
Pupil premium grant expenditure: 2014/15
Overview of the school 2014/2015
Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received
Total number of pupils on roll
Currently eligible for FSM or have been in the last 6 years (Ever 6)
Adopted pupils
Amount of PPG received per pupil
Total amount of PPG received
£300 - Forces
£1,300 – FSM
£1,900 - Adopted
Total : £26,300
Summary of PPG spending 2014/2015
Objectives of spending PPG:
 Close the attainment gap of pupils compared to national data.
 To ensure that progress of PP pupils is in line with non PP pupils
 To ensure that the needs of the PP children in our school are met and provision is effective
Summary of spending and actions taken
The funding received from Pupil Premium has been allocated in the following ways
Employing an additional Teacher to support focused intervention groups aimed at the needs of the individual pupil in reading, writing and
mathematics in KS2
Financial support to enable children to participate in educational visits
Subsidise funding for computing holiday club
Additional teaching assistant to work in KS1 to support early literacy and maths
Subsidise provision of school uniform
To fund LSAs to allow teachers to work with Pupil Premium intervention groups on gaps in learning or to fund LSAs to cover the class
whilst the class teacher supports PP children in intervention groups
To fund LSAs to provide effective, high quality prompt intervention based on feedback
Performance of pupils
% Y1 meeting the expected standard in the Y1 phonics
screening check
% of pupils achieving age related expectations in Reading
at the end of KS1 (L2b+) APS
% of pupils achieving age related expectations in Writing at
the end of KS1 (L2b+)
% of pupils achieving age related expectations in Maths at
the end of KS1 (2b+)
% of pupils achieving age related expectations or above in
Reading at end of KS2 (L4b+)
% of pupils achieving age related expectations or above in
Writing at end of KS2 (L4b+)
% of pupils achieving age related expectations or above in
Maths at end of KS2 (L4b+)
All pupils
PP (FSM/Ever 6)
Non PP
All pupils
PP (FSM/Ever 6)
Non PP
All pupils
PP (FSM/Ever 6)
Non PP
All pupils
PP (FSM/Ever 6)
Non PP
All pupils
PP(FSM/Ever 6)
Non PP
All pupils
PP(FSM/Ever 6)
Non PP
All pupils
Non PP
% of pupils achieving Level 5+ in Reading (TA)
% of pupils achieving Level 5+ in Writing (TA)
% of pupils achieving Level 5 + in Maths (TA)
% of pupils making at least expected progress in Reading
at the end of KS2
% of pupils making at least expected progress in Writing at
the end of KS2
% of pupils making at least expected progress in Maths at
the end of KS2
All pupils
PP (FSM/Ever 6)
Non PP
All pupils
PP (FSM/Ever 6)
Non PP
All pupils
Non PP
All pupils
Non PP
All pupils
Non PP
All pupils
Non PP
Record of PPG spending by item/project 2014/15
To subsidize provision of
FSM children are entitled
to 2 school sweatshirts
and 3 polo shirts.
Children were well dressed in school uniform that fitted which supported their well being
FS support for children
who are not meeting
expected levels in the
Foundation Stage
Curriculum. An LSA
provided cover whilst the
class teacher took
intervention groups to
support individual needs
To narrow the gap
between the progress
made by PP and non PP
in Literacy for KS1 pupils
To raise the confidence
and attainment of the
children in the
Foundation Stage.
Children reaching a Good Level of Development (expected or above in all prime areas, Literacy
and Mathematics) : 78.38%
National Average 2014 was 60%
Children reaching expected or above in all Prime Areas: 94.59%
Pupil Premium children reaching expected or above in all Prime Areas: 80%
National Average 2014 was 72%
To provide additional
literacy opportunities to
practise and embed skills
in writing, grammar,
punctuation and spelling.
Year 1
Using the a points systems developed in assessment without levels the where:
below 5 steps – below expected progress
5 steps – expected progress
7 steps – good progress
8 steps – outstanding progress
Progress in Year 1 Reading:
FSM PP pupils achieved an average of 5.5 steps progress
Non-PP pupils achieved an average of 5.7 steps progress
The forces PP pupil achieved 8 steps.
Progress in Year 1 Writing:
FSM PP pupils achieved an average of 5 steps progress
Non-PP pupils achieved an average of 6 steps progress The forces PP pupil achieved 4 steps.
