Pedigree Notes

Example: Albanism is a recessive trait.
___=normal ___=albanism
Pedigree Notes
# of males =
# of females =
# of generations =
# of children =
# with albanism =
# of males w/albanism =
# of marriages =
# of children married =
Fill in the genotypes for the people in the pedigree.
How would the genotypes change if you learned this is a sexlinked trait?
Pedigree Problem
In humans, brown hair (B) is dominant to blonde hair (b). From
the following information, create a pedigree for the Sampson
family in your journal. Female names are underlined, male
names are not.
You must:
1. Draw the pedigree correctly
2. Color in the correct squares and circles.
3. Write the names of each family member
4. Correctly figure out all of the genotypes.
The Sampson's:
Ruth and Bob are married and both have brown hair
Ruth's father David has blonde hair, but her mother, Mary, has
brown hair.
Bob's parents, Matt and Judy are both brown haired. His father
is homozygous dominant.
Ruth and Bob have 3 children, born in the following order, Julie
(brown hair), Amy (blonde hair), and John (brown hair).
Julie married Fred, whom has brown hair. They have 2 girls,
Kristina (oldest, blonde) and Madison (blonde).
John is married to Linda (brown hair) and they have 2 kids,
Craig (oldest and brown hair) and Carolina (brown hair).