Revista Española de Documentación Científica Vol. 20, N.º 4, 1997 ISSN 0210-0614 C O N T E N T S STUDIES AND NOTES Analysis of Spanish scientific output in Ecology and Environmental Sciences. 1989-1993. J. R. P‚rez Alvarez-Ossorio, M. J. Mart¡n Sempere, M. T. Fern ndez, M. V zquez, C. Galb n, L. Plaza, I. Aguillo, C. Ronda, A. Cabrero, S. Hernando and I. G¢mez 363 Health Sciences libraries in Spain. A first description. P. L zaro de Mercado, M. A. Poza Sanz, J. M. Estrada Lorenzo, C. S nchez G¢mez and Grupo de Investigaci¢n en Bibliotecas 376 Scientific documentation on Education: Secondary sources. M. J. Romera Iruela 393 Total quality in Spanish databases: Error rate in the Scientific Research Council databases. V. Herrero Solana 410 STANDARDS Documentation and Information. Part 6: Documentary languages. ISO 5127/6 (E) UNE 50-113/6 419 NEWS AND EXPERIENCES 437 BOOK REVIEWS El uso de la documentación audiovisual en los programas informativos diarios de televisión. Teresa Agirreazaldegi Berriozabal (by C. Benito) 461 America Latina en Internet: manual y fuentes de información. Graciela Fainstein Lamuedra (by G. Dema Rey) 462 BIBLIOGRAPHIC SECTION 465 ANNUAL INDEX. VOL. 20 491 AUTHOR INDEX. VOL. 20 499 Abstract: Four databases have been used to analyze Spanish scientific production in Ecology and Environment: ICYT, a domestic database, for those works published in Spanish journals, and three international databases, Chemical Abstracts, Biosis and ASFA, for articles published in foreign journals. For both series, a subject distribution is made, according to four broad headlines included in the National Programme on Environment and Natural Resources: Environmental destruction; Environmental preservation; Environmental Technologies; and Dynamics of Ecosystems. Corporate sources of the articles are also analyzed, as well as their geographic distribution and the most frequently used journals. The high participation of universities (over two thirds of total articles) justifies a more detailed study of this institutional sector. Key words: Ecology, Environment, scientific output, Spain.1 Introducción Abstract: Libraries are of fundamental importance in health care, training and research due to continuing advances in knowledge and its diffusion in a wide variety of publications. Spain lacks an organized library system and deficiencies are perceived. This article presents a descriptive study of the health sciences libraries in Spain. We performed a cross sectional study by survey of the following public centers: hospitals with more than 100 beds or smaller hospitals with teaching accreditation; centers of health management and administration; research centers; schools of public health; schools of medicine and dentistry; and schools of nursing and physical therapy. A self-administered questionnaire was mailed to centers with libraries, and follow-up was made by telephone. 400 of the 716 centers identified have their own libraries (55.9%), and 82 have shared libraries (11.5%). Over half of the libraries (52.8%) are in hospitals. All research centers, schools of medicine and dentistry, schools of public health and hospital complexes have their own or shared libraries, as do 42.6% of administrative centers, 84.6% of schools of nursing and physical therapy, 79% of all hospitals, 72.4% of individual hospitals, 92.5% of teaching hospitals, and 50.5% of non-teaching hospitals. Only two-thirds of the centers have access to a library. The proportion of hospitals with library access can be considered low, especially in non-teaching hospitals, those with a small number of beds, or those not belonging to a hospital complex. Over half of the libraries are in hospitals, thus they will be of primary importance in designing future documentation systems. Key words: health sciences libraries, information and documentation systems, Spain. Abstract. This paper makes a conceptual approach to ®Scientific Documentation on Education¯. After that, seven kinds of secondary sources in education are selected and analyzed, those considered most significant to meet the informative needs of education professionals: bibliographies, catalogues, sumary reviews, abstracts bulletins, bibliographical indexes, citation indexes and data-bases. The paper concludes remarking both the need and the importance of incorporating knowledge about these secondary information sources to the initial curriculum and to the permanent formation of education professionals. It makes possible the transfer of research results to education practice. Keywords: Scientific Documentation on Education, information sources, secondary documents, information retrieval, education professionals. Abstract. The quality of products and services is the buzzword of the 90's, specially in the information retrieval field. This article analyzes de quality level of three Spanish databases developed by the Council for Scientific Research: ICYT, ISOC and IME. The variable studied is the error rate, a objective indicator for the quality measurement. Finally, the results are compared to international standards. Keywords: Total quality management, TQM, error rate, database.