
Caught in the Middle? How to Manage Conflict and
Resolve Problems by Negotiating with Others
Diana Ward-Collins, RN, MSN
Traditionally, conflict has been viewed as a destructive force to be ignored or silenced; today, many
are redefining conflict as an opportunity. Once conflict is approached as a cooperative effort, nurses
and other healthcare professionals can restructure trust to enhance professional relationships. By
understanding the dynamics of negotiation in areas such as leadership, power, and conflict
management, healthcare professionals will improve the quality of their professional practice,
relationships and their working environment.
This article presents an overview of conflict resolution by introducing:
Conflict management concepts and principles
Strategies for effective negotiation
Useful techniques for conflict management
Major guiding principles to use for managing conflict.
Healthcare organizations, although extremely
complex, have as their mission nothing less than
improving the health of patients and their
communities. Unfortunately, this lofty goal can be
lost amid the conflicting agendas and value systems
of individuals and disciplines within the healthcare
system. This is, understandably, a frustration for
many healthcare professionals.
Working Together
Professionals who are, or should be, working together to provide healthcare
services for patients must develop a set of skills for effective communication.
These skills include:
Conflict management
Consensus-building through collaboration
These essential skills not only improve patient care, but are vital for personal,
professional, and organizational success.
Collaboration—one method of conflict management—is a process by which people and groups
work together to achieve a common goal. Collaboration works best when each person involved
takes responsibility for his or her own working relationships and quality patient services. For
example, imagine there is insufficient staff on a unit. By working collaboratively, nurses can
prioritize patient care needs, pool available resources, and ultimately match those resources to
achieve the mutually defined common goal of quality patient care.
Negotiation--Problems can arise, however, when healthcare professionals disagree on how to
achieve that goal. This calls for another method for conflict management—negotiation. During
negotiation, healthcare professionals must engage in honest communication, adjusting their
differences to eventually reach consensus. Negotiation works best when the people involved in a
conflict tell each other their goals, needs, and wants.(1) Individuals can then adapt their needs and
wants so that the common goal can be achieved.
These processes take time to learn and practice. Even so, every healthcare professional has the power
and responsibility to “step up to the plate” and negotiate disputes or differences of opinion, even
while organizational decisions are being made. For some individuals, this might represent a new
approach for professionally relating to others. Yet taking a chance—possibly even a risk—can be
liberating and empowering.
Why Negotiate?
We negotiate with others every day, usually without even thinking
about it. Occasionally an impasse does occur, and then we realize
that finding a solution isn’t always easy. Thi
s is especially true when people perceive the same thing
differently, or if we are not sure what action is expected from us
or required of another.
Examples abound. Do any of these sound familiar?
“Who will work an extra night shift?”
“When is the manager going to correct the weekend supply problem?”
“Where is the help administration promised?”
“What’s the matter with these nurses/physicians/ pharmacists? Why don’t they understand that
we are doing the best with what we have?”
These situations can be emotionally draining. And, over time, our reactions to these situations
intensify, creating an atmosphere of:
Polarization of staff
Negative emotions and feelings start to affect a work group. For example, we begin to see different
staff members as belonging to two or more work groups pitted against each other defining
themselves as “we-they” in their communications.
Once “we-they” positioning occurs, effective communication deteriorates. The stress level in the
workplace escalates to the point that, ultimately, patient care is affected. (2,3) Until issues are
addressed and collaborative agreements reached, the problem worsens, affecting more professional
relationships and personal well-being.(4)
When conflict arises, professionals have the opportunity either to affect change by taking action or
do nothing and maintain the status quo. This choice puts us in a powerful position to assist or
obstruct the negotiating process and thereby expand or diminish our own potential.
If we choose, we can remain silent, feeling victimized, powerless, and pressured. Realize that taking
no action is a decision—in essence, an act of avoidance. By giving away our voice, we give away
our power. By staying caught in the middle, we lose our voice, our options, and the chance to make
a positive difference. Regardless of the strategy used, effective professionals understand the
connection between the choices we make and the results we live with.
Most conflict involves power, either directly or indirectly. Here are a few basic thoughts on the
nature of power:
Every relationship involves power issues on some level.
Sometimes power issues are covert and hidden, and other times
they are overt and clear to all.
When we use our power for personal advantage, others are
affected, either negatively or positively.
Power is neither good nor bad.
We tend to associate the idea of power with strength and ability.
The purpose of power is to get another person or group to do what we want.
