Study Guide

Exam 2 Study Guide
Understand the following:
Travel time curve
Pwave shadow zone
Earthquake phases – P, S, PKP, PcP, PKIKP, PP, S, SKS, PKS, etc
The earthquake phases that were important for discovering the inner and outer core.
Crust, mantle, outer core, core and approximate depths from the surface
Crust – Top layer of the Earth that is on average 33 km thick.
Mantle – Layer of the Earth from 33 km depth to 2900 km depth.
Earthquake magnitudes (understand the differences between the following types):
Richter Magnitude ( or local magnitude) (know how this one is calculated)
Body wave magnitude
Surface wave magnitude
Moment magnitude (know the equation for this one)
Increase in measured seismic wave amplitude with increase of 1 magnitude unit
Increase in energy released with increase of 1 magnitude unit
Increase in number of earthquakes with decrease of 1 magnitude unit (Gutenberg-Richter
Teleseismic earthquake recording
Surface wave
Rupture length
Fault area
Slip or offset or displacement
Aftershock zone
Seismic moment (units of N-m = kg m/s2 m or dyne-cm = gram m/s2)
Shear modulus
Normal fault, reverse fault, left-lateral strike slip fault, right-lateral strike slip fault
Earthquake cycle:
deformation, energy accumulation, rupture and release of energy, rebound, offset
Paleoseismology – recovering pre-historic earthquake offsets
Recurrence interval
Natural hazard
Natural hazard assessment
Risk assessment
Know how to calculate or estimate from graphs:
Frequency and Period
Velocity from travel-time curve
ML from amplitude
M0 from fault parameters
Mw from M0
The relations between Magnitude Mw, rupture length, offsets from graphs
The size of a likely earthquake given a map and fault parameters
Recurrence rate from a time history of fault offsets
Characteristics of earthquakes from the sliding block model and observations
Values from log axes of a plot
In general, make a prediction from information presented on a graph.
Earthquake location problems as in exam 1 (distance, wave speed, S-P times, etc).