introduction from the headteacher

Post Specific:
Post of Head of Expressive Arts Faculty
(TLR 1A)
We are seeking an outstanding and ambitious teacher to lead our dedicated and
talented team of staff within the Expressive Arts Faculty. As Head of Expressive Arts
you will be responsible for the rigorous management and strategic development of
the faculty, contributing towards the improving standards of student achievement and
assisting in the further development of the teaching practice within the faculty to
enthuse, motivate and inspire both students and staff.
Expressive Arts Faculty
The Expressive Arts Faculty consists of 3 full time teachers and 2 part time teachers.
At Key Stage 3 all pupils follow a programme of study, on a rotation between each
subject. Classes are set to mixed ability in Year 7, with movement between sets
monitored on a regular basis. The Expressive Arts Faculty has developed Schemes
of Work which address the objectives as outlined in the Secondary Strategy.
Currently, the Expressive Arts Faculty offers GCSE Art and Design and Music, and
BTEc Performing Arts (Dance) through Edexcel.
Staffing and specific responsibilities
Mr Jon Cartmell– Head of Expressive Arts Faculty
 Responsible for Raising Attainment at KS4
 Overall planning and development
 Finance, Staffing, Setting
 Overview of all curricular and assessment issues
 Updating, revising SOW and assessment materials
 Implementation and monitoring of Faculty policies
 Performance Management and Professional Development
 Formulation, implementation and monitoring of Faculty Development Plan in
line with School Development Plan
 Overview of discipline issues
 Organisation of KS4 – resources, internal tests, external tests, coursework,
moderation, entries etc
Miss Angela Potter – Teacher of Music
Miss Tanya Ridgway – Teacher of Dance
Miss Kylie Woodacre – Part time teacehr of Art
Miss Amy Moores – Part time teacher of Art
Job Description
A Person Specification is included on the following page as it represents the basis for
the selection procedure. In this context a copy of the school brochure is contained
within this information pack and this ought to be useful in supplying further details of
the organisation of school and its emphases. The school is looking for an
enthusiastic teacher who is committed to the development of the Faculty. The post
offers the newly appointed person an opportunity to make an immediate impact upon
the life of the school.
Person Specification
Qualified teacher status
Relevant academic qualifications (Degree level)
Relevant experience of teaching students in 11-16 age range
Evidence of students making good academic progress
Ability to motivate students through lively, stimulating and engaging teaching
A good classroom manager
Good knowledge of curricular issues
Evidence of commitment to own professional development
Ability to lead a team effectively
Good communication skills
High personal standards
Sense of humour
Ability to accept and promote new ideas
Involvement in extra-curricular activities
Willingness to develop IT skills
 To lead Faculty, with the support of Assistant Head of Faculty and SLT link for
the Faculty.
 Ensure that all issues pertaining to the academic progress, pastoral welfare
and good discipline are managed effectively.
 To ensure the Faculty sets and maintains the highest standards attainable
 To develop a distinctive and coherent vision, and to set a strategic direction
for your curriculum area and its contribution to the overall learning experience
of all pupils.
To raise standards of student attainment and achievement within the whole
curriculum area and to monitor and support Pupil Progress.
To ensure the provision of an appropriately broad, balanced, engaging and
differentiated curriculum for pupils studying in the Faculty.
To lead, support, develop and hold to account the Faculty Team focusing on
high standards of Teaching and Learning and Pupil Progress.
Teaching and Learning/Curriculum
1. To set high expectations for standards of Teaching and Learning and model
good practice.
2. To promote the sharing of good practice and successful innovation across the
3. To ensure the consistent application of Teaching and Learning Strategies that
meet the needs of all learners across all subjects in the curriculum area
4. To ensure the coherent development of Schemes of Work within the Faculty.
5. To create, implement, regularly update and monitor the implementation of the
Faculty Improvement Plan.
6. To reflect upon Faculty developments, completing the Departmental SEF as
7. To lead work with colleagues to formulate Aims, Objectives and Strategic
Plans for the Faculty which support the Aims, Objectives and Strategic Plans
of the school.
8. To develop, co-ordinate, monitor and evaluate Faculty implementation of
whole-school key cross-curricular strands e.g. Literacy, Numeracy etc.
9. To keep up to date with national developments in the subject area and with
teaching practice and methodology.
10. To actively monitor and respond to curriculum development and initiatives at
national, regional and local levels.