Year 2
Using the APS measure of progress as Year 2 have continued to use the old curriculum
assessment system this year.
2 APS – below satisfactory progress
3 APS- Satisfactory progress
4 APS - Good Progress
5+ APS - Outstanding progress
Progress in Year 2 Reading:
FSM PP pupils achieved an average of 6.6 APS
Non-PP pupils achieved an average of 5.7 APS progress
Progress in Year 2 Writing:
FSM PP pupils achieved an average of 5.4 APS
Non-PP pupils achieved an average of 6.3 APS progress
TA Phonics Intervention
Maintain high quality
provision for developing
children’s phonic skills.
To narrow the gap inMaths
for KS1 children
To provide regular and
prompt feedback on
misconceptions to ensure
that children are secure
in their understanding.
Using the a points systems developed in assessment without levels the where:
below 5 steps – below expected progress
5 steps – expected progress
7 steps – good progress
8 steps – outstanding progress
Progress in Year 1 Maths:
FSM PP pupils achieved an average of 7.5 steps progress
Non-PP pupils achieved an average of 6.2 steps progress
The forces PP pupil achieved 8 steps.
Year 2
Using the APS measure of progress as Year 2 have continued to use the old curriculum
assessment system this year.
2 APS – below satisfactory progress
3 APS- Satisfactory progress
4 APS - Good Progress
5+ APS - Outstanding progress
Progress in Year 2 Maths:
FSM PP pupils achieved an average of 6.6 APS
Non-PP pupils achieved an average of 7.4 APS progress
To narrow the gap in
Literacy for KS2
To provide additional
literacy opportunities to
practise and embed skills
in writing, grammar,
punctuation and spelling.
Year 3,4 & 5
Using the a points systems developed in assessment without levels the where:
below 5 steps – below expected progress
5 steps – expected progress
7 steps – good progress
8 steps – outstanding progress
Progress in Year 3,4 & 5
FSM PP pupils achieved an average of 6.7 steps progress
Non-PP pupils achieved an average of 5.9 steps progress
Forces PP pupils achieved an average of 6.8 steps progress
Progress in Year 3,4 & 5 Writing:
FSM PP pupils achieved an average of 6.9 steps progress
Non-PP pupils achieved an average of 6.5 steps progress
Forces PP pupils achieved an average of 5.8 steps progress
Year 6
Using the APS measure of progress as Year 2 have continued to use the old curriculum
assessment system this year.
2 APS – below satisfactory progress
3 APS- Satisfactory progress
4 APS - Good Progress
5+ APS - Outstanding progress
FSM PP pupils achieved an average of 2 APS progress
Non-PP pupils achieved an average of 2.7 APS progress
Forces PP pupils achieved an average of 1.5 APS progress
FSM PP pupils achieved an average of 4 APS progress
Non-PP pupils achieved an average of 4.5 APS progress
Forces PP pupils achieved an average of 4.5 APS progress
To narrow the gap in
Maths for KS2
To provide regular and
prompt feedback on
misconceptions to ensure
that children are secure
in their understanding.
Progress in Year 3,4 & 5 Maths:
FSM PP pupils achieved an average of 6.8 steps progress
Non-PP pupils achieved an average of 6.4 steps progress
Forces PP pupils achieved an average of 6 steps progress
Year 6
Using the APS measure of progress as Year 2 have continued to use the old curriculum
assessment system this year.
2 APS – below satisfactory progress
3 APS- Satisfactory progress
4 APS - Good Progress
5+ APS - Outstanding progress
FSM PP pupils achieved an average of 2.5 APS progress
Non-PP pupils achieved an average of 3.6 APS progress
Forces PP pupils achieved an average of 4 APS progress
To support reading
comprehension skills using
implementing training
provided by John Murray
To provide children with
strategies to support their
deduction and inference
skill in reading.
Progress in Year 3,4 & 5
FSM PP pupils achieved an average of 6.7 steps progress
Non-PP pupils achieved an average of 5.9 steps progress
Forces PP pupils achieved an average of 6.8 step progress
Progress in Year 6
FSM PP pupils achieved an average of 2 APS progress
Non-PP pupils achieved an average of 2.7 APS progress
Forces PP pupils achieved an average of 1.5 APS progress
enhancement activities
2 pupils were able to attend and fully participate in the Year 6 residential trip where they were
able to enjoy a wide range of experiences including abseiling and caving. These activities may
not have been experienced without the subsidized funding.
