Historical Fiction Book Report Rubric

Historical Fiction Book Report Rubric
Name ________________________
Book Title ____________________
Date Due ________________
Each student is required to read one teacher approved historical fiction book. Each
student will then write a written report and make a presentation to the class. Presentation
activities are listed on the back of the rubric. Book reports will be evaluated based on the
following rubric. The number of points listed is the maximum score for each part of the
book report.
Part OneWritten Report (50 pts.)
Who are the author and illustrator of the book? (5pts.)
Who are the main characters?
Give an in-depth description of each of the characters, include personality
traits, qualities, and other specific details of the characters.(10 pts.)
What is the main setting of the book (location and time period)? (5 pts.)
Write a 3-paragraph summary of the historical information you
learned as you read this book. (20 pts.)
What is your opinion of the book? Would you recommend the book?
Why or why not? Clarify your point of view with 3 or more reasons.
Support your reasons with specific examples from the book. (10 pts.)
Part TwoPresentation and Activity (50 pts.)
Spoke loudly and clearly (10 pts.)
Well prepared (10 pts.)
Creative (10 pts.)
Organized and neat (10 pts.)
Turned in on time (10 pts.)
Presentation ________
Total score ________
Historical Fiction Book Report
Presentation Activities
1. Create a large color illustration (12 x18) showing your favorite scene of your book.
Include a detailed background and specific details relating to your book. On your
drawing include the book title, author, and your name.
2. Assume the role of a character in the book and speak to the class as that person. You
may dress as that character if you wish. Without giving away the ending of the book, tell
the class who you are, where you live, and what was a major conflict you had in the
book. What are some personality traits of the character? Be sure to convey the feeling of
being from a different time period.
3. On a large sheet of paper (12 x18) draw a detailed color map of the setting in which
your book takes place. Include a map key with landforms, water forms, major roads, and
4. Write ten math story problems based on characters and events in your book. Problems
may use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The problems must be
creative multi- step problems on grade level. Include an answer key showing all the steps
used to solve each problem.
5. Make up a song about your book set to a familiar tune. Record your song on a tape to
be played in class. Include 1 chorus and 2 verses in your song. Turn in the written lyrics.
6. Make a model of an important building or landmark in your book. Write an
informative paragraph telling the reasons this building or landmark is important to the
7. Write at least ten diary entries that a character from your book might have written. Be
sure to include details from the time period of your book. Have entries of at least ½ page
8. Student idea- teacher approved activity.