erica melis (tell) - Universität des Saarlandes

In Memoriam 28.02.1949 - 20.02.2011
Privatdozentin Dr. Erica Melis (Tell)
Principal Researcher
German Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
Centre for e-Learning Technology
and associated at
Universität des Saarlandes
Computer Science Department
Nachrufe / Orbituaries
Dr. med. M. Breitenbach
Prof. Dr. Johannes A. Buchmann
Dr. rer. nat. C. Schroeder
Prof. Dr. H. Uszkoreit
Prof. Dr. Dr. hc (mult) Wahlster
10-jähriges Dienstjubiläum
Erica Memoriam talk at AIEd 2011
Workshop in Memoriam at ECTEL 2011
"She died in peace in my arms supported by phowa within our buddhist tradition, in
February 2011." Jörg Siekmann
Special Issue: International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (IJAIED); Emerging
Technologies and Landmark Systems for Learning Mathematics and Science: Dedicated to the
Memory of Erica Melis (2014), 24(3,4);
International Journal 1International Journal 2
Research Interests
Intelligent Learning Environments and Tools
Web-based education environment Active Math and MathBridge for Mathematics. This includes
AI-techniques such as user-adaptivity, course generation, student modeling, cognitive tools,
exercise generation, feedback generation, diagnosis, tutorial strategies, integration of service
systems, etc.
Proof Planning
... knowledge-based proof planning, constraint solving for proof planning, meta-reasoning,
productive use of failure. My favoured case study on epsilon-delta-proofs...
Mixed-initiative proof planning for education, including user-interface for proof planning,
feedback generation, communication with learning system, scenarios, etc.
Case-Based Reasoning, Analogy
Automated Deduction
Leading the ActiveMath Group and Math Bridge
... at University of Saarland and German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence.
Current Projects for Technology-Enhanced Learning
- coordinating EU-project Math-Bridge (eConentPlus project) 2009-2012
- DFG-project ALoE (Online Learning with Erroneous Examples), principle investigator
- DFG-project ATuF (Adaptive Tutoring Feedback), principle investigator
- Mathe-Brücke (mit HTW),principle investigator
- AMor (maths for physicists and chemicists), principle investigator
- ActiveMath-EU quasi-coordinator
Previous projects include
- EU-project LeActiveMath Language-enhanced, user-adaptive, interactive eLearning in
Mathematics which I coordinated
- EU-project iClass
- EU-project Mowgli
- DFG project MIPPA, principle investigator
- SFB 378SFB 314
Recent Organizational Activities
serving in program committee of recent conferences, among others
- Artificial Intelligence in Education
- SWEL workshops
- International and European Conference on Case-Based Reasoning
- International Conference Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age
- World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education
- IADIS International Conference on WWW/Internet
- European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Leanring, ECTEL
- International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation
Short CV
Studied mathematics at Humboldt-University, Berlin.
PhD in logic and methodology of science, Humboldt-University, Berlin.
Habilitation in Computer Science, Saarbrücken
DFG-research fellow at University of Saarbrücken, Department of Computer Science
1993-94 research fellow at Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Pittsburgh,
1994-95 European research fellow at University of Edinburgh, Department of AI, UK
1996-2000 senior researcher at the University of Saarbrücken, Department of Computer Science
2000- principle researcher and project leader at the German Reseach Institute on Artificial
Intelligence (DFKI)
Erica pioneered knowledge-based proof planning (see some major publications) and is now
prominently involved in Technology-Enhanced Learning/ Intelligent Tutoring Systems with
research and developments for the web-based, adaptive and semantics-based ActiveMath
platform as well as interdisciplinary research on various instructional interventions.
