Climate Factors
Last time we ran thru the general circulation that states where high/low pressures live and tells which way the winds blow
Now we will look see that A LOT goes in to determining what the weather may do!! A whole lot!
Need to define: Specific Heat
The specific heat is the amount of heat per unit mass required to raise the temperature by one degree Celsius.
It controls the rate of which objects heat up and cool off
An object with a high specific heat requires more energy than an object with low specific heat in order to heat up.
Water heats and cools slower than land
Think of it like mass: higher specific heat, harder to push over
Controls of Temperatures
- All things that control cloud cover, rain/max/min temps, air pollution etc.
1. Latitude
2. Elevation
3. Continentiality
4. Ocean currents
5. Prevailing Winds
6. Semi-permanent highs/lows
1. Latitude o sun angle and length of days:
lower latitudes: generally warmer/
higher latitudes; colder o Look at climate summaries of areas w/ same latitude
LA and North Carolina
Look at precip/temps
Richmond, VA vs SF, CA o Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania (3°S) Why is this abig deal?
2. Elevation/topography o Temp gets colder as you go up o Proximity to mountains plays a huge role as well
Upslope/downslope winds
upslope fog
Rain shadow effect
due to alignment of mountains and flow of air
Greatest precipitation totals generally involve upslope flow
Redding and Mt. Shasta
Santa Cruz vs. San Jose. Bay area microclimates.
3. Continentiality o Proximity to water/geographical features
due to specific heat differences
Chicago: more susceptible to cold artic air
strong fronts that DRESTICALLY alter temperature
Lake effect snows
4. Ocean currents o Look at current sea surface temperatures o Gulf stream, Kuroshio current, California current
West side of continents, cold water flows from poles
East side; warm water from equator
Iceland: Reykjavik lat. ~65°N, nearly in the arctic circle kept warmer than it otherwise would
5. Winds a) Prevailing winds (from general circ.)
Do they blow in from cold or warm place?
Cool Pacific provides SF w/ cool temps in summertime, but mild in winter
Winds off warm Gulf of Mexico bring heat and humidity b) Thermal circulations
Due to differences in surface heating
Causes sea breeze/land breeze
Causes thunderstorms in FL
Cools SJ off in summertime c) Monsoon circulation:
Due to Tibetan Plateau and Bay of Bengal/Indian ocean interaction
a thermal circulation, but seasonal due to
Winter: High elevation/cold temps create surface H over land, L over water flow is offshore, or cold and dry
Summer: India landmass heats up faster than water
(specific heat) causing a thermal/heat low flow is onshore, or warm and moist
Cherrapunji: rains 100 “ in JJA each, close to nothing in winter d) Local winds
Santa Anas
6. Semi-permanent highs/lows o Effect on seasonal rain patterns o Thunderstorm development o Air Pollution effects