ULTRASOUND ENHANCED CRITICAL MANAGEMENT COURSE “USCMC BL1 – PROVIDER” CERTIFICATION April 23-24, 2009 ~ h 8:00-17:30 ~ MILAN, ITALY ~ FONDAZIONE SAN RAFFAELE DEL MONTE TABOR MILANO (VIA OLGETTINA 60 - 20132 MILANO) ABCDE MODULE EMPOWERING LIFE SUPPORT PROTOCOLS www.winfocus.org 1 WINFOCUS (World Interactive Network Focused On Critical UltraSound) The world leader scientific organization committed to develop point-of-care ultrasound practice, research, education, technology, and networking, addressing the needs of patients, institutions, services, and communities in “critical” scenarios. WINFOCUS Vision and Mission Statements Improving Primary, Emergency, and Critical Care Medicine, by incorporating "point-of-care" Ultrasound into Clinical Practice … bringing quality “Point-of-care” Ultrasound to the patient in all out-of-hospital and in-hospital “critical” scenarios, by developing and fostering, on a global and multi-disciplinary basis, Ultrasound Education, Technological Development, Evidence-based Research, and International Teamwork. DIRECTORS FACULTY Luca Neri (Milan, Italy) Enrico Storti (Milan, Italy) Francesca Cortellaro (Milan, Italy) Emanuele Catena (Milan, Italy) Cristina Frigerio (Milan, Italy) Marco Garrone (Torino, Italy) Giuseppe Gullace (Lecco, Italy) Carmela Graci (Milan, Italy) Cristiano Perani (Brescia, Italy) Angelo Vanzulli (Milan, Italy) Gabriele Via (Pavia, Italy) PROJECT MANAGER Francesca Nanni (Noema) WINFOCUS CONTACTS Secretariat Office – Noema srl Via Orefici, 4 - 40124 Bologna, ITALY Tel +39 051 230385 Fax +39 051 221894 noema.secretariat@winfocus.org www.noemacongressi.it Executive Office - Board Via Borgonuovo, 4 - 20124 Milano, ITALY Tel +39 333 5404074 Fax +39 02 700531930 winfocus@winfocus.org www.winfocus.org REGISTRATION ONLINE REGISTRATION: Go to http://winfocus.org/registration.html, make your choice and follow the procedure OFF-LINE REGISTRATION: Find attached or download the form at http://winfocus.org/registration.html, then send it by FAX to +39 051221894 or by EMAIL to noema.secretariat@winfocus.org “CRITICAL ULTRASOUND” The concept of 'critical ultrasound' evolved recently from 'emergency ultrasound' performed at the 'point-of-care' in scenarios such as emergency departments, ICUs, pre-hospital care, austere environments, disaster scenes, tactical operations, and humanitarian care missions. Clinical scenarios turn into 'critical' ones when there is a dangerous performance gap between the patient status and the resources available for an appropriate decision making and problem solving. In such settings point-of-care image acquisition and interpretation, integrated with advanced life support protocols (ACLS, ATLS) according 'ABCDE' and 'Head-to-toes' -type approaches, allows for rapid and effective decision making, enhanced triage, diagnosis, therapy, monitoring, and follow up. This typically occurs in the acutely ill patient (Emergency US) or intensive (Intensive/Critical Care US), and/or where human or technical resources are particularly limited (Screening US, Triage US, Remote US, Primary US). 2 COURSE PROGRAM The ABCDE Primary Management [USCMC BL1 Provider – Entry Module] First Day 08:00 I N T R O A I R W A Y B R E A T H I N G 08:00 REVIEW, DEBRIEFING, Q/A 08:30 Point-of-care US in Primary, Emergency and Critical Care Medicine: empowering life support protocols 08:30 ASSESSMENT: Peritoneal effusion: FAST windows. 