** DO NOT Write on this Sheet! ** “Exploration Lab: Fossil Occurrence & Age of Rocks” Introduction: Groups of fossilized organisms occur throughout the geologic record for specific “intervals” (periods) of time. This time interval is called the fossil’s age range. A Fossil’s Age Range is the period of time between its oldest occurrence and its youngest occurrence. Recall that Relative Dating is the process by which scientists organize rocks in a general sequence or timeline without dates. Scientists can use the age Range of the fossils of specific organisms to relatively date sequences of rocks. If a group of fossils are widespread geographically, occur in large numbers, and are limited to a short span of geologic time, they can be considered Index Fossils, that are helpful in the process of relative dating of rocks. Purpose: We will use fossil age ranges to assign a date to a hypothetical (made-up) unit of rock. Problem: How can the occurrence of fossils and their known age ranges be used to date rocks? Pre-Lab: (complete sentences!) 1. How many different types of fossils were found in the rock sample? _______________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. Using the Geologic Time Scale (Figure A), decide which geologic period is the oldest period represented by fossils found in the rock sample: _________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3. Which fossilized organism could have been alive during this oldest period?___________ __________________________________________________________________ 4. Which geologic period is the most recent period represented by fossils found in the rock sample? ____________________________________________________________ 5. Which fossilized organism could have been alive during this most recent period? ______ __________________________________________________________________ Materials: Geologic Time Scale Graph Paper Pencil ** DO NOT Write on this Sheet! ** Procedure: A section of rock made up of layers of limestone and shale has been studied and samples have been taken. A large variety of fossils were collected from the rock samples. 1. Use a sheet of graph paper to make a bar graph using the information shown in the Fossil Data Table 1. Begin by listing categories of individual fossils on the horizontal axis. Use the Geologic Time Scale (Figure A) to list the units of the geologic time scale on the vertical axis. 2. Transfer the age range data of each fossil onto your graph. Draw an “X” in each box, beginning at the oldest occurrence of the organism up to the youngest occurrence. 3. Shade in the marked boxes. You will end up with bars showing the geologic ranges of each of the fossils listed. Observations: 1. Follow the given procedure to create a bar graph showing the age ranges for each fossil listed in the Fossil Data Table 1. 2. Examine your graph. Are there any time units that contain all of the fossils listed? (HINT: Look at the vertical axis for this information!). Write this period at the bottom of your graph! ** DO NOT Write on this Sheet! ** Y-axis: _______________________________ ** DO NOT Write on this Sheet! ** X-axis: ____________________________________________ Analysis and Conclusion 1. Which geologic period contains samples of each fossil? _________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the age of the hypothetical rock layer that these fossils were collected from? _ __________________________________________________________________ 3. Based on the age determined, do you think that this group of fossils could be considered index fossils? WHY? (Hint: Look at your introduction ) _______________________ __________________________________________________________________ 4. Which fossil was found in the most geologic periods? ___________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 5. Which fossilized organism had the shortest age range? _________________________ __________________________________________________________________