Courses and other Education
- Master theses and doctoral theses / in Arbeit befindliche und zu vergebende Bachelorund Master- und Diplomarbeiten
- WS 2010-2011 Seminar Computer-Based Educational Technologies
- WS 2009-2010 Seminar Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- SS 2009 Seminar Intelligent Tutoring Systems, no more participation
- WS 2008/2009 Educational Technologies for Informatik-, Erziehungswissenschaft-,
- WS 2007/2008 Educational Data Mining
- WS 2006/2007 Intelligent Educational Technologies
- SS 2006: Seminar Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- WS 2005/2006: Seminar Hands-on Mathematics for Computer Scientists
- SS 2004/2005 EducationalTechnologies
- WS 2004/2005 Seminar: Hands-on Mathematik für Informatiker
- WS 2004/2005 Interaktive Übungen zur Vorlesung Mathematik für Informatiker
- WS 2003/2004 Seminar: Hands-on Mathematics for Computer Scientists
- SS 2003 educational technologies
- SS 2003 AI-Planning/ automatische Planverfahren
- SS 2002 e-learning
- SS 2001
- WS 2001 Proseminar Benutzermodellierung und -adaptivität
- SS 2000 Course on AI-planning and proof planning
- WS 1999 seminar on AI-planning
- SS 1998 Machine Learning
- SS 1997 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- SS 1996 Analogy and Case-Based Reasoning
Selected Publications
- Erroneous Examples: Effects on Learning Fractions in a Web-Based Setting. International
Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (IJTEL), submitted. 2010. preliminary pdf with D.
Tsovaltzi, B.M. McLaren and A-K. Meyer.
- Gap Detection in Web-based Adaptive Educational Systems. International Conference for
Web-Based Learning, ICWL 2010. With D. Jednoralski, S. Sosnovsky and C. Ullrich.
- Supporting Flexible Competency Frameworks. International Conference for Web-Based
Learning, ICWL 2010. With C. Ullrich, S. Doost and A. Faulhaber.
- How to Support Meta-Cognitive Skills for Finding and Correcting Errors? Cognitive and
Metacognitive Educational Systems, AAAI Fall symposium, Arlington, AAAI Press, 2010. With
A. Sander and D. Tsovaltzi.
- Learning from Erroneous Examples: When and How do Students Benefit from them? SecondBest paper at EC-TEL 2010, pages: 357-373, M. Wolpers, P.A. Kirschner, M. Scheffel, S.
Lindstaedt and V. Dimitrova (eds), LNCS 6383, Springer-Verlag, 2010. With D. Tsovaltzi, B.
McLaren, K. Meyer, M. Dietrich and G. Goguadze.
- Complex Course Generation Adapted to Pedagogical Scenarios and its Evaluation. Journal of
Educational Technology and Society, vol. 13(2), 2010. With C. Ullrich.
- Learning from Erroneous Examples. Internatioal Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems.
Vincent Aleven, Judy Kay and Jack Mostow (eds), Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, 6095, 2010, pages: 420-422, With D. Tsovaltzi, B. McLaren, M. Dietrich, G. Goguadze
and A-K. Meyer.
- Complex Course Generation Adapted to Pedagogical Scenarios and its Evaluation. Educational
Technology and Society, 2009. preliminary pdf with C. Ullrich.
- Erroneous Examples: A Preliminary Investigation into Learning Benefits. European
Conference for Technology-nhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2009. preliminary pdf with D. Tsovaltzi,
B. McLaren and M. Dietrich and G. Goguadze and A-K. Meyer
- A New Framework for Dynamic Adaptations and Actions. European Conference for
Technology-nhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2009. preliminary pdf with C. Ullrich and T. Lu
- Culturally Aware Mathematics Education Technology. In: The Handbook of Research in
Culturally-Aware Information Technology: Perspectives and Models. Emmanuel Blanchard and
Danièle Allard (eds) preliminary pdf with G. Goguadze and P. Libbrecht and C. Ullrich.
- ActiveMath - a Learning Platform With Semantic Web Features. In: Ontologies and Semantic
Web for e-Learning. D. Dicheva and J. Greer (eds), 2009, preliminary pdf with G. Goguadze and
P. Libbrecht and C. Ullrich.
- Effects of Erroneous Examples, Results of a Preliminary School Experiment. AI in Education
2009, pdf , with Dieter Kriesell.
- Just-In-Time Adaptivity Through Dynamic Items. User Modeling and Adaptation and
Personalization (UMAP) 2009, pdf with Carsten Ullrich and Tianxiang Lu.
