Session title





, R


, C



The 24th Annual QRCA Conference

Wednesday, October 7, to Friday, October 9, 2009

Palm Springs, CA

Thank you for submitting your application to speak at the 2009 QRCA Conference. Please complete the entire form and email to

by March 20, 2009


Please provide all the information requested so your proposal can be evaluated on its potential for contributing to the educational content of the conference.

Important: the spaces on the form below will accommodate as much information as you wish to provide – all you need to do is place your cursor in the appropriate box and type – or copy and paste. Reminder: “save” this file frequently as you work.

Questions? Need help? Just email


Session title

(Should intrigue & inform; even better if it relates to the C OMMUNICATE , R EJUVENATE , C ELEBRATE theme or a conference track)

Title: The Unobtrusive Ethnographer: The Economic and Efficiency Advantages of Ethnography via

Mobile Technology

Description of session content

(This is the description members will read in order to decide whether to attend your presentation. It is very important that the actual presentation indeed fits this description)

Outline: Part I: Evolution of Ethnography: a. Ethnography roots in cultural and social anthropology.

Establish common ground for the session by first quickly getting everyone onto the same page in terms of the overall definition/concept of what Ethnography is and what it is intended to accomplish. b.

Discussion of Video Ethnography in Qualitative Research. Review of what it is and does, what it can deliver. Sets the tone for discussion of Ethnography through mobile technology. c. Emergence and

Definition of Mobile technology used in Ethnography. Part II: Mobile Ethnography - Understanding the

Tools and the Technology: a. Overview of the technology components of Telephone Ethnography b.

How to set up Telephone Ethnography study c. How to add a photo component to the study d. How to price a Telephone Ethnography study e. How to recruit for a Telephone Ethnography study Part III:

Telephone Ethnography Live Demo: Several telephone ethnography recordings will take place live, involving attendees in the session, as well as parties off-site. These recordings will then be transcribed in real time, and presented online for viewing by the audience, at which point they will be ready for analysis. Part IV: Analysis of Telephone Ethnography Research Study Findings: Option for analysis for assessing the research and drawing conclusions from findings will be discussed. Part V: Financial Tools for Winning the Telephone Ethnography Project: a. Economic advantages of Mobile Ethnography b.

Reach and Scalability: Efficiency advantages of Mobile Ethnography c. Advantages of Mobile technology over Video Ethnography

How would you describe the interactive portion of your presentation?

The presenters will use the interactive media of the telephone and the internet and within the presentation, and utilizing selected Researchers/Moderators attending the session, actually create a few Ethnographic observational recordings, and let the audience experience them being transcribed for


analysis in real time. Session attendees will serve as the study participants, as well as off-site parties who will create the transcriptions, so that a sense can be created of how the process works, and how the technology both looks and feels.

Benefit Statement (Please summarize what attendees can expect to gain from your session)

Attendees will come away with a clear understanding of how to conduct a large-scale Ethnography study using mobile technology. They will be able to explain to their clients and prospects the types of findings that can be generated from utilizing mobile phones, texting, pictures and transcriptions for their

Ethnographic study. They will know how to set up such a study, how to scale it, how to price it, how to propose it, how to conduct it, and how to win over clients to engage in it.

Have you presented or published this material previously? If yes, please specify the venue and date.


Is there any other information you feel will support the selection of your idea?

In the current economy, both Researchers and their clients must find cost-efficient ways to gather and analyze research. Using telephone/transcription techniques to conduct Mobile Ethnography studies is not widely understood, yet it can yield major findings across wide geographical areas, with many

Respondents, at a very low cost. Understanding the advantages of Mobile Ethnographic studies, and knowing how to present and price them to clients, opens a new door for QRCA members to showcase themselves as leading edge and innovative, while demonstrating to clients that they have ways to obtain important research findings at a very low cost.

Please provide a brief biographical sketch for all speakers, including qualitative research and speaking experience. (If you are chosen to present, this bio will be used for publication.)

Rebecca West is Vice President, Client Care for Civicom. She is a member of the company’s Board of

Directors. Civicom serves the world's top organizations, as well as smaller independent firms, with advanced communications solutions, through next-generation SIP technology that is the first of its kind in the U.S. Civicom has established a strong presence providing virtual IDI, focus group, and advanced online services to the marketing research community, using a combination of proprietary audio conferencing technology, Adobe® web interfacing, recruiting, email-driven research design, and a superior recording and transcription system. Prior to Civicom, Rebecca’s career was in national and international client retention, sales, worldwide corporate communications, and general management - for AON, Hewitt Associates, and Kraft. She has worked with and managed clients of all sizes and industries. She holds a Masters Degree in Media Studies from the New School for Social Research, where she studied both traditional and emerging media. She holds a certificate from the Harvard

Business School executive education program in Managing Professional Service Firms.

Kate Xenelis is a Group Product Manager for Civicom, and is responsible for developing new products, including new virtual research methods. She developed and is director of Civicom’s transcription and

Dial-A-Note services. She is lead account manager for several large marketing research clients of

Civicom. She is an expert in all of Civicom’s virtual marketing research services, and is responsible for working with the Civicom technology department on mapping out new features for technical development. She has advised many QRCA members whom she met through QRCA meetings in

Vancouver and Ft. Lauderdale, and at the AQR meeting in Barcelona.


Information about your session (please mark your selections with “X”)

Conference track (select 1)


Communicate information X

Rejuvenate your passion

Celebrate the future of

qualitative research



Time requirements

90 minutes

60 minutes

120 minutes

Facility needs



LCD projector


Easel & flipchart

Internet access

Other, specify: Screen


QRC skill level most appropriate for

(select as many as apply)

1-3 years experience

3-7 years experience

7+ years experience

If workshop, please write in:

% of time lecture

% of time hands-on interaction

Preferred room arrangement


Round tables

Other, specify:

Complete contact information for all speakers

Full name of primary contact Rebecca West

Email address

Mailing/shipping address

Civicom, Inc. P.O. Box 4689, Greenwich, CT 06831

Phone (including area/country code)


Fax (including area/country code)


Full name of additional speaker

Kate Xenelis

Email address








Mailing/shipping address

Civicom, Inc. P.O. Box 4689, Greenwich, CT 06831

Phone (including area/country code)


Fax (including area/country code)

Full name of additional speaker


Email address

Mailing/shipping address

Phone (including area/country code)

Fax (including area/country code)

If there are more speakers, please provide full contact information (as requested above) on an additional page.

The deadline for all applications is MARCH 20, 2009

Please email your completed application form to

Or apply online at

Or fax your completed application form to 651-290-2266, ATTN: DARRIN

