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Colegio Villa Maria La Planicie
Fifth Secondary English Literature
Name: ……………………………….
Date: ……………………..
Teacher: Luz Maria Alvarez-Calderón
Coordinator: Catherine Sotil Brown
Fields of knowledge, intellectual curiosity, intellectual community, literature,
universality, theme, theme vs. topic, the human condition, human nature, genres
according to form (prose, poetry and drama), form and content, layout.
Western civilization time line.
Literal and figurative levels of interpretation, reading, literary devices.
Reading Skills:
Visualizing, anticipating, predicting, relating reference word to antecedent,
skimming, scanning, controlling reading speed, handling vocabulary items: ignoring,
consulting meaning, deducing meaning (from context, from semantic structure,
from etymology), identifying main and secondary ideas, comparing texts.
Critical thinking skills:
Observing, analyzing, inferring, questioning and evaluating, and applying metacognition, which includes self-evaluation, to explain process of evaluation.
Academic skills:
Note-taking, annotating, highlighting, discriminating relevant versus irrelevant
information, illustrating, expressing point of view with sound argumentation,
organizing and applying reading plan, transforming texts into visual organizers and
vice versa, reverse-outlining, researching, planning and executing projects, working
out meaning with class companions, learning collaboratively and cooperatively,
self-monitoring of learning process.
Literary skills:
Identifying literary devices, recognizing characteristics of style
in a text, identifying socio-cultural and historical elements in a text, identifying
purpose and target audience of the author, relating elements of a text to author’s
life and times, thinking critically about literature by understanding how differing
worldviews influence the way that people approach literature, as writers, readers or
critics, appreciating the aesthetics of different styles.
Life skills:
Working in an intellectual team, interacting assertively, expanding world view
through understanding and appreciation of authors’ views on the human condition,
developing character, which includes virtues such as responsibility, order, honesty,
accountability, dignity, generosity, solidarity, self-control, respect, tolerance and
appreciation, through constant interaction with class companions and teacher.
The students will work towards the above learning targets in an ascending spiral:
recurrence will take place at a more complex level as the three years go by.
Colegio Villa Maria La Planicie
Fifth Secondary English Literature
Name: ……………………………….
Date: ……………………..
Teacher: Luz Maria Alvarez-Calderón
Coordinator: Catherine Sotil Brown
Knowledge Pursued in the First Bimester
1. Levels of interpretation: Literal and figurative.
2. Figures of Speech: Simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, symbol.
3. Rhetorical tools: repetition and parallelism.
Major and minor poetical devices: rhythm, rhyme, alliteration, onomatopoeia.
4. Prose and poetry: Elements
5. Introduction to Greek and Roman Classical Times and the Judaeo-Christian tradition.
The following European literary periods and representative works:
6. The Middle Ages
Dante Allighieri
The Divine Comedy:
Inferno Cantos I, II and V
(text),Cantos III and IV (ref.).
7. The Renaissance Movement
Italy: Francesco Petrarca
Sonnets :
The Beauty and Virtue of
Life Hurries On
Now I go Grieving
England: William Shakespeare.
Sonnets XXIX, XXX
Colegio Villa Maria La Planicie
Fifth Secondary English Literature
Name: ……………………………….
Date: ……………………..
Teacher: Luz Maria Alvarez-Calderón
Coordinator: Catherine Sotil Brown
Knowledge Pursued in the First Bimester
1. Levels of interpretation: Literal and figurative.
2. Figures of Speech: Simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, symbol.
3. Rhetorical tools: repetition and parallelism.
Major and minor poetical devices: rhythm, rhyme, alliteration, onomatopoeia.
4. Prose and poetry: Elements
5. Introduction to Greek and Roman Classical Times and the Judaeo-Christian tradition.
The following European literary periods and representative works:
6. The Middle Ages
Dante Allighieri
The Divine Comedy:
Inferno Cantos I, II and V
(text),Cantos III and IV (ref.).
7. The Renaissance Movement
Italy: Francesco Petrarca
Sonnets :
The Beauty and Virtue of
Life Hurries On
Now I go Grieving
England: William Shakespeare.
Sonnets XXIX, XXX