- Combining Evaluative and Generative Diagnosis in ActiveMath. AI in Education 2009, with
Georgi Goguadze, pdf
- Culturally Adapted Mathematics Education with ActiveMath. Artificial Intelligence and
Society, Special Issue on Enculturating HCI. with G. Goguadze, P. Libbrecht, and C. Ullrich. pdf
- Pedagogically Founded Courseware Generation based on HTN-Planning. International Journal
for Expert Systems with Applications, 2008. with Carsten Ullrich, preliminary pdf
- Interoperable Competencies Characterizing Learning Objects. Proceedings of the International
Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, ITS-2008, pages: 416-425, with A. Faulhaber, A.
Eichelmann, S.Narciss, pdf
- An Efficient Student Model Based on Student Performance and Metadata, 18th European
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2008), pages: 276-280, with A. Faulhaber,, preliminary
- One Exercise - Various Tutorial Strategies. Proceedings of the International Conference on
Intelligent Tutoring Systems, ITS-2008, pages: 755-757, with G. Goguadse, pdf
- Feedback in ActiveMath Exercise. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematics
Education (ICME), with G. Goguadse,
- Analyzing Computer-Based Fraction Tasks on the Basis of a Two-Dimensional View of
Mathematics Competences. In: Beyond knowledge: the legacy of competence, J. Zumbach, N.
Schwartz, T. Seyfert and L. Kester (eds), pages: 125-134, with A. Eichelmann, S. Narciss and A.
Faulhaber, preliminary doc
- Towards Accessing Disparate Educational Data in a Single, Unified Manner. European
Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2008, pages: 280-283, with B.McLaren
and S.Solomon,pdf
- Proof Planning with Multiple Strategies. Aritificial Intelligence, vol.172, pages; 656-684, , with A.Meier and J. Siekmann
- Authoring, Specification and Prototyping of Personalized Workplace Learning Solutions.
International Journal of Learning Technology, Special Issue on Authoring of Adaptive and
Adaptable Hypermedia. with Peter Dolog and others.
- How ActiveMath Supports Moderate Constructivist Mathematics Teaching. International
conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching (ICTMT) 2007, with M. Moormann, C.
Ullrich, G. Goguadze and P. Libbrecht pdf.
- Results from Action Analysis in Interactive Learning. Journal of Interactive Learning Research
(JILR), 18(2):185-205, AACE, 2007. with O. Scheuer and M. Muehlenbrock preprint.
- Challenges in Search and Usage of Multi-Media Learning Objects. Proceedings of the ChineseGerman Workshop on Cognitive Systems, pages: 36-44, LNAI 4429, Springer-Verlag. E. Melis,
R. Shen, J. Siekmann, C. Ullrich, F. Yang and P. Han
- Reductio ad Absurdum: Planning Proofs by Contradiction. Essays in Honor of Gigina Aiello,
O. Stock (ed), Springer-Verlag, LNAI 4155, 2006. with M. Pollet and J. Siekmann. preprint
- LeActiveMath, First European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning 2006, with J.
Haywood and T. Smith preprint
- Querying Heterogeneous and Distributed Learning Object Repositories via Ontology-Based
Mediation. First European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning 2006, with P.
Kärger and C. Ullrich.
- Combining ITS and eLearning Technologies: Opportunities and Challenges. Intelligent
Tutoring Systems (ITS-06), pages: 278-287, with C. Brooks and J. Greer, LNCS 4053,
2006. preprint
- Challenges in Search and Usage of Multi-Media Learning Objects. Journal of Computer
Science and Technology with R. Shen, J. Siekmann, C. Ullrich, F. Yang, P. Han
- Semantic-Aware Components and Services in ActiveMath, British Journal of Educational
Technology. Special Issue: Semantic Web for E-learning, Special Issue, 37(3): 405-423, 2006.
- ActiveMath! In: OMDoc: An Open Markup Format for Mathematical Documents (M.
