Spatial Planning: Theory and Practice(空間規劃:理論與實務)


Spatial Planning: T & P, syllabus, 2009 1

Spatial Planning: Theory and Practice


Syllabus, 2009

Instructor: H. C. Hsieh

Credit Hours: 3

Course Description:

The course is structured in four parts, namely, modern city planning in USA, international trends and contexts, emerging themes in planning practices and prospectus. Lectures and interstitial class discussions are designated as the main platform of teaching/learning interactions. This said, participations of in-classroom discussion are strongly recommended and reading listed articles is a must. Grades are to be calculated as the classroom performances of each student constituting 50%, and a final paper (style and content will be announced at the last month of the semester) as another 50%.



Modern City Planning in USA: (Inserted here to celebrate the centennial anniversary of The Greater Chicago Plan of 1909)


Jon A. Peterson. 2009. “The Birth of Organized City Planning in the United

States, 1909-1910.” Journal of American Planning Association 75 (2):

123-133. (On City Planning Movement)


Eugénie Birch and Christopher Silver. 2009. “One Hundred Years of City

Planning’s Enduring and Evolving Connections.” Journal of American

Planning Association 75 (2): 113-122. (On Organized City Planning)


Emily Talen. 2009. “Design by the Rules.” Journal of American Planning

Association 75 (2): 144-160. (On Urban Design)


Jeffrey R. Brown, Eric A. Morris and Brian D. Taylor. 2009. “Planning for Cars in Cities.” Journal of American Planning Association 75 (2): 161-177. (On

Planning Hierarchical Road System)


International Context and Trends:


John Friedmann. 2005. “Globalization and the Emerging Culture of

Planning,” Progress in Planning 64: 183-234. (On global convergence of planning culture)


George Bugliarello.2008. “The Engineering Challenges of Urban

Sustainability.” Journal of Urban Technology 15 (1): 53-83. (On what should we build)


Michael Neuman. 2009. “Spatial Planning Leadership by Infrastructure: An

American View.” International Planning Studies 14 (2): 201-217. (On infrastructure as the key element in planning)

Spatial Planning: T & P, syllabus, 2009 2


John Punter. 2007. “Developing Urban Design as Public Policy: Best Practice

Principles for Design Review and Development Management,” Journal of

Urban Design 12 (2): 167-202. (On the relationship between urban design and development)

III. Emerging Themes in Planning Practice

 On Network Approach in Planning for Cities in Transition


Hugo Priemus. 2004. “From a Layer Approach toward a Network Approach:

A Dutch Contribution to Spatial Planning Methodology,” .Planning Practice &

Research 19 (3): 267-83.


Hugo Priemus. 2007.“The Network Approach: Dutch Spatial Planning between Substratum and Infrastructure Networks,” European Planning

Studies 15 (5): 667-86..


Luca Bertolini. 2006. “Fostering Urbanity in Mobile Society: Linking Concepts and Practices,” Journal of Urban Design 11 (3): 319-34.

 On Metropolitan-Region and New Regional Governance


Neil Brenner. 2003. “Standortpolitik, State Rescaling and the New

Metropolitan Governance in Western Europe,” DISP 152: 15-25.


Michael Neuman. 2007. “Multi-scalar Large Institutional Networks in

Regional Planning.” Planning Theory & Practice 8 (3): 319-44.


Andrew E.G. Jonas and Kevin Ward. 2007. “Introduction to a Debate on

City-Regions: New Geographies of Governance, Democracy and Social

Reproduction.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 31 (1):


 On Strategic Mega Development Projects:


Fernando Diaz Orueta and Susan S. Fainstein. 2009. “The New mega-Project:

Genesis and Impacts.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research

33 (): 759-766.


Suggested Mega-projects to be studied on Web:

(1) Almere, the Netherlands

(2) Atlantic Yards, Brooklyn

(3) Haliç, Istanbul

(4) Potsdamer Platz, Berlin

(5) International Business Center, Moscow

(6) Thames Gateway, London


How Smart Can We Be? (Reflexions and Prospectus)

Spatial Planning: T & P, syllabus, 2009 3


Louis Albrechts. 2006. “Bridging the Gap: From Spatial Planning to Strategic

Projects.” European Planning Studies 14 (10): 1487-1500.


Luuk Boelens. 2006. “Beyond the Plan: Towards a New Kind of Planning,”

DISP 167: 25-40.