11. To support colleagues within the Faculty with Behaviour Management,
ensuring South Shore Academy procedures are followed and with the
appropriate use of Restorative Practices.
12. To monitor Behaviour Data and ensure appropriate intervention is put in place
13. To monitor student attendance together with pupils' progress and
performance in relation to targets set for each individual; ensuring that followup procedures are adhered to and that appropriate action is taken where
Monitoring, Assessment, Recording, Reporting, and Accountability
1. To monitor and evaluate standards of Teaching and Learning through
Classroom Observation, samplings pupils’ work, Student Interviews and
Planner Monitoring identifying and responding to any concerns or ‘Areas for
2. To oversee and coordinate effective Assessment, Recording and Reporting of
Pupil Progress.
3. To monitor and evaluate standards of Attainment through analysis of
Performance Data.
4. To prepare an ‘Underachievers Document’ for in advance of Academic Board
5. To attend Year 10 and 11 Academic Board meetings and ensure attendance
from other Faculty members at other Year Group meetings.
6. To ensure any underachieving pupils are identified, appropriate interventions
put in place and their impact monitored. To ensure pupils are placed in the
appropriate sets.
7. To ensure that Faculty staff adhere to School Policies identified in the Staff
Handbook e.g. Planning and Delivering lessons, Assessment and Marking,
meeting DCP and Profiles Report deadlines etc.
8. To contribute to regular school Self Evaluation through completion of the
biannual Monitoring Cycles, Line Management Meetings and annual analysis
of GCSE (and other) results, along with completion of the appropriate
9. To produce reports on assessment/examination performance, including the
use of progress data and to break this down in to different cohorts e.g.
Gender, Ethnicity, FSM, LAC, G&T, SA, SA+.
10. To provide the Governing Body with relevant information relating to the
Faculty Performance and Development.
11. To be responsible for the efficient and effective deployment of the Faculties
Support Staff.
12. To undertake Performance Management Review(s) and to act as Reviewer
for a group of staff within the Faculty.
13. To make appropriate Cover arrangements for classes when staff are absent,
ensuring appropriate work is available for pupils.
14. To ensure effective induction of new staff in line with School procedures.
15. To promote teamwork and to motivate staff to ensure effective working
16. To participate in the school’s ITT programme.
17. Maintain a professional portfolio of evidence of Standards of Teaching and
Learning and pupil progress.
18. To manage the available resources of space, staff, money and equipment
efficiently within the limits, guidelines and procedures laid down; including
deploying the department budget, acting as a cost centre holder,
requisitioning, organising and maintaining equipment and stock, and keeping
appropriate records.
Liaising with Others
1. To report to your SLT link and to contribute actively to a relevant and
coherent learning experience for pupils across the whole school.
2. To ensure that all members of the Faculty are familiar with its Aims and
3. To ensure effective communication/consultation as appropriate with the
Parents/Guardians of pupils.
4. To liaise with Partner Schools, Higher Education, Industry, Examination
Boards, Awarding Bodies and other relevant external bodies.
5. To line manage, coach and monitor the subject staff in your area, taking
responsibility for their induction, performance management and ongoing
professional development.
6. To ensure that clear expectations are established for the ways in which
teachers work with the Academic Mentors attached to the curriculum area.
These expectations should include details of how the mentors and classroom
teachers plan, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of support for students
with Special Educational Needs.
7. To contribute to the School liaison and marketing activities, e.g. the collection
of material for Press Releases.
8. To lead the development of effective subject links with Partner Schools and
the community. Attendance where necessary at liaison events in Partner
Schools and the effective promotion of subjects at Open Days/Evenings and
other events.
9. To liaise with the Vice Principal to maintain accreditation with the relevant
examination and validating bodies.
10. To work with the Vice Principal in order to ensure that Faculty teaching
commitments are effectively and efficiently time-tabled and roomed.
11. To work with Assistant Vice Pricipal (Exams) to ensure correct procedures
are followed in relation to all aspects of coursework/exam entry, completion,
submission etc.
1. To attend Heads of Faculty Meetings and lead Faculty Meetings.
2. To ensure that the Faculty makes high quality contributions to the School’s
range of extra-curricular and enrichment activities.
3. To ensure the Faculty area makes a positive and distinctive contribution to
the marketing of the School and its image across the wider community.
4. To ensure that Health and Safety policies and practices, including Risk
Assessments, throughout the Faculty are in-line with national requirements
and are updated where necessary, therefore liaising with the School's
Business manager.
