Determination of surface thermodynamic properties of

Determination of surface thermodynamic properties of
polyaniline (in conducting or non-conducting forms)
by using IGC technique at infinite dilution
Tayssir HAMIEH*a,b , Joumana TOUFAILYa,c
Laboratoire de Chimie Analytique, Matériaux, Surfaces et Interfaces (CHAMSI)
Faculté des Sciences, Section 1, Université Libanaise, Hadeth, Beyrouth (Liban)
Institut de Chimie des Surfaces et Interfaces (ICSI-CNRS), UPR 9096
15, Rue Jean Starcky, B.P. 2488 - 68057, Mulhouse Cedex (France)
Laboratoire LACCO – ESIP, 86000, Poitiers, France
Many studies were devoted in our Laboratory to the determination of physico-chemical and
thermodynamic properties of polymers and/or oxides by using the inverse gas
chromatography (IGC) at infinite dilution. More particularly, we studied the interactions of
solid substrates with some model organic molecules and their acid-base properties, in Lewis
terms, by determining the acidic and basic constants. We were also interested in previous
papers in studying the physico-chemical and electrical properties of conducting polyaniline
We proposed in this paper to study the surface thermodynamic characteristics of both doped
polyaniline (PANI-HEBSA) and the non-conducting form (PANI-EB) using IGC technique
that allowed to obtain the net retention volume Vn and then the dispersive free enthalpy
Gad of n-alkanes adsorbed on PANI and the specific free enthalpy GaSP of adsorption
corresponding to the specific interactions of polar molecules. By plotting GaSP of the polar
molecules as a function of the temperature, we can deduce the specific enthalpy H aSP and
specific entropy S aSP . Knowing H aSP of the various polar molecules, we were able to
determine the acidic constant KA and basic constant KD, the two constants characterising the
solid substrate and a third parameter K reflecting the amphoteric character of the oxide or
polymer according to our new model:
 H   K
DN  K D AN  K .AN .DN
Where DN and AN are respectively the donor and acceptor numbers of electrons of the solid.
This expression allowed us to describe more precisely some solids (oxides and polymers) and
especially the acid-base properties and specific enthalpy and entropy of adsorption of
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