PROMOTION STRATEGIES OF PLTW for your DISTRICT PROMOTING PLTW TO ELEMENTARY STUDENTS INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: Incorporate fun engineering activities within math and science instruction. For ideas go to: Engineering Education Service Center (EESC) links to Engineering/Tech Universities, Scholarships, Resources Show movie “Engineers Can Do Anything” to be exposed to all types of engineering fields. Use engineering stories in ELA/Social Studies lessons Help students be aware that different people in their units are engineers – ex. Alexander Graham Bell Create Stations with different engineering activities Play age appropriate games that support engineering concepts, ideas, etc.. Regular vocabulary in classrooms that surround engineering Conduct Games that are about Engineer careers During units that include engineering work – show or point out that it is engineering ex: during electricity and circuit work ORIENTATION/PROMOTION OF STEM ACTIVITIES: Incorporate the show “Design Squad” into Science class Show clips from to highlight different fields of engineering. Show movie “Engineers Can Do Anything” to be exposed to all types of engineering fields. Service project created with Technology, Math and Science in mind Support a strong foundation in Math for all students Support female students choices towards Science and Math Share with students summer camp opportunities. Go to: CREATION OF CLUBS AND COMPETITIONS: Organize After School Clubs – Robotics Science Fair/Tech Fair Promote building different structures with Legos, Kinex, Link & Logs – have competitions and use products for projects throughout the year Promote and organize Young Science Olympiad teams Encourage participation in science fairs DEMONSTRATIONS: Engineers come into elementary schools after school to do fun and age appropriate activities. Have students solve a problem and work in teams. Have both men and women engineers participate. Organize mentor opportunities with Engineers in the field Show programs explaining engineering; myth busters Career Days – bring in engineers to help with presentations Engineering Week is in February. Seek out local activities. “Show and tell” with parents that are engineers Items generated from PLTW Counselor Conference at RIT- November 2007 and December 2008 1 PROMOTION STRATEGIES OF PLTW for your DISTRICT VISITATIONS: Have PLTW ® students go into classrooms to conduct interactive activities, share their designs, and provide information about what they are learning. Older elementary students visit classrooms in HS/MS Expose students to engineering careers by visiting different engineers in their place of employment. Focus on all types of engineering. PROMOTING PLTW® TO MIDDLE SCHOOL & HS STUDENTS PLTW® INFORMATION SHARING: Put PLTW® classes in curriculum guide Promote during individual scheduling Promote during large group scheduling Put PLTW® information on school website Technology teachers share PLTW® brochures with potential students CREATION OF CLUBS AND COMPETITIONS: Provide a Robotic and/or Technology club for students Coordinate an engineering summer camp for elementary students Provide students with information on math, science, technology, engineering competitions DEMONSTRATIONS: Have High School Students share information and demonstrate projects about the coursework to Middle School Students Conduct classroom presentations and interactive activities on PLTW® activities Conduct lunchtime demonstrations and displays around building Have High School Students conduct interactive activities in the elementary classrooms INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: Have Technology Teachers team up with math and science teacher for instruction VISITATIONS: Elementary students visit Gateway To Technology® classes and Middle School Students visit High School PLTW® classes Field trips to colleges that have engineering or companies that have engineering ORIENTATION/PROMOTION ACTIVITIES: Bring in guest speakers on careers in math, science, engineering, and technology Highlight design, engineering, and careers- connections from TV shows and movies Have an 8th grade parent night or curriculum to share PLTW® coursework and activities to students and parents Provide a Girls Reception for engineering coursework- check on PLTW® Website for complete packet or go to to download complete packet Items generated from PLTW Counselor Conference at RIT- November 2007 and December 2008 2 PROMOTION STRATEGIES OF PLTW for your DISTRICT On Career Day, have an engineer and/or engineering technologist talk about the components of their career, their career path, and indicate skills needed. Have PLTW® alumni come back to school to how their PLTW® courses helped them to make decisions on coursework at the college level. Electives Fair for Students and Parents: Have demonstrations from Robotics Team, Legos Club, and hands-on experiences Use public access TV to promote program Promote specific program to encourage more girls to participate in program Mentor group with college students Show free DVD and share brochures which describe Project Lead The Way® Coursework. Available by going to: PROMOTING PLTW TO PARENTS PLTW INFORMATION SHARING: Put description of PLTW coursework on school website Put description of PLTW coursework in curriculum guide Add information to the parent/district newsletter Share information during new student orientation Highlight PLTW activities and curriculum during a PTO meeting Provide promotional brochures to parents Staff member provides opportunity for parents to obtain answers to questions by phone or email Highlight the career path to math, science, engineering and technology careers DEMONSTRATIONS: Have demonstrations during Open House Have students present the program to parents Conduct a project fair in gym on voting night where students demonstrate and answer questions Invite interested senior citizens to view classes Presentations in community centers, malls, and libraries with student demonstrations ORIENTATION/PROMOTION ACTIVITIES: Have an 8th grade parent night or curriculum to share PLTW coursework and activities to students and parents Electives Fair for parents and students: Have Career night that also reviews classes that provides information on dual credit courses Share clips from PLTW DVD that describes the program Bring media (television and newspaper) to school for special story on students involved in program Highlight the college credit option Items generated from PLTW Counselor Conference at RIT- November 2007 and December 2008 3 PROMOTION STRATEGIES OF PLTW for your DISTRICT PROMOTING PLTW TO COMMUNITY PLTW INFORMATION SHARING: Highlight the program in the school or local newspaper Highlight program on school website Add to agenda of Diversity Task Force Share program goals with Rotary or Lions Club Share information with Jr. Achievement program DEMONSTRATIONS: Conduct a demonstration at a Board Meeting (with students) or invite BOE members to the PLTW classrooms. Highlight PLTW activities and curriculum during a PTO meeting Invite local key business contacts in the school for student demonstrations Have displays set up at sporting events Go to trade shows to demonstrate curriculum activities Market items that are created VISITATIONS AND CONNECTIONS FROM INDUSTRY: Create opportunities for community members to volunteer in PLTW classes Seek out internships or job shadowing in local businesses for students Bring local business people in to speak about job opportunities Share clips from PLTW DVD that describes the program ENGINEERING WEBSITES OF INTEREST American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Discover Engineering Engineering Education Service Center (EESC) links to Engineering/Tech Universities, Scholarships, Resources Engineer Your Life Junior Engineering Technical Society (JETS)- Info on engineering careers Sightseer’s Guide to Engineering The Society of Women Engineers Women in Engineering Proactive Network (WEPAN) Design and Discovery Youth Exploring Science camp.shtml Items generated from PLTW Counselor Conference at RIT- November 2007 and December 2008 4