To maintain and build upon the standards achieved in the award for QTS
(Secondary) as set out by the Secretary of State.
 To plan, develop and deliver high quality lessons.
 To ensure that appropriate differentiation is evident so that all students are
able to access the Curriculum.
 To continually enhance quality of Teaching and Learning.
 To monitor Pupil Progress, keeping pupil records that include Assessment
Outcomes and
Targets set at regular intervals in line with School Policy.
 To complete DCP data as requested.
 To attend Parents Evenings.
 To complete School Reports as requested.
 To attend Faculty (and other relevant) Meetings in line with School Policy.
 To ensure a consistent application of the Academy’s behaviour policy.
 To contribute to Safeguarding and support the overall welfare of pupils at the
 To follow Child Protection Procedures in line with School Policy.
 To maintain good discipline and support student well-being by completing
Duty rotas in line with School Policy.
Teaching and Learning
1. Manage pupil learning through effective teaching in accordance with Whole School
and Faculty Schemes of Work and Policies.
2. Ensure continuity and progression in all teaching.
3. Plan and deliver an engaging ‘ready to do’ Starter activity for pupils to work on as
they come in to the lesson and to connect the learning with previous and future
3. Plan and share with pupils differentiated learning outcomes which link to National
Curriculum levels or GCSE grades and which are based on a professional knowledge
of pupil’s Targets, their current level of achievement and what they need to do to
make progress.
4. Reflect on progress towards achieving these Learning Outcomes throughout the
lesson in ‘mini-plenaries’ e.g. using Kagan Structures and end of lesson Plenaries.
5. Use a variety of methods and approaches (including differentiation) to match
Curricular objectives and the range of pupil needs, and ensure equal opportunity for
all pupils. These include catering for a variety of learning styles (Visual, Auditory and
Kinaesthetic) and the 8 multiple intelligences as well as a combination of individual,
paired and group work.
6. Plan a balance of open and closed questions, including higher order questions
from Blooms taxonomy and target them at pupils based on professional knowledge of
their Targets and current levels of achievement.
7. Set homework regularly, (in accordance with the School homework policy), to both
consolidate and extend learning, and encourage pupils to take responsibility for their
own learning.
8. Work with Inclusion Team to maximize their effectiveness within lessons.
9. Work with Able, Gifted and Talented Lead to maximize their effectiveness within
10. Support the Faculty Team to improve the quality of Teaching and Learning by
contributing to the Faculty Improvement Plan.
11. Support the Faculty Team to improve the quality of Teaching and Learning by
contributing to the Faculty SEF.
12. Maintain a consistent approach to Behaviour Management by adhering to the
Academy’s behaviour policy.
13. Use positive Behaviour Management in an environment of mutual respect (using
Restorative Practice) that allows pupils to feel safe and secure.
14. Maintain a positive ethos within the classroom, verbal praise and the use of
Rewards that raises pupils’ self-esteem.
15. Ensure all students are prepared thoroughly for any Tests, Exams, Coursework,
Controlled Assessments supporting pupils to meet their Targets.
Monitoring, Assessment, Recording, Reporting, and Accountability
1. To be responsible for Assessing, Recording and Reporting the progress of the
students in their charge
2. To track Pupil Progress, monitoring Achievement against Targets set, and in
consultation with Head of Faculty, put appropriate Intervention strategies in place.
3. Inform Head of Faculty, Head of Year Achievement and Parents/Guardians of
Pupil Progress (specifically any Pupils underachieving).
4. Assess pupils’ work systematically and use the results to inform Future Planning,
Teaching and Curricular Development.
5. Support the Faculty in the implementation of PPA
6. Ensure all pupils have an awareness of their Current Grade, Target Grade and
knowledge of how to make the relevant Progress.
7. To ensure all data (including DCP’s data etc.) is forwarded to Data Manager by set
deadlines and that the data provided is an accurate reflection of the standard of work
being produced by the pupil.
8. To have an overview of specific pupil cohorts e.g. Boys/Girls, FSM, SEN, LAC,
G+T, EAL etc.
9. Contribute to the implementation of IEP’s as detailed in the Code of Practice,
particularly the planning and recording of appropriate actions and outcomes related
to set Targets.
10. Contribute to the implementation of strategies to support ‘vulnerable’ pupils,
including those pupils on Monitoring Card.
11. Be familiar with Statutory Assessment and Reporting Procedures, prepare and
present informative, helpful and accurate Reports to Parents/Guardians verbally, in
written form and online.