Kohlhase), LNAI, Springer-Verlag
- Semantic Search in LeActiveMath. WebALT Conference 2006, pdf with P.Libbrecht
- Impasse-Driven Reasoning in Proof Planning. Proceedings of the Fourth International
Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management, LNAI 3863, pages:143-158, 2006. at
SpringerLink preliminary pdf with A. Meier
- Authoring Presentation for OpenMath Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on
Mathematical Knowledge Management (MKM2005), LNAI 3863, pages:33-48, 2006. at
SpringerLink preliminary pdf
- Interactivity of Exercises in ActiveMath. International Conference of Computer in Education
and Learning (ICCEL-05), pdf with Goguadse and Gonzales-Palomo
- Implementing Courseware to Support Learning Through Real-World Erroneous Examples:
Student's Perceptions of Tertiary Courseware and Obstacles to Implementing Effective Delivery
Through VLE. Proceedings of European Conference on eLearning (ECEL-2005), doc file with
- ePortfolios in ActiveMath. ePortfolio 2005, 213-222, Cambridge, 2005. pdf with M. Homik
- e-Learning Logic and Mathematics: What we Have and What we Still Need. In: Essays in
Honor of Dov Gabbay. pdf with J. Siekmann
- Failure Reasoning in Multiple-Strategy Proof Planning. Electronic Notes in Theoretical
Computer Science, vol 125 M.P. Bonacina and T. Boy de la Tour (eds), pages 67-90,
2005. pdf with A. Meier
- MULTI: A Multi-Strategy Proof Planner. 20th International Conference on Automated
Deduction (CADE-20), 250-254, 2005. pdf with A. Meier.
- Interactive Concept Mapping in ActiveMath, 3. Deutsche e-Learning Fachtagung der
Gesellschaft fuer Informatik, DeLFI pdf with P.Kaerger and M. Homik
- Design of Erroneous Examples for ActiveMath. International Conference on AI in Education.
IOS Press, 2005. pdf
- Global Feedback in ActiveMath. In: International Journal of Computers in Mathematics and
Science Teaching, AACE, 2005 with E.Andres pre version
- Why Proof Planning for Maths Education and How? In: Festschrift in Honor of Jörg Siekmann,
D. Hutter and W.Stephan (eds), LNCS 2605, pages 364-376 2005. pdf
- Erroneous Examples as a Source of Learning in Mathematics. International Conference:
Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age (CELDA), Kinshuk, D.G. Sampson, P.
Isaias (eds), pages 311-318, 2004. doc
- Constraint Solving for Proof Planning. In: Journal of Automated Reasoning,33(1): 51-88, 2004.
with J.Zimmer pdf
- Adaptable Mixed-Initiative Proof Planning for Educational Interaction. Electronic Notes in
Theoretical Computer Science, 2004 with A.Meier and M. Pollet pdf
- Towards Adaptive Generation of Faded Examples. International Conference on Intelligent
Tutoring Systems, ITS-2004, J.C. Lester and R.M. Vicari and F. Paraguacu (eds), pages 762-771,
with G. Goguadze pdf
- ActiveMath: An Intelligent Tutoring System for Mathematics. Seventh International
Conference 'Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC). L. Rutkowski and J.
Siekmann and R. Tadeusiewicz and L.A. Zadeh (eds), Springer-Verlag, pages 91-101, 2004.
with J. Siekmann pdf
- Gender-Biased Adaptations in Educational Adaptive Hypermedia. Proceedings of the Third
International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems. pages
{425-428, Springer-Verlag, 2004. with C. Ullrich pdf
- Adaptive Access to a Proof Planner. Third International Conference on Mathematical
Knowledge Management (MKM-2004), A. Asperti and G. Bancerek and A. Trybule (eds), pages
251-264, Springer-Verlag, 2004. with A.Meier and M. Pollet pdf
- They Call It Learning Style But It's so Much More. World Conference on E-Learning in
Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (eLearn-2004), pages 1383-1390,
20004. with R. Monthienvichienchai pdf
- Education-Relevant Features in ActInMath. In: Online Educa, 9th International Conference on
Technology Supported Learning and Training, 2003.
- The Poor Man's Eyetracker DFKeye. In: International Conference on Human Computer
Interaction, 2003 with C.Ullrich and D.Wallach. doc
- User Interface for Adaptive Suggestions for Interactive Proof. In: User Interfaces for Theorem
Provers, 2003. with M.Pollet and A.Meier
- Local and Global Feedback In: International Conference on AI in Education, 2003. E.
Melis. pdf
- Polya-Scenarios in ActiveMath. In: International Conference on AI in Education, 2003, with C.
