2nd Nine Weeks Exam Study Guide 2012

2nd Nine Weeks Exam Study Guide
Standard 3: Photosynthesis
1. What is photosynthesis?
2. What is cellular respiration?
3. In photosynthesis, what kind of energy is light energy converted into?
4. What food molecule is used as an energy source?
5. What kind of organic compound is this food molecule?
6. What is the main energy trapping molecule in plants?
7. Energy from sunlight is trapped by chlorophyll located in what part of the chloroplast?
8. What is chlorophyll?
9. What kind of organisms use photosynthesis to make food: heterotrophs or autotrophs?
10. What is the equation for photosynthesis? (also label the reactants & products)
11. What is the equation for cellular respiration? (also label the reactants & products)
12. What is the relationship between photosynthesis & cellular respiration?
If oxygen is present, how many ATP can be made from 1 glucose molecule?
14. What are the three components of a nucleotide?
15. What is the function of ribosomes and what are they made of?
16. What is the base-pair rule in DNA? RNA?
17. Give 3 examples of mutagens.
18. Where does transcription & translation take place?
19. Where does mRNA have to take its strand for protein synthesis to occur?
20. What happens during DNA replication? (name the enzymes used & tell what their used for)
21. Which process forms mRNA?
22. Which sugar is in DNA? RNA?
23. List the three types of RNA and their function.
24. Who are the fathers of DNA? What did they discover?
25. What is the shape of DNA?
26. What is the monomer of DNA & RNA? (What are they made of?)
27. What brings the amino acids to the mRNA strand?
28. What is a combination of 3 bases called?
29. What is the primary function of DNA?
30. List 3 differences between DNA & RNA.
31. What is the definition of transcription and translation?
32. What signals for the end of the protein strand?
33. What is the start codon?
Standard 7 Mendel’s Laws
34. What is the scientific study of heredity?
35. Who is the father of genetics?
36. What is a genetic trait that appears every time its allele is present in a genotype?
37. If an individual has two of the same alleles for a trait, they are ____________. What’s another name
for this?
38. If an individual has two different alleles for a trait, they are ____________. What’s another name for
39. Tallness (T) is dominant to shortness (t) in pea plants. What is the genotype of a pea plant that is
heterozygous for tallness?
40. What are Mendel’s 4 laws? (Create AHSGE Std. 7 foldable)
Standard 6 Mitosis/Meiosis
41. What are the three reasons we need mitosis?
42. List the three differences between Mitosis & Meiosis.
43. To the right are pics of the phases of the Cell cycle.
A. Label each phase
B.Tell what happens in each phase
44. During what phase of Meiosis does crossing over occur?
45. Define “diploid” and “haploid.” Give one example of each type of cell.
46. What is a gamete? What is the male gamete? The female gamete?
47. A camel has 70 chromosomes in his body cells.
A. How many pairs of homologous chromosomes will be in his diploid cells?
B. How many chromosomes will be in his sex cells?
C. How many chromosomes will be in one of his skin cells?
48. Copy the following chart onto your paper. Complete the chart:
DNA replicates in ___________________
DNA replicates in ____________________
_________division of chromosomes
 Separate sister ________________
__________ divisions of chromosomes
 Separate ______________________
____________________ (meiosis I)
 Separate sister _________________
(meiosis II)
Makes _________________________ cells
Makes __________________________ cells
Chromosome # is ___________________
to parent cell
Chromosome # is _______________ of the
parent cell
Used for ___________________________
Used to _____________________________