12. Keep an accurate register of pupils each lesson. Unexplained absences or
patterns of absence should be forwarded to Pastoral Managers or Attendance Officer
Subject Knowledge and Understanding
1. Have a thorough and up-to-date knowledge and understanding of Programmes of
Study, Level Descriptors and Specifications for Examination Courses.
2. Keep up-to-date with research and developments in pedagogy in the subject area.
3. Contribute to the effective use of subject resources, including evaluation of new
materials and equipment.
4. Keep up-to-date with ICT developments and the use of ICT to enhance delivery,
and pupil access, to the subject.
Professional Standards and Development
1. Be a role model to pupils through personal presentation and professional conduct
2. Arrive in class, on or before the start of the lesson, and begin and end lessons on
3. Be familiar with the School and Faculty Handbooks outlining the School Policy.
4. Establish and maintain a professional and effective working relationship with all
5. Be involved in extra-curricular activities to support pupils learning and their social
7. Maintain a knowledge and understanding of teachers’ professional duties as set
out in the current School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions document.
8. Liaise effectively with Parent/Guardians and with other Agencies with responsibility
for pupils’ education and welfare.
9. Consider the needs of all pupils within lessons (and implement specialist advice)
whenever necessary e.g.Boys/Girls, FSM SEN, LAC, G+T, EAL etc.
10. Maintain a dress code in keeping with professional expectations ensuring that
you present yourself as a good role-model.
Health and Safety
1. Be aware of the responsibility for personal Health and Safety issues and that of
others who might also be affected by your actions.
2. Have an understanding the Health and Safety Policy and adhere to this at all
3. Support colleagues in the production and administering of Risk Assessments.
4. Have an understanding of the Visits Policy and ensure the relevant actions have
taken place when planning out of school activities – ensure Visits Co-ordinator
supports the process and that the Evolve Form is completed.
5. Undertake training to enhance Health and Safety awareness.
Continuing Professional Development
1. In conjunction with the Line Manager, take responsibility for personal CPD,
keeping up-to-date with research and developments pedagogy, which may lead to
improvements in Teaching and Learning.
2. Undertake any necessary CPD as identified in the School Improvement Plan.
3. Implement and develop pedagogic procedures introduced through School or Local
4. Implement the use of ICT that enhance Teaching and Learning.
5. Participate in Leadership, Peer and Self-Monitoring and Evaluation schemes.
6. Participate in Peer Coaching scheme and whenever appropriate support
Classroom Coaching.
7. Use ‘Gained Time’ or ‘PPA Time’ to update and modify Teaching, Learning and
Curriculum materials; participate in collaborative planning sessions; or any activity
directed by the Principal.
8. Maintain a Professional Portfolio of evidence and learning log to support the
Performance Management process.
9. Contribute to the Professional Development of colleagues, especially NQTs and
10. Contribute to Faculty Development by sharing expertise and skills with others in
the team e.g. Informal Mentoring or Coaching.
In addition to the responsibilities and duties described above Classroom Teachers
will also be a Progress Tutor and as a result will also have the following
responsibilities and duties.
 To be the first point of contact in school for the pupils in their Form and for
 To provide high quality Pastoral Care for pupils in their Form.
 To monitor the progress of individual pupils.
 To provide high quality academic guidance and mentoring for the Form
 To monitor the progress of individual pupils.
 To provide an appropriately challenging, safe and secure Tutor Base within
which pupils can flourish.
 Contribute to the safeguarding and promotion of the welfare and personal
care of students with regard to the Every Child Matters agenda and Area
Child Protection Procedures.
Support, Guidance, Monitoring and Reporting
1. Take action in accordance with the responsibility 'in loco parentis' and with regard
to ‘Every Child Matters’ to ensure all pupils feel happy and safe, particularly those
who may considered to be more vulnerable.
2. Establish a working relationship with Parents/Guardians of pupils and keep them
informed of relevant developments.
3. Monitor both the social and academic progress of pupils.
4. Use a ‘nurturing’ approach to develop positive relationships with pupils.
5. Develop a detailed knowledge of pupils and use knowledge to play a central role in
the support of all pupils within the Tutor Group.
6. Endeavour to develop positive relationships between stakeholders that promote
links and ensure ‘Home-School Agreement’ is adhered to.
7. Support pupils throughout the Target Setting process – with regards to both
academic and behavioural progress, and ensure pupils understand what evidence is
required, the standards expected, and when /where success can be attained.
