Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday, 11 th
June, 2008 at 8 p.m. in the
Village Hall.
Present: Cllr’s Genever – Chairman, Troop, Babbs, Irvine & Kent.
Dist. Cllr. A.Moore & C. Cllr. M. Trollope-Bellew
Public Present – Mr. J. Edwards.
Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting and Parish Council AGM of 23 rd April, 2008 and Planning
Meeting of 21 st
May, 2008 were approved and signed:
Pro: Cllr. Babbs Sec. Cllr. Kent.
The Chairman Cllr. Genever would declare interests in discussions on Footpath No 10, the
Clerks’ salary and the Church Yard.
The only item raised from the Annual Parish Meeting was the barrier outside the Village Hall.
Mr. Brumfield LCC Highways had replied to our comments stating that he would be investigating the size of the barrier and would advise us of his findings.
WI Seat and Area Rear of Lindsey Road – Nothing further to report.
Footpath No 4 – Cllr. Kent volunteered to walk this footpath to check its condition.
One Way System – Still awaiting a decision from LCC Highways.
Traffic Survey – Cllr. Irvine stated that we had have heard nothing. Another letter to be sent to Highways requesting this information
Footpath No 10 – The Chairman declared an interest in this item; he was able to take part in any discussions but could not vote.
Correspondence had been received from Karen Barkes of LCC regarding the position of this footpath. A map enclosed with the letter showed the route of Footpath No. 10 different from what had always been accepted. This “new route” passes through the garden of Mr. Howard
Jones’ Keepers Cottage and moved south from its original path which, we believe, according to our maps, is correct.
A letter had been received from LCC Highways regarding our request for Winter Salting on
Greatford Road stating that our request has been put forward for consideration next season
A copy of a letter from Uffington PCC to Melvyn Crookes SKDC’s Arboriculturist stating that the PCC had voted to accept an offer from Mr. Paul Bravin of Bracebridge Heath,
Lincoln to deal with the two trees which could cause damage to the church.
A letter had been received inviting Parish Councillors to a Code of Conduct update at Carlby on 17 th
June 2008. Cllr. Babbs stated that he would be willing to attend.
Information had been received from Lincolnshire Home Improvement Agency regarding a service that can help with work such as small repairs and home security which is being supported by SKDC. The Notices provided to be put on Notice Board and letter to be given to WI for their information.
Planning permission had been received for the following applications:
S08/0338/78 – Removal of farm building and erection of replacement farm building,
Grange Farm, Greatford Road – H Wells.
S08/0380/78 – Swimming pool extension Manor House, Little Spinney – A Lennon
S08/0321/78 – Single Storey Extension to dwelling, Farm Cottage Wood Farm – JR Naylor
S08/0496/78 – Change of use of agric land to horse ménage – Newstead Farm, MT
The following application was discussed and comments made :
S08/0560/78/NB/PC2 (Amended plans) – Two storey side extension, 15 Greatford Road –
No objection
Anglian Water – Allotments - £24.99 Pro. Cllr Irvine Sec. Cllr. Kent
A request had been made by the PCC for a donation towards Churchyard Maintenance
Last year it was £150. After some discussion Cllr. Irvine proposed we increase our donation to £200. This was agreed. Pro: Cllr. Irvine. Sec. Cllr. Kent
Clerks Wages
The Chairman declared an interest and left the room the meeting was then chaired by
The Clerks wages in 2007 were £1257 + Expenses. Cllr. Babbs proposed a 3% increased in line with inflation. This was agreed
3% of £1257 = £37.71 making a total of £1294.71 + expenses of £46.46 = £1341.17P
Pro: Cllr. Babbs Sec. Cllr. Kent.
The Chairman returned to the room and retook the meeting.
Account balances = Current A/c = 193.55 Deposit A/c = £5542.54
The Clerk asked the Councillors to inspect the 2007/08 Accounts. These were approved. The
Clerk will now take them to our internal auditor (Mr. S. Randell) to be signed off ready to be sent to the external auditor (Clement Keys) in August.
Dist Cllr Moore reported that bus passes were now available but only for off peak times.
C. Cllr. M. Trollope-Bellew reported that ‘phone boxes were being removed in some villages
But as we had heard nothing he thought ours would be safe.
He also reported that dispensaries were at risk of being removed from Doctors surgeries, Cllr.
Babbs who is doctor at the St. Mary’s Surgery urged patients to write to the MP and their
PCT stating their feelings regarding this proposal.
Date of next meeting Wednesday, 23 rd
July, at 8 p.m.
Meeting closed at 9 p.m.