1 [DISCUSSION DRAFT] 79TH SESSION 2011-2012 S. RES. 79-78 To Provide for the Winter Recess of the 79th Session of the Senate IN THE SENATE OF THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS DECEMBER 1, 2011 MS. DIAZ, MR. DEL CARLO AND MR. BROAD SUBMITTED THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION To Provide for the Winter Recess of the 79th Session of the Senate 1 Whereas, the University of Nevada was established in 1874 as 2 the premier research institution in the state and has as part of its 3 mission statement that it “b) creates new knowledge through basic 4 and applied research, scholarship, and artistry, in strategically selected 5 fields relevant to Nevada and the wider world”; 6 Whereas, Goal 1 of the University of Nevada Mission Statement 7 last revised in August 2011 is to “serve as an accessible, 8 comprehensive, doctoral-granting, research university with 9 characteristics of a high-quality liberal arts university and Nevada's 2 1 land grant university, combining undergraduate and graduate 2 education, fundamental and applied research, and engagement with 3 Nevada's citizens, industry, and governments”; 4 Whereas, the conducting of research may require significant 5 financial backing and is most useful when available for member of the 6 university community and general public to read and discuss; 7 Whereas, there currently exists no established undergraduate 8 journal for the purposes of publishing, disseminating or otherwise 9 distributing research conducted by the undergraduate students of the 10 11 University of Nevada; Whereas, the Associated Students of the University of Nevada 12 find it imperative to the advancement of the mission of the University 13 as well as to the quality and relevance of the undergraduate 14 experience that undergraduate research be conducted and duly 15 published; 16 Be it resolved by the Senate of the Associated Students, the 17 Committee on Interim Operations, which will be referred to as the 18 Special Committee on Undergraduate Research and Journals, is 19 hereby activated upon the winter recess of the Senate. The Senate 20 shall become recessed upon the adjournment of the Senate meeting on 21 December 7, 2011 and shall be dissolved upon the reconvening of the 22 Senate on January 25, 2012. 23 24 The Special Committee shall focus solely on the creation of an undergraduate research grant and undergraduate research journals and 3 1 any necessary actions to be taken by the ASUN to ensure their 2 creation. Membership of the Special Committee shall be formed and 3 amended by resolution. The Special Committee shall be dissolved by 4 resolution. The Committee on Interim Operations shall have no direct 5 legislative power; but shall have the ability to make budgetary 6 adjustments from an account designated as such by law. 7 Further resolved, The Special Committee on Undergraduate 8 Research and Journals shall be composed of no less than twelve 9 Senators. The membership of the Special Committee on ASUN 10 11 Advancement shall consist of the following Senators: Further resolved, that the Special Committee shall be chaired by 12 ○