8. Complete a weekly ‘Check-in’ session for pupils to set themselves Targets
(attendance, punctuality, behaviour, effort and academic issues) for the coming week
and a ‘Check-out’ session at the end of the week for them to reflect on their progress
toward achieving these goals.
9. Use Assessment Data and Target setting outcomes to discuss progress with
pupils (in Form Period) and with Parents/Guardians (at Review Day /Parents
10. Use Assessment Data to identify at least 5 underachieving pupils in their Form
and support/challenge them through the Assertive Mentoring process, liaising with
Subject Teachers and Parents/Guardians to ensure the students do what needs to
be done to address the underachievement.
11. Attend Raising Attainment Team meetings each cycle; represent their Faculty at
these Meetings and to ensure interventions agreed are implemented.
12. Support pupils to develop learning, study and revision skills along with time
management and problem solving skills as part of a programme during Form Period
and beyond.
13. Accurately complete a register at the start of each day.
14. Monitor the pupils' attendance, punctuality and absence, contacting parents and
issuing consequences (in line with School Policy) where required. Report any
incidences of suspected truancy and be aware of lines of referral
15. Inform school Attendance Officer directly of any pupil who has been absent for 2
16. Identify reasons for pupil absence and pass any absence notes to the school
Attendance Officer.
17. Complete weekly attendance procedures in Form Period, including completion of
the attendance tracker and relevant discussions of this with pupils (particularly with
those pupils where attendance is identified as a concern).
18. Ensure pupils who arrive late to school are issued with detentions (in line with
School Policy) and support the Year Team in the administering of these.
19. Ensure all pupils are familiar with the Academy’s values, with regular
reaffirmation of these during Form Period.
20. Monitor the behaviour of pupils across the School, contacting Parents/Guardians
and putting in place interventions where required; issuing and monitoring pupils on
Checksheet as appropriate.
21. Contribute to the recording of rewards and incidents of inappropriate behaviour,
informing staff where appropriate and logging on SIM’s.
22. Reward and celebrate pupils’ achievements (in line with School Policy) in Form
23. Contribute to the recording of success and rewards at individual and Form Group
level e.g. ensuring a tally is kept of House Points, Learner of the Lesson etc.
24. Check all pupils have correct uniform , equipment and a planner, on a daily basis,
issuing consequences and informing Pastoral Managers and Parents/Guardians
where required.
25. Check and sign Planners on a weekly basis and check for messages from home;
take action when necessary.
26. Actively support the House System and encourage pupils to attend House and
other extra-curricular activities as much as possible.
27. Assist pupils to plan for their futures, and make informed choices, by providing
high quality Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) following Programmes of Study
provided by Head of Year Achievement or Vocational Co-coordinator. Provide
guidance to pupils through key processes e.g. KS4 Options process, Applications to
28. Deliver weekly Literacy, Numeracy and SEAL activities in Form Period as
29. Write a summary comment on the overall progress of each member of the Tutor
Group for Profiles Reports.
30. Check form trays each morning and distribute any necessary letters/information
to pupils.
31. Organise the Form Room in a positive way to celebrate the achievements pupils,
including a Noticeboard that highlights necessary information.
32. Support the Head of Year Achievement in the effective delivery of Assemblies.
Liaising with Others
1. Inform the Designated Child Protection Officer immediately if there are any
concerns regarding the welfare of a pupil.
2. Ensure that confidentiality is maintained at appropriate levels when dealing with
pupils, teachers and parents and outside agencies.
3. Inform Subject teachers, Pastoral Managers, Heads of Year Achievement and SLT
links promptly about any social issues that might affect pupils’ well-being in school.
4. Pupils who are causing disruptive behaviour in school must be brought to the
attention of Pastoral Managers, Heads of Year Achievement and SLT links.
5. Contact Parents/Guardians after due consultation with the Head of Faculty/Head
of Year Achievement/Pastoral Manager.
Representing Pupils
1. Take action on behalf of pupils when appropriate, e.g. speak for, or act on behalf
of a pupil at an Interview, Disciplinary Meeting etc.
2. Provide a Reference for a pupil, e.g. for transfer to a new School/College or for a
prospective employer.
This Job Description will be reviewed annually and may be subject to amendment or
modification at any time after consultation with the post holder. It is not a
comprehensive statement of procedures and tasks but sets out the main
expectations of the School in relation to the post holders professional responsibilities
and duties.
The Principal also has the right to ask Staff to carry out additional duties that would
not be deemed unreasonable.