Resources Hidricos The quite abundant, water resource in Colombia, originates of water océanicas, water of escorrentía-of rivers and broken-, water placed in gaps, marshes and dams, and subterranean water. You crash Hydrographic 1. Solid Colombian or Crashes river Colombian Cauca, Caquetá, Mary magdalene and Patia 2. Hill of Caramanta Atrato and San Juan 3. Knot of Santurbán Algodonal, Margua, Zulia and Tarra 4. Páramo of Sumapaz Guayabero, Guaviare, Goal and Sumapaz 7. Knot of Paramillo Sinú and San Jorge 8. Knot of pre-colombian tomb or of the Pastos Looks and Putumayo 5. Páramo of Guachaneque Bogota, Upía and Sogamoso 6. Sierra Nevada of Holy Marta Ranchería, to Cease and Foundation Side of the Caribbean Side of the Amazon Among its more important rivers is found the It is less populated. The 116 km Mary magdalene, which continues being resource for some economic activities, Side of the Orinoco especially in its low and medium part. Its main affluent one is the river Cauca. Other rivers of large dimensions are the Atrato, the Its main rivers are the Arauca, the Goal, the Vichada, the Guaviare. It occupies the Sinú and the San Jorge. quarter part of the territory of the country. Side of the Peaceful Ocean Of the course of the Amazon that cross for the country are sufficient to form a side that Of highly humidity. Its rivers are prosperous occupies 343.000 square km. The most but in its navigable majority by small important rivers are the Guainía, the Vaupés, embarkations. The main are the Sight, natural limit with the Equator; the Patía, with the Caquetá and Putumayo. a length of 460 km; the San Juan of Micay, navigable in a third part by average embarkations, and the San Juan, rich in gold and silver. Water Escorrentía: Rivers, broken and streams Due to the abundant rains and to the relief, Colombia possesses a large quantity of rivers, among them more than 1.200 permanent, counting only those of basins over 100 square kilometers. According to the place where the water of the basins arrive, in Colombia four hydrographic sides are recognized: Caribbean, Peaceful, Orinoco and Amazon. According to the place where are born the rivers, eight hydrographic stars are recognized. (To See picture pág. 29) Water Placed: Lakes, gaps, marshes and dams Exist near 1640 lakes, gaps and reservoirs and near 1940 marshes. Among the gaps and lakes excel The Cocha, in Nariño; Tota, in Boyacá; Fúquene, Suesca and Guatavita, in Cundinamarca. As for marshes, those of are emphasized Zapatosa, in Ceasing; Ayapel, in Cordoba; San Wild in Santander and the Large Marsh of Holy Marta. In the artificial lakes, that is to say, the reservoirs and you dam more important, are The Muña, Neusa or Sisga, that corresponds to the basin of the river Bogota: Chingaza in Cundinamarca and the reservoir of Betania in the Huila. These bodies of water are important by the diversity of benefits that lend, among them the generation of electricity. Water Océanicas They correspond to the Caribbean sea and to the Peaceful Ocean and cover 1.600 and 1.300 km of coast respectively. In the Pacific rivers flow into more than in the Caribbean. Subterranean water Are water infiltrated that they enter contact with the heat of the land. When these present high temperatures itself know like water termales. The best-known they are those of Paipa in Boyacá, the sources of the Snowed of the Ruíz and Holy Rose of Exact in Risaralda and some as Tocaima, Tabio, Nilo and Choachí situated in Cundinamarca. RIOS BUT PROSPEROUS OF THE PAIS I laugh Basin Km cuadr. Length km Abundant m. cub/s Performance liters/s/km cuadr. Caquetá 199.203 1.200 13.180 66 Guaviare 166.168 1.350 8.200 49 Mary magdalene 257.438 1.543 6.987 27 Put 103.052 1.000 6.496 63 Putumayo 53.165 1.350 6.250 58 Atrato 35.702 612 4.155 116 Vaupés 37.748 660 2.650 70 San Juan 15.180 376 2.550 168 Vichada 25.235 700 2.000 79 Looks 10901 570 52 Splits Colombian S = second