High quality TA
intervention for targeted
support identified from
pupil progress meetings
To provide wider
experiences for PP
children to raise
aspirations. This includes
providing support for
residential trips
To secure outstanding
progress for all PP
Research from the Education Endowment Foundation advises that Feedback is high impact
strategy. We are committed to using feedback to address any gaps in learning. There is daily
feedback to address gaps in learning by class teachers and LSA’s.
Year 3,4 & 5
Steps progress across Reading, Writing and Maths:
PP – Average 6.8 steps progress
Non PP = Average 6.3 steps progress
Forces - Average 6.2 steps progress
Computing holiday club
To provide additional
learning opportunities for
PP children.
This opportunity was offered to all PP pupils so that they could benefit from an opportunity to
support them to become digitally literate and support their ability to use, and express
themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology.
Provision of milk for pupils
in receipt of FSM
To meet new legislation,
as of January 2015,
ensuring the free milk is
available for all our FSM
All FSM pupils are aware that daily milk is available.
Impact statement
There were only 3 children eligible for FSM PPG in Year 1 this year. 1 of these pupils passed the Year 1 Phonics screening. The 2 pupils who did not will be
a priority to ensure that the pass the screening retake in year 2.
The Forces PP pupil passed the phonics screening.
86% of Year 1 pupils passed the Phonics screening, exceeding the outstanding school average by 4 %
In Literacy and Maths progress in KS1, where there is a difference between the progress made by non PP and PP pupils, the progress by both groups of
children is always at least expected.
The small cohort of PP children do particularly well in Year 1, especially in Maths ( +1.3 steps compared with non PP pupils). Maths was highlighted as a key
area to the addressed this year.
The discrepancy between progress of non-PP pupils is never more than -0.9
Year 2 and 3 have the highest number of FSM PP pupils in their year groups (7 in each)
KS1 reading APS for PP pupils is 15.6, 0.6 above National figures
KS1 writing APS for PP pupils is 14.1 , 0.4 above National figures
KS1 Maths APS for PP pupils is 13.9. This figure is slightly below national levels (1.1). The reason for this is that 1of the pupil has an attendance figure of
77.9, and had 32 days off school due to an accident. 57 % of the pupils achieved 13 APS or above, with 29% achieving 19 APS.
3 out of the 4 FSM PP pupils made the 2 levels progress expected from KS1 to KS2 in reading
100% of the FSM PP pupils made the 2 levels progress expected from KS1 to KS2 in maths
Key issues to address for
PPG Pupils 2015/2016
Analysis of 2014/2015
Initiatives for 2015/2016 to address issues arising from 2014/2015
2 members of staff to
undertake Assertive Mentoring
Training (6th October 2015)
Feedback strategies in
staff training
Assertive mentoring strategies to be put in place for PP children
Regular monitoring of
intervention programmes
To extend the strategy
whereby the class teacher
works with the intervention
group, whilst the LSA teaches
the rest of the class
To ensure that timetables are
adjusted to ensure that PP
intervention groups, where
possible, occur outside the
key areas of need
To further improve the
results of all PP children.
To ensure that the gap in
progress between
progress of PP pupil and
non PP is closed further
Weekly meeting to scrutinise effective practice
The timetables were
altered in Easter to
ensure that PP
intervention provision
occurred as an additional
intervention, not instead
of the timetable session of
maths and Literacy
Based on Raise on Line
data 2013/2014 in KS2
we significantly exceeded
the national data for both
PP and non PP pupils.
Current KS1 pupils should
be monitored to ensure
that the gap between PP
and non PP pupils is
This is a strategy that proved to be effective, so is to be continued into 2015/2016.
To maintain the increase in
attainment and achievement
evident in reading, writing and
Teacher teaching intervention groups.
To analyse effective practice and continue to implement such strategies.
reduced. However it
should be noted that
progress of all children
has been accelerated,
with average progress in
reading, writing and
maths all outstanding for
both PP pupils and non
PP pupils.