be 1.5 million names in the database and each one must be checked by semi-automatic processes, in case a geodatabase can not exist without geonames. Correction and completion of geoobject’s attributes are also very crucial for querying tasks. This will be included in the future works of this study. Also a very good knowledge base system must be established in the workflow. The operators should easily share their experiences without any restrictions. In order to do this a web based content management system has to be setup and a course for the operators should be given. Lessons Learned section is the summary of a good knowledge base. Here are some of lessons learned from all of the study; Whenever a process launches, you have to know that something is going wrong. Every automation task can lead to new problems that are to be solved by manually. If there isn’t any knowledge base and communication, each operator produces only errors. When you find yourself happy to finish the quality control, you must know that there still are many errors. Do not hesitate to give low tolerances for the coverages, unless you want to tolerate new errors. A batch process always fails when you are resting at home. A quality control process must be controlled by another quality control process. As a manager, be nice to your data workers, otherwise you’ll have to do the rest of job by yourself. 16 Quality control is a vortex. You cannot get out once you get in. When a function does its job properly for a piece of spatial data, know that it might not do for the rest. Topology is a gun that can shoot backward. You must test your program on many computers, even though they have the same configuration. As a programmer, please test your program on a copy of data. Spatial data is a living monster that enters your daydreams. In conclusion, every road leads to Rome. The first thing is to start somewhere in the spatial space of one and zeros. Cost-Benefit analyses show the first direction. Direct application of modern approaches is not always true for your requirements and data structure. Give a chance to your data, before moving it to the trashcan. There must be much invaluable information in it. The level of knowledge about spatial data itself enlightens the level of your advanced researches. 9. REFERENCES Arctur, D., Zeiler, M. (2004), "Designing Geodatabases: Case Studies in GIS Data Modeling", Esri Press, USA. Aslan, S., (2003), “Settlement and Road Generalization in Topographic Maps”, Master Thesis, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul. (In Turkish) Beconyte, G., Govorov, M., (2005), “In Search for Models Of Cartographic Representation (Language Oriented Approach)”, ICA-The 22th International Cartographic Conference, A Coruna, Spain. Bernhardsen, T., (1992), “Geographical Information Systems”, VIAK IT and Norwegian Mapping Authority. Bildirici, I.O., Ucar, D., (1996), “Geographic Information Systems and Gneralization”, 6. Harita Kurultayi, Ankara, Türkiye. 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