Ullrich. pdf
- Global Feedback in ActiveMath. In: Proceedings of the World Conference on E-Learning in
Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education with E. Andres. (eLearn-2003),
2003. pdf
- Lessons for (Pedagogic) Usability Design of eLearning Systems. In: Proceedings of the World
Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education
(eLearn-2003), 2003. with M. Weber. pdf
- Problems and Solutions for Markup for Mathematical Examples and Exercises. In:
International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management, MKM03, 2003. with G.
Goguadse, C. Ullrich and P. Cairns pdf
- About the Global Suggestion Mechanisms in ActiveMath. ITS-02 Workshop on Creating
Diagnostic Assessments, 2002, with E. Andres
- The Poor Man's Eyetracker in ActiveMath. InternationalWorld Conference on E-Learning in
Corporate, Gevernment, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2002. with C. Ullrich
- Call for a Common Web-Repository of Interactive Exercises. Workshop on Internet-Accessible
Mathenatical Computation 2002.
- Using Computer Algebra Systems as Cognitive Tools. 6th International Conference on
Intelligent Tutor Systems, 2002, with the ActiveMath Group
- Knowledge Representation and Management in ActiveMath. Journal of Artificial Intelligence
and Mathematics. 2002, with the ActiveMath Group
- Proof Development with OMEGA. 19th Conference on Automated Deduction, 2002, with the
Omega Group
- ActiveMath: A Generic and Adaptive Web-Based Learning Environment. Journal of Artificial
Intelligence and Education 12(4), pages 385-407, 2001. pdf
- Randomization and Restarts in Proof Planning. European Conference on AI-Planning 2001,
pages 403-408 with A. Meier and C. Gomes pdf
- Automated Proof Planning for Instructional Design . Annual Conference of the Cognitive
Science Society 2001, with Ch. Glasmacher, C. Ullrich, and P. Gerjets.
- ActiveMath: System Description . International Conference on AI and Education (AIED-2001)
- Generating Personalized Educational Documents Using a Presentation Planner, ED-Media
2001, with P.Libbrecht and C. Ullrich.
- Dialog Issues for a Tutor System Incorporating Expert Problem Solvers. AAAI Fall
Symposium on Building Dialog Systems for Tutorial Applications, E. Melis and H. Horacek
- The `Interactive Textbook' Project. E. Melis. CADE workshop on deduction and education.
- Extensions of Constraint Solving for Proof Planning. E. Melis and J. Zimmer and T. Mueller.
ECAI-2000.Proof Planning with Multiple Strategies. E. Melis and A. Meier. CL-2000.
- Adaptive Course Generation and Presentation. ITS workshop on Adaptive and Intelligent WebBased Education Systems.
- Domain Knowledge for Search Heuristics in Proof Planning. E. Melis and M. Pollet. AIPS
workshop on Analyzing and Exploiting Domain Knowledge.
- On the Benefit of Expert Services in Mathematics Education Systems. E. Melis and A. Fiedler.
ITS workshop on Modeling Human Teaching Tactics and Strategies.
- Concepts in Proof Planning. E.Melis and J.H. Siekmann,
In: Intellectics and Computational Logic., pages: 263-276, Kluwer, 2000. pdf
- Knowledge-Based Proof Planning. E. Melis and J.H. Siekmann, Artificial Intelligence Journal,
115(1): 65-105, 1999. preliminary version
- Employing External Reasoners in Proof Planning, E. Melis and V. Sorge, Calculemus'99
workshop, pages 123-134.
- Omega - A Mathematical Assistant System. J.H. Siekmann, M. Kohlhase, and E. Melis
In: Essays Dedicated to Johan van Benthem on the Occasion of his 50th Birthday , Amsterdam
University Press, published on CDROM.
- A Proof Presentation Suitable for Teaching Proofs. E. Melis and U. Leron, 9th International
Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, pages 483-490, 1999.
- Flexibly Interleaving Processes. E. Melis and C. Ullrich, International Conference on CaseBased Reasoning, pages 263-275, 1999.
- Analogy in Inductive Theorem Proving. preliminary version E. Melis and J. Whittle, Journal of
Automated Reasoning 22(2): 117-147, 1999.
- Proof Presentation Based on Proof Plans, E. Melis, technical report.
- Omega: Ein mathematisches Assistenzsystem. J.Siekmann, M. Kohlhase, E.