08:50 Critical ultrasound techniques: image generation, acquisition, interpretation & administration. 08:50 ASSESSMENT: N/ retro-peritoneal, parenchymal and soft tissue haematomas. 09:10 ASSESSMENT: Obstruction/atelectasia, tracheal displacement and lesions, emphysema. Prandial status. PROCEDURES: ETT, crico-tyroidotomy, tracheo-tomy/-stomy. MANAGEMENT: 09:30 09:50 10:10 Airway Protocols & Interactive Cases [US-AIR] ASSESSMENT: Pleural effusion, alveolar consolidation, interstitial syndrome, pneumothorax. Diaphragm impairment. C I R C U L A T I O N PROCEDURES: Needle aspiration, thoraco-centesis, chest tube insertion, thoracotomy. 09:10 09:30 09:50 PROCEDURES: Defibrillation, TC & IV pacing. Pericardiocentesis, pleurocentesis. Paracentesis, DPL, laparotomy. 10:10 11:10 ASSESSMENT: Introduction to echocardiography. Cardiac and caval vein windows. 11:30 ASSESSMENT: Critical hemodynamic assessment: heart morphology/performance/filling state, pericardial effusion/tamponade, caval vein variations. 11:50 ASSESSMENT: Thrombo-embolic disease: deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolysm. 10:30 10:50 DI SA BI LI TY A B C D E HEAD -TOTOES 11:10 12:30 17:30 LUNCH US HANDS-ON & SIMULATION: [HUMAN MODELS, PHANTOMS & ULTRASOUND SIMULATOR] Machine orientation. Signs & patterns, sono-anatomy. Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability. SESSION CLOSURE EQUIPPED BY: COFFEE BREAK ASSESSMENT: Optic nerve sheath/disc, pupil assessment (+midline shift, cervical fracture, neonatal assessment). Neurological Protocols & Interactive Cases [US-NEU] 11:30 US ABCDE PRIMARY MANAGEMENT: - US Trauma Life Support [US-TLS] - US Advanced Cardiac Life Support [US-ACLS] - US-Triage & US-EMS/HEMS 11:50 CONCEPTS ON HEAD-TO-TOES SECONDARY MANAGEMENT & MONITORING: - Head, Thorax, Abdomen, Limbs - Assessment, treatment, monitoring, and follow-up CME 12:10 12:30 TRAINING TRAINING 13:30 Cardio-circulatory Protocols & Interactive Cases [FEEL, FATE, L/H/CV] Cardio-circulatory Protocols & Interactive Cases [FAST, EFAST, FAST-ABCDE, L/H/CV] MANAGEMENT: MANAGEMENT: 12:10 PROCEDURES: Peripheral & central venous catheterization. MANAGEMENT: Respiratory Protocols & Interactive Cases [BLUE] COFFEE BREAK ASSESSMENT: Abdominal & thoracic aortic aneurysm: detection, measurement, N/ dissection and rupture. ASSESSMENT: O&G emergencies: ectopic vs intrauterine, retroplacentar haematoma, placenta previa. Fetus: movements, heart beat, position, presentation. MANAGEMENT: 10:30 10:50 C I R C U L A T I O N REGISTRATIONS & PRE-COURSE TEST Second Day 13:30 17:30 Ultrasound education and development: WINFOCUS global initiative for PHC, EM and CCM. LUNCH US HANDS-ON & SIMULATION: [HUMAN MODELS, PHANTOMS & ULTRASOUND SIMULATOR] Dyspnea, shock, coma. US Trauma Life Support [US-TLS]. US Advanced Cardiac Life Support [US-ACLS]. POST-COURSE TEST & CLOSURE ENDORSED BY: 3 4 USCME GLOBAL PROGRAM DIRECTORS: Luca Neri (Milan, Italy), Enrico Storti (Milan, Italy), Michael Blaivas (Atlanta, GA, USA), Daniel Lichtenstein (Paris, France) USCME LEARNING CONTENTS AND FORMAT : The applications reviewed in the workshop are the educational and clinical targets of the USCME (US-enhanced Critical Management Education) program. They rely on the most recent literature and recommendations, and refer mostly to the “Critical Care Medicine Journal” Supplement fully dedicated to the ultrasound applications in the acute and critical patients (Crit Care Med 