virtual.volcano.fuller .website - wikifuller

Virtual Volcano Internet Activity
Please visit the following website to complete this activity:
Click on the “Volcanoes e - Learning” link on the left side of page directly underneath the “home” link. Scroll down the webpage until you have found
the correct activity that matches the assignment.
Global Perspective
In the bottom right corner click on “TECTONIC PLATES”
1. What is the earth’s crust divided into????
2. Where are active volcanoes found??
In the bottom right corner click on “RING OF FIRE”
3. What is the ring of fire?
4. Explain where the ring of fire can be found:
In the bottom right corner click on “LAYERS WITHIN”
5. What are the layers of the earth? Which one makes up the “plates”?
6. Are tectonic plates stationary or do they move??
7. How do volcanoes form??
8. (Complete the sentence) Volcanoes form when magma _____________________________________,
usually at
Volcano Types
Scroll down to “VOLCANO TYPES” then click on “STRATOVOLCANO” in the bottom right corner
9. Use Google and define viscosity: (pick the definition that makes the most sense to you)
10. What are stratovolcanoes (composite) built of?
11. Are stratovolcanoes (composite) flat or steep?
12. Do stratovolcanoes (composite) erupt violently or quietly?
13. What are two well known stratovolcanoes (composite)?
Click on “CINDER CONE” in the bottom right corner
14. Are cinder cones volcanoes small or large in size?
15. Are cinder cone volcanoes steep or flat volcanoes?
16. What are cinder cone volcanoes made of????
17. What are two examples of cinder cone volcanoes?
Click on “SHIELD” in the bottom right corner
18. Are shield volcanoes small or large in size?
19. Are shield volcanoes steep or flat volcanoes?
20. What are cinder cone volcanoes made of????
21. Is the lava that makes up shield volcanoes thick or runny (fluid)?
22. What is one example of a shield volcanoes?
23. Considering what you learned; rank the 3 types of volcanoes from smallest to largest:
24. Considering what you learned; rank the 3 types of volcanoes from flattest to steepest:
Gas and Viscosity Settings
Scroll down to “GAS AND VISCOSITY SETTINGS” then click on “ENTER”. Then on the left hand side,
25. (complete the sentence) The magmas viscosity or_________________________________________ indication
Click on “GAS INFO” below
26. What gases are dissolved in magma or volcanoes?
27. Do you think gases make a volcanic eruption explosive and violent or quiet and non-explosive?
Click on “VISCOSITY INFO” below
28. What is the magma’s viscosity or thickness and indication of????
29. What do thick magma’s tend to have more of????
30. Runny, fluid lavas tend to have low levels of what???
31. Set the both levels of viscosity and gas to low. DO NOT click on “set conditions”. You just created a shield type eruption. Look at the magma,
is flowing faster or slower???? Does it have more or less gas bubbles????
32. Scroll down to Eruption 1: Shield Eruption then click on “start eruption”. What type of eruption took place??? Was it explosive or nonexplosive? Describe the shape of the volcano; is it gentle sloping or steep??? Is it Wide or Narrow; tall or flat?
33. Scroll Back up to the GAS AND VISCOSITY SETTINGS. Now, set the both levels of viscosity and gas to high. Be careful!! DO NOT click on
“set conditions”. Look at the magma, is flowing faster or slower???? Does it have more or less gas bubbles????
34. Scroll down to Eruption 2: Strato Cone Eruption then click on “start eruption”. What type of eruption took place??? Was it explosive or
non-explosive? Describe the shape of the volcano; is it gentle sloping or steep??? Is it Wide or Narrow; tall or flat ?
Mini Quiz:
35.Lava or magma with low levels of silica and gas content will travel long distances and create flat
Strato/ Composite volcano
Cinder Cone Volcano
Shield Volcano
Pyrocone Volcano
36.As the amount of silica increases, magma tends to
Increase in viscosity
decrease viscosity
More fluid
remain unchanged
37. Most volcanoes occur ____.
along convergent boundaries
along divergent boundaries
At hot spots
All of the above