All Angels' Church The Brooklyn Tabernacle To build Christ-centered communities of witness and healing, and equip people to be a transforming presence in New York City and beyond. Pastor Jim Cymbala 9:00 am & 12:00 pm Worship Services 3:30 pm Gospel Celebration 17 Smith Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 [2/3 train to Borough Hall – walk toward Fulton Mall] Reverend Milind Sojwal 5:00 pm Worship Service 251 W. 80th Street (next to Zabar's) [1 train to 79th St.] Columbia contact: Hei-Yue Pang (617.817.7986/hp2192) All Nations Church “Unleashing men and women who are on fire for Christ.” Pastor Sam Kim 3:30 pm Worship Service 1501 Richmond Avenue Staten Island, NY Columbia Contact: Debbie Kim (718.887.4041/dk2242) Apostles Church “An interdenominational church that holds faithfully to the historic Christian faith detailed in the Apostles Creed.” Lead Pastor JR Vassar 10:30 am Worship Service 45 East 81 st St (between Park& Madison Ave) [6 train to 77 th St or 4,5,6 train to 86 th St.] Columbia Contact: Stephanie Pagan (631.404.8616/sp2393) Bethany WELL “WELL: To lead His bride into the glorification of God by: responding upward through (W)orship, reaching outward through (E)vangelism, relating inward through (L)ove, and reflecting all around through (L)ife.” Pastor Richard Lee 11:00 am Worship Service 430 Main Street Fort Lee, NJ 07024 Columbia Contact: Eunice Ko (443.472.5506/ek2255) Meet at the Gates @ 10:00 am [Church Shuttle] Chinese Community Church of NY Pastor Laura Lin 12:00 pm Worship Service 6 West 96 th St. (Central Park West) [1 train to 96 th St; Walk towards Central Park West] Columbia Contact: Peter Liou (440.289.2111/pl2148) Compass Fellowship Church Senior Pastor Daniel Lee 11:30 am Worship Service Mickey Mantel School 466 West End Ave. (between 82 & 83 rd St.) Columbia Contact: Dwight Kwa (917.701.6925) Meet at the Gates @ 11:00am [Church shuttle] The Blender Theater 127 E. 23 rd St. (at the corner of 23 rd and Lex) [N/R train to 23 rd St.] Meet at the gates @ 9:15 Columbia contact: Luke Soto (305.582.2340/lcs2124) Gallery Church “To display the greatness of God to the world.” Lead Pastor Aaron Coe Pastor of Administration Tim Simpson 10:30 am Upper West Side Gathering PS 9, 100 W. 84th Street (Between Columbus and Amsterdam Ave.) [1 train to 86th St.] 7:00 pm Chelsea Gathering Rustin High School 351 W. 18th Street (between 8th & 9th Ave.) [1/2/3 train to 14 th St.] Columbia Contact: Jessica Lui (678-665-3355/jyl2121) Living Water Ministry @ the First Korean Methodist Church of NY Pastor Peter and Minjung Hong 11:00 am Worship Service Weekly small groups (on campus) Tarrytown, NY Columbia Contact: Joel Yu (203.232.8331/jy2201) Emmanuel Presbyterian Church “To know Emmanuel and to advance his peace in our community.” Pastor Charles Drew 10:30 am Worship Service James Chapel at Union Theological Seminary 121st St. (between Broadway and Claremont) Columbia Contact: Ashley Byrd (917-6238825/ Forefront Church Lead Pastor Brian Moll 10:00 am Worship Service Morningside Ministry “Morningside Ministry-KMC&I seeks to nurture faithful disciples of Christ, outreach in love to the world, witness the hope of the Gospel, and worship God with joy.” Pastor Mark Kim 1:00 pm Worship Service Union Theological Seminary Room 207 3041 Broadway (121 st St.) Columbia Contact: Jena Song (609.805.2398/ js2815) Morning Star New York “To honor God and advance His Kingdom through Church Planting, Campus Ministry and World Missions.” Pastor Ron Lewis 11:00 am Morning Worship Service 414 West 51 st Street (between 9 th and 10 th Ave.) 7:00 pm Night Worship Service Lamb’s Theater 130 West 44 th Street (between 6 th and Broadway) [1 train to 42 nd ] Columbia Contact: Ashley Williams (405.249.0944/amw2143) Meet at the Gates (116 th St.) @ 8:45am 5:00 pm & 7:15 pm Westside Evening Service First Baptist Church 263 West 79 th St. (at Broadway) Columbia Contact: Lawrence (732.977.8196/laa2137) 10:30 am & 6:00 pm Eastside Service Hunter College Auditorium 69 th St. (between Park & Lexington Avenues) [1 to 66 th - transfer to bus M66 to Lexington] Remnant Westside Church New Testament Fellowship "When you come together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. All of these must be done for the strengthening of the church." 1 Corinthians 14:26 “We exist to raise up a new generation, liberated and empowered by the gospel who will in turn radically impact their communities.” 9:45 am Worship Service Lerner Hall E477 Columbia contact: Denise Chen (917.922.3892/ Pastor Bruce Yi 10:30 am Worship Service P.S. 111 444 West 53 rd Street (between 9 th and 10 th Ave.) Columbia Contact: Eric Huh (404.775.1610/ehh2112) Meet at the Gates @ 9:50pm [1 train to 50 th St.] Origins Church Times Square Church “Living in the way of Jesus, in the context of the city, with a heart for the world.” Lead Pastor Jon Tyson 10:30 am Upper West Side Emily Dickinson School (P.S. 75) 96th and West End 7:00 pm Chelsea St Paul’s German Church 315 W. 22nd (between 8th & 9th Ave) Columbia contact: Phillip Dupree (301.219.3598/pld2106) “A great multitude of people, nations and languages...” Revelation 7:9. Senior Pastor Carter Conlon 10:00 am & 3:00 pm & 6:00 pm Church Service 237 West 51 st Street (corner of Broadway) [1 train to 50 th St.] Columbia Contact: Gabrielle Apollon (917-8581713/gpa2101) Vision Church “To build a culturally sensitive and spiritually dynamic urban church that would impact our community and city culturally, socially, economically and spiritually with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” Redeemer Presbyterian Church “Seeking to renew the City socially, spiritually, & culturally.” Pastor Joe Tsang 4:30 pm Worship Service Ethical Culture Society 64 th & Central Park West [1 train to 66 th St.] Columbia Contact: Stephanie Shieh (516.603.7313/ss2574) Senior Pastor: Rev. Dr. Timothy Keller 9:15 am Westside Morning Service Ethical Culture Society 64 th & Central Park West [1 train to 66 th St.] Columbia Contact: Kyle Jurado (561.818.9823/kej2108) Columbia University Neighborhood Churches Prepared by Columbia Students For Christ (CSFC), Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Korea Campus Crusade For Christ, Remnant Christian Fellowship Last Updated: 2/13/2016