lesson plans for 1st period 12-2 to 12-6

Lesson Plans for Read’s 1st period
Week of December 2 to , 2013
Tuesday 12/3
Wednesday 12/4
Similar Figures and
Similar Figures
attributes of twoCareer Project
dimensional shapes
Career Project
MP1: Attend to Precision
MP1: Attend to Precision
MP 3: Justify conclusions
MP 3: Justify conclusions
and communicate them to
and communicate them to
MP1: Attend to Precision
MP 3: Justify conclusions
and communicate them to
MP1: Attend to Precision
MP 3: Justify conclusions
and communicate them to
1.4a, 6.2b correctly solve
proportion, use the
relationship of proportions
to solve problems
4.3a identify and compare
similar shapes using ratio or
4.2a attributes of twodimensional shapes
1.4a, 6.2b correctly solve
proportion, use the
relationship of proportions
to solve problems
4.3a identify and compare
similar shapes using ratio or
4.2a attributes of twodimensional shapes
1.4a, 6.2b correctly solve
proportion, use the
relationship of proportions
to solve problems
4.3a identify and compare
similar shapes using ratio or
4.2a attributes of twodimensional shapes
1.4a, 6.2b correctly solve
proportion, use the
relationship of proportions
to solve problems
4.3a identify and compare
similar shapes using ratio or
4.2a attributes of twodimensional shapes
7.RP.2a analyze proportional
7.RP.2a analyze proportional
7.RP.2a analyze proportional
7.RP.2a analyze proportional
Review perimeter and
solving proportions. Start to
investigate math involved in
potential career.
I will demonstrate my
knowledge of finding
perimeter and solving
Develop an understanding
of corresponding angles
sides and review attributes
of two dimensional shapes.
I will be able to define and
identify corresponding
angles and sides of two
similar figures.
Develop understanding of
similar figures.
Proportionality of similar
figures’ perimeters and
Demonstration of
knowledge of similar figures
I will be able to identify and
justify the proportionality of
the perimeter and area of
two similar figures
I will be able to identify my
knowledge of similar figures.
I will start to develop an
understanding of open and
close questions
I will identify a possible
career choice, and places of
employment. I will draft a
letter to a person in my
career choice to inquire
about the math they use in
their occupation.
I will be able to define and
identify similar figures. I will
investigate possible training
requirements for my career
choice and the math
requirements for this
education or training. I will
write the admission
counselor of my first choice
to inquire about the math
required before and during
my courses.
I will investigate the high
school math courses
required to get into the
college of my choice to be
successful in my job.
I will map out now what I
can do in middle school to
be successful in high school
and get into the classes
required and start to create
a demonstration of my path
to my career choice.
Exit ticket: see above
Exit ticket: see above
Exit ticket: see above
Exit ticket: see above
Exit ticket: see above
Checks for Mastery:
Pull students in small groups
Pull students individually or
Pull students individually or
Pull students individually or
Pull students individually or
Lesson Component
Monday 12/2
Review perimeter and
solving proportions
Career Project
MP1: Attend to Precision
MP 3: justify conclusions
and communicate them to
1.4a, 6.2b correctly solve
proportion, use the
relationship of proportions
to solve problems
4.3a identify and compare
similar shapes using ratio or
Learning Target:
Thursday 12/5
Proportionality of Similar
Career Project
Friday 12/6
Similar figures assessment
Career Project
Frequent Formative
How will you know they
What will you do if they do
or don’t demonstrate
Differentiation to ensure
Hook to prior learning or
Anticipatory Set:
I Do, We Do, You Do
Frequent check for progress
toward Mastery
to go over missed questions
on their Ch 3 assessment
small groups as indicated by
previous exit ticket
small groups as indicated by
previous exit ticket
small groups as indicated by
previous exit ticket
small groups as indicated by
previous exit ticket
Differentiation: Per exit
ticket meet with students
during warm up and for
direct instruction as
indicated. Use formative
assessment to ensure
Differentiation: Per exit
ticket meet with students
during warm up and for
direct instruction as
indicated. Use formative
assessment to ensure
Differentiation: Per exit
ticket meet with students
during warm up and for
direct instruction as
indicated. Use formative
assessment to ensure
Differentiation: Per exit
ticket meet with students
during warm up and for
direct instruction as
indicated. Use formative
assessment to ensure
Differentiation: Per exit
ticket meet with students
during warm up and for
direct instruction as
indicated. Use formative
assessment to ensure
Walk around during
independent and pair-share
to ensure understanding
Walk around during
independent and pair-share
to ensure understanding.
Walk around during
independent and pair-share
to ensure understanding
Walk around during
independent and pair-share
to ensure understanding
Walk around during
independent and pair-share
to ensure understanding
Warm Up: Math Minute 7
and Math Facts in Flash (15
Grade as a class (10 mins)
Warm Up: Math Minute 8
and Math Facts in Flash (15
Grade as a class (10 mins)
Warm Up: Math Minute 9
and Math Facts in Flash (15
Grade as a class (10 mins)
Warm Up: Math Minute 10
and Math Facts in Flash (15
Grade as a class (10 mins)
Warm Up: Assessment of
similar figures and math
minutes problems.
We DO: Define similar
figures using information on
pg 197.
I DO: ratio of perimeters and
areas of similar figures pg
I DO: Example of drawing
We Do: problems pg 204
Career Project: Map out
what can be done in middle
school to get in to the high
school classes required.
Create a presentation of the
path to career objective,
We DO: drawings
I DO: Exit Ticket:12 to 24 pg
Accelerated MAth
We Do: Review problems for
perimeter and solving
proportions Fair game
review from practice
journal(10 min)
Closure/Student Reflection
We DO: Constructive
response solving
proportions and marking the
test. (10 min)
Exit Ticket: perimeter,
solving proportions, and
constructive response.
Group work (Question Focus
We DO: Complete chart of
attributes of twodimensional figures
We DO: define
corresponding angles and
sides pg 196
I DO: model corresponding
angles and sides of two
similar figures.
I DO: Plotting on coordinate
We DO: coordinate planes
We DO: practice examples
I DO: Word problems
Exit Ticket: Define and
identify corresponding sides
and angles.
We DO: Word problems
Career Project: Hand out
project and rubric. Go over
expectations with the class.
Career project: Investigate
possible colleges or trade
school for career choice.
Focusing math
requirements. Write letter
to admission counselor
inquiring about math
Exit ticket: 5 to 12 pg 198
Follow steps for activity
Exit Ticket: Reflection of
possible career choices.
Once completed:
Accelerated Math
Model Example
You Do: student start
Career Project: Map out
High School classes
necessary to meet
requirements for graduation
and entrance into college.
Math Facts in A Flash
Home work: Review sheet.
investigating and draft
requirements before and
during education