2007;35[Suppl]), written by a few dozens of the actual major world experts in the field, coordinated by Blaivas, Kirkpatrick and Sustic, and mostly involved in the Board of WINFOCUS. Proposed educational formats and pathways refer to a working document, published in its earliest version in the same supplement (Neri L, Storti E, Lichtenstein D, Toward an ultrasound curriculum in critical care medicine. Crit Care Med 2007;35[Suppl]:S290–S304), starting point of an International evidence- and consensus-based process, join to the USEBM and ILCEUS projects (please, see details in www.winfocus.org). USCME EDUCATIONAL CERTIFICATION ROADMAP : Certification steps are implemented along the three EFSUMB levels of proficiency (www.efsumb.org): Level 1 (BL1 & AL1, Basic and Advanced) - Common, general, focused competency Level 2 (BL2 & AL2, Basic and Advanced) - Comprehensive, specialized competency Level 3 (beyond standards, still to be defined) - Outstanding clinical, educational, research expertise Each level includes Provider and Trainer competence-based modules (see below as ex. the USCMC roadmap): USCMC BL1 Provider >> Trainer (“ABCDE” conformed, non-specialty-specific, general) USCMC AL1 Provider >> Trainer (“Head-to-Toes” conformed, setting/specialty-specific, general) USCMC BL2 Provider >> Trainer (Problem-based, setting/specialty-specific, specialized) USCMC AL2 Provider >> Trainer (Organ/District-based, setting/specialty-specific, sub-specialized) Ex. ECHO-AL2 Provider >> Trainer (Advanced “Echo-Doppler in ICU” competences) According specific performance needs, several Level 1 and 2 (L1, L2) US-enhanced Life Support and Procedural modules are available, both for Providers and Trainers (P, T): US-TLS EFAST (US Trauma Life Support) L1&2 (Extended Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma) L1 US-ACLS (US Advanced Cardio-pulmonary Life Support) L1&2 US-PALS (US Pediatric Advanced Life Support) L1&2 US-PHT (US PreHospital Care & Disaster Medicine Triage) L1&2 US-SEPS WIN-ECHO (Echocardiography Modular Training) L1&2 US-MON (US ABCDE Monitoring) US-GPE US-NURSE US-PHC (US General Practice in Emergency) L1&2 (US Nursing care in Emergency) L1 (US Primary Health Care in scarce-resource-setting) L1&2 US-AIR US-CVA US-PVA US-BLOCK (US Airway Management) L1 (US Central Vascular Access Management) L1 (US Peripheral Vascular Access Management) L1 (US-guided Nerve Blockage) L2 (US Sepsis Management) L1&2 Note: USCMC BL1 Certification includes US-TLS, US-PHT, EFAST, US-BLS, US-ACLS credentialing. Each certification module is developed along three learning phases and a final examination: Part I: preliminary e-learning (lectures, interactive sessions, references) Part II: 2 days introductory course (theory, hands on, and simulation components) Part III: 2-6 months proctored practice (specific minimal requirements) Part IV: 1 day credentialing examination (presentation, questionnaire, simulation-based practice) Each credential profile undergoes maintenance and quality assurance processes: Refresh: 1 day course (every 2 years; specific annual minimal requirements) USCME AUDIENCE TARGETS : - Health care professionals: Physicians, Nurses, Paramedics, Midwives, and Technicians … working in - “Critical” scenarios: EM, CCM/ICU, Acute/Trauma Surgery, HEMS/EMS, PHC, Pediatric, Sport, Tactical, Remote, Rural, Wilderness, Scarce-resource settings. Further details at www.winfocus.org - Education 5 6 7 8