
Study Guide
Can you…
 distinguish between observations, inferences and predictions?
 identify the following: independent variable, dependent variable, control and constant?
 diagram the structure of a water molecule?
 explain diffusion, osmosis and active transport?
 explain the importance of pH to organisms?
 diagram or recognize a diagram of the monomer units for carbohydrates, proteins, lipids,
and nucleic acids?
 give the function of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids?
 use enzymes as examples to describe how a protein’s function depends on its shape?
 explain the relationship between photosynthesis and respiration?
 recognize the equation for photosynthesis and respiration?
 Identify the cellular structure where photosynthesis and respiration occurs
 explain the role of ATP?
 label a diagram of a compound light microscope?
 identify key scientists in the development of the cell theory?
 explain why cells are called the basic units of life?
 differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
 predict possible gametes in a monohybrid or dihybrid cross, given parental genotypes?
 use a Punnett Square?
 identify the stages of mitosis?
 differentiate between mitosis and meiosis?
 discuss the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction?
 describe the difference between somatic cells and gametes?
 write a complementary RNA strand when given a DNA sequence?
 identify and describe mutations and their effects (such as Turner, Down and Klinefelter
What is DNA made of?
What is the name for the sugar in DNA nucleotides?
What is the name for the DNA structure?
Where in the cell is DNA located?
How many DNA nucleotide bases are there? What are their names?
How does DNA replicate?
Which DNA nucleotide bases pair with which?
What is the function of DNA?
What is RNA made of?
What is the name for the sugar in RNA nucleotides?
What type of structure is an RNA strand?
How many RNA nucleotide bases are there? What are their names?
Cell Cycles
Why do cells divide?
What is the difference between cell division and nuclear division?
What is the purpose of mitosis?
What are the phases of mitosis? What happens during each phase?
How many cells are produced as a result of mitosis?
How many chromosomes are in each new cell as compared to the parent cell?
What is the purpose of meiosis?
What are the phases of meiosis? What happens during each phase?
How many cells are produced as a result of meiosis?
How may chromosomes are in each new cell as compared to the parent cell?
What is cytokinesis?
How many stages are there in interphase? What happens during each stage?
What is a chromosome made of?
What are the structures on chromosomes called?
What are homologous chromosomes?
Why do cells have homologous chromosomes?
What is diploid? Haploid?
What is a tetrad? During which phase are they present?
What is crossing over? During which phase does it occur?
What is the structure that moves chromosomes during nuclear division?
What is a mutation?
What are the four types of gene mutations? Chromosomal mutations?
How does each of these types of mutations occur? What changes as a result?
What are genes? What are they made of? What do they do?
What is an allele? A genotype? A phenotype?
What is gene dominance? How is it written when describing genotype?
Describe the phenotype of a given genotype?
Predict the probability of a given trait occurring in the offspring of two parents with known
Predict the probability of a two traits occurring in the offspring of two parents with known
What are somatic chromosomes? Sex chromosomes?
Who was the “father of genetics? What did he study?