North West Area Partnership`s Representative Information Sheet

North East Area Partnership Candidate Information Sheet
What’s involved in being the Area Partnership representative?
You will have an important role to play in speaking up for local third sector
organisations at the Area Partnership, and in ensuring that positive
relationships are built and maintained between the sector and the members of
the Area Partnership.
It is anticipated that there will be a minimum of 6 Area Partnership meetings
per year.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible to stand you must be a staff member or volunteer (for example,
a management committee member or director) of a third sector organisation
on the electoral register for the Area Partnership area.
Your nomination must be approved by an organisation that is on the electoral
register for the Area Partnership you are standing in.
Roles and Responsibilities of Representative
- Attend Area Partnership meetings
- To read and examine papers in advance of the meeting
- To be fully briefed and be prepared to speak on behalf of, and
represent, the interests and views of members of the Voluntary Sector
Networks (VSNs) and third sector organisations in that area at
- To obtain the views of VSN members and feed back as agreed
- To maintain links and communication with the Development Officer
- To attend pre-meetings for the Area Partnership if necessary
- To attend network meetings and other meetings as appropriate
It is expected that the Representative will have:
- Good knowledge of the third sector
- Good knowledge of the Area Partnership area
- Commitment and capacity to meet the responsibilities above
- Partnership and relationship building skills
It should be noted that representatives are expected to represent the views of
the VSNs members and the broader third sector, not those of their own
organisation nor their own personal views.
There will be a full induction for new representatives and support will be
provided by the Development Officer.
In the event of an individual elected to a post failing to attend three successive
meetings of the particular group then they will be deemed to have resigned
other than where medical or other evidence is produced to the satisfaction of
the Executive Committee’s of the local VSNs.
North East Senior Officers’ Group Candidate Information Sheet
What’s involved in being the SOG representative?
The representative will be expected to work on behalf of third sector
organisations in the North West and contribute positively to the agenda of the
As this group has an operational focus, the representative will need to
understand and articulate how the sector can most effectively be involved in
the discussions of the group.
It is anticipated that there will between 4 and 6 ASOG meetings per year.
Working groups are also expected to progress issues outside of the regular
Eligibility Criteria
Given the operational focus of the Senior Officers Group the candidate must
be either a paid employee or operational volunteer (with relevant experience)
of an organisation on the electoral register for the Sector.
Your nomination must be approved by an organisation that is on the electoral
register for the Sector you are standing in.
Roles and Responsibilities SOG Representative
Ensure attendance at the SOG meetings
Work on behalf of all third sector organisations in the North West
To read and examine all papers in advance of the meeting
To be fully briefed and be prepared to speak on behalf of, and
represent, the interests and views of the members of the Voluntary
Sector Networks (VSNs) and third sector organisations in the NW area
at meetings
To obtain the views of VSN members on issues
Link directly back into the VSNs members, feeding back information
and developments
To maintain links and communication with the Development Officer
To attend network and other meetings as necessary
Have the capacity to participate in working groups that develop
It is expected that the SOG Representative will:
 Have a good knowledge of the third sector in the North West
 Understand and articulate the third sector’s role within the SOG’s
operational discussions
 Be able to provide a strategic overview of the role and issues facing
third sector projects in the area
 Be experienced at operating at this level
 Be able to participate in strategic planning across the area, in particular
developing and monitoring outcomes, indicators and action plans
linked to the Single Outcome Agreement
 Be comfortable with making or challenging decisions at a sector level
 Raise the profile of the third sector and its value within this context
It should be noted that representatives are expected to represent the views of
the Voluntary Sector Network’s members and the broader third sector in the
area, not those of their own organisation nor their own personal views.
In the event of an individual elected to a post failing to attend two successive
meetings of the particular group then they will be deemed to have resigned
other than where medical or other evidence is produced to the satisfaction of
the Executive Committee’s of the local VSNs.
North East Sector CPP Candidate Information Sheet
What’s involved in being the Sector CPP representative?
This is a key strategic role for the third sector and the representative will be
expected to work on behalf of organisations in the North West and contribute
positively to the agenda of the Sector CPP.
It is anticipated that there will be minimum of 4 Sector CPP meetings per year.
Working groups are also expected to develop to progress issues outside of
the regular meetings.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible to stand you must be a staff member or volunteer (for example,
a management committee member or director) of a third sector organisation
on the electoral register for the Sector.
Your nomination must be approved by an organisation that is on the electoral
register for the Sector you are standing in.
Roles and Responsibilities of Sector CPP Representative
Ensure attendance at the Sector CPP meetings per year
Work on behalf of all third sector organisations in the North West
To read and examine all papers in advance of the meeting
To be fully briefed and be prepared to speak on behalf of, and
represent, the interests and views of the members of the Voluntary
Sector Networks (VSNs) and third sector organisations in the North
West at meetings
To obtain the views of VSN members on issues
Link directly back into the VSNs, feeding back information and
developments as appropriate
To maintain links and communication with the Development Officer
To attend network and other meetings as necessary
Have the capacity to participate in working groups that develop
It is expected that the Sector CPP Representative will:
Lead a service or be involved in service planning and delivery
Have good knowledge of the extent and nature of the third sector in the
North West
Be able to provide a strategic overview of the role and issues facing
third sector projects in the area
Be experienced at operating at this level
Be able to participate in strategic planning across the area, in particular
developing and monitoring outcomes, indicators and action plans
linked to the Single Outcome Agreement
Be comfortable with making or challenging decisions at a sector level
Raise the profile of the third sector and its value within this context
It should be noted that representatives are expected to represent the views of
network members and the broader third sector in the area, not those of their
own organisation nor their own personal views.
In the event of an individual elected to a post failing to attend two successive
meetings of the particular group then they will be deemed to have resigned
other than where medical or other evidence is produced to the satisfaction of
the Executive Committee’s of the local VSN’s.