Melis. In: Kognitionswissenschaft, 1998, (in German).
- Constraint Solving in Logic Programming and in Automated Deduction: a Comparison. A.
Armando, E. Melis, and S. Ranise. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence:
Methodology, Systems, and Applications (AIMSA-98)
- Reformulation in Case-Based Reasoning. E. Melis, J. Lieber, and A. Napoli. European
Conference on Case-Based Reasoning 1998.
- Similarities and Reuse of Proofs in Formal Software Verification. E. Melis and A.
Schairer. European Conference on Case-Based Reasoning 1998.
- AI-Techniques in Proof Planning. E. Melis, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- An Argument for Derivational Analogy. E. Melis and J.G. Carbonell, Advances in Analogy
Research, 1998.
- Case-Based Reasoning Applied to Planning. R. Bergmann, H. Munoz-Avila, M.M. Veloso, and
E. Melis,
In: Case-Based Reasoning Technology from Foundations to Applications. M. Lenz, B. BartschSpörl, H-D. Burkhard, and S. Wess (eds.), Springer.
- The "Limit" Domain E. Melis, Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems (AIPS'98).
- The Heine-Borel Challenge Problem: In Honor of Woody Bledsoe. E. Melis, Journal of
Automated Reasoning 20(3).
- Progress in Proof Planning: Planning Limit Theorems Automatically. E. Melis, technical report,
October 1997.
- External Analogy in Inductive Theorem Proving. E. Melis and J. Whittle, German Annual
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1997
- Solution-Relevant Abstractions Constrain Retrieval and Adaptation. E. Melis, In: Case-Based
Reasoning Research and Development, D. Leake and E. Plaza, 1997.
- Beweisen durch Analogie. E. Melis, Kognitionswissenschaft (journal), in German, 1997.
- Analogy as a Control Strategy in Theorem Proving. E. Melis, J. Whittle, FLAIRS conference,
- Island Planning and Refinement, E. Melis Technical report, SR-96-10, 1996.
- Internal Analogy in Theorem Proving, E. Melis, J. Whittle, Conference on Automated
Deduction (CADE-96).
- Two Kinds of Non-monotonic Analogical Inference, M. Kerber, E. Melis, In: Practical
Reasoning, LNAI 1085, 361-374.
- When to Prove Theorems by Analogy? E. Melis. German Annual Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, 1996.
- Planning and Proof Planning. E. Melis and A. Bundy, ECAI-96 Workshop on CrossFertilization in Planning, 1996.
- Analogy in Clam. E. Melis, DAI Research Paper 766, Edinburgh 1995.
- A Model of Analogy-Driven Proof-Plan Construction, E. Melis, International Joint Conference
on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-95).
- Theorem Proving by Analogy - A Compelling Example E. Melis, Progress in Artificial
- Using Exemplary Knowledge for Justified Analogical Reasoning, M. Kerber and E. Melis,
- Analogy Makes Proofs Feasible. E. Melis and M. Veloso, CBR-workshop AAAI-94.
- Decomposition Techniques and their Applications. E. Melis, International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, and Applications (AIMSA-94).
- How Mathematicians Prove Theorems, E. Melis, Sixteens Annual Conference of the Cognitive
Science Society 1994.
- Representing and Transferring Diagonal Methods. Technical Report CMU-CS-94-174.
1993 and before
- System and Processing View in Similarity Assessment. S. Wess, D. Janetzko, and E. Melis,
Proceedings of the First European Workshop on CBR, 1993.
- Analogous Proofs - A Case Study, E. Melis, SEKI-Report SR-93-13.
- Goal-Driven Similarity Assessment. D. Janetzko, S. Wess, and E. Melis. Proceedings of the
16th German AI-Conference (GWAI-92), LNAI 671.
- Grundlagen von Analogiebildung - Zu Perspektiven ihrer Rechnerstuetzung. Communication
and Cognition 22/1989.
- Das Geheimnis der Wendeltreppe. E. Melis and Ch. Melis Wissenschaft und Fortschritt
- Some Considerations about Formalization of Analogical Reasoning. E. Melis and Ch. Melis,
In: Analogical and Inductive Inference, LNAI 265, 1987.
In MemoriAm 28.02.1949 - 20.02.2011