When conflict occurs in healthcare organizations, professionals respond according to their belief
and understanding of how power is distributed. One’s strategy for managing conflict is often
influenced by one’s understanding of who has the power and how they will probably wield it.
As healthcare professionals, we have a responsibility to not stop at simply understanding
organizational power. We need to develop our own bases of power. Here are some resources
various professionals have found helpful as they develop their own power bases:
Reliable and trusted sources such as leaders and seasoned experts
Participation in professional associations
Participation in organizational projects or committees
In any industry, people can seek power by (5,6):
Giving something of value to another
Threatening negative consequences or disciplinary action
Becoming experts in their field
Developing inspirational personalities using charisma to influence others
Acquiring formal positions of authority
Obtaining support from others who have power
Establishing autonomy and independence from others
As professionals seeking to manage conflict among coworkers, we can be strengthened by a variety
of other resources within our organization, such as:
Seeking out wise and seasoned persons who have demonstrated a commitment to balancing
patient needs with organizational resources
Forging alliances with persons or committees having similar goals
Developing relationships with individuals with formal authoritive power to influence
organizational resources and decisions
When we develop alliances with trustworthy resources, we begin to build a shared strength and
power. By collaborating with these resources, we build credibility for ourselves and strengthen our
own bases of power.
Clinical professionals such as nurses, physicians, and physical therapists working at the bedside
have the power to influence decisions for patients, work units, and organizations by getting
involved. Empowerment (a term frequently used in nursing) is defined as “giving individuals the
authority, responsibility, and freedom to act on what they know and instilling in them belief and
confidence in their own ability to achieve and succeed” (7). Self-empowerment includes learning
about and participating in decision making. Taking responsibility for our own empowerment can
transform us and our coworkers, patients, departments, organizations, nursing profession, and even
society in general.
How Gender Affects Power and Conflict Management Style
Men and women tend to handle power differently.(8,9) Women define
themselves through relationships and networking, whereas men define
themselves by the tasks they accomplish. Men often see conflict as a
means to engagement and competition whereas women experience this
competition as threatening to relationships. Although some men
prepare for “battle,” some women prepare for “retreat.”(7,8) Conflict
management styles among nurses are heavily influenced by the fact that
many nurses are female, and females in our society are socialized to handle conflict in specific,
sometimes negative ways.(9,4) As one researcher explained it, “Nurses are typically socialized to
press for consensus, which may make them appear tentative. In contrast, physicians often focus on
justice issues and are intent on ruling out alternatives.”(4)
Studies that focus on working relationships in healthcare settings reveal patterns of female
aggression and bullying that consistently result in destructive and counterproductive influences on
nurses and other females.(10) As one writer has explained, “Conflicts arise because women have
behavioral expectations for other women [which] we do not have for men. Simply put, we make
allowances for men being different from us, but when women are different, it makes us
uncomfortable.”(11) Valuing each other’s differences is part of collaborating and negotiating for a
common good.
At times, when a woman does decide to speak out and address concerns, she may be left to fend for
herself, which can make her feel betrayed. The conventional model for many women to remain
quiet and not speak up has a silencing effect on others.(8)Yet, not all men are competitive; thus,
stereotypical patterns of behavior that frustrate communication and damage teamwork must be
addressed and redefined for both genders. The solution lies in raising awareness among both men
and women and encouraging them to learn new ways of talking with each other.
When conflict arises, we naturally look to leaders for resolution. Effective leaders, however,
understand that their jobs are not merely to “fix things” but rather to equip others to creatively
manage their own conflicts and thus develop their skills.(12) Leadership is more than a position on
an organizational chart; it is a learned skill that is best developed when it is shared.
Shared leadership, also known as shared governance, tends to flatten the bureaucracy of an
organizational chart, and helps employees become empowered stakeholders. When leaders are
willing to share their power, followers learn to manage issues such as control, authority, and
influence.(13) Professionals who successfully practice shared governance have developed the
following skills:
Decision making about patient management issues
Standards of practice knowledge
Quality assurance abilities
Excellent conflict resolution skills
Excellent negotiation skills
A leader’s commitment to shared governance supports professionals as they seek to work and
negotiate within all disciplines of their organizations. Distributed power can be one of the most
inspiring and encouraging endorsements a healthcare professional can receive.
Conflict in the healthcare industry presents some unique challenges
simply because there are so many people involved in the delivery of
services, making it impossible for any one provider to have total control
over decisions affecting patient care.(12) Because of this dynamic,
conflicts surface, calling for negotiation skills. If managed well, the
conflict can be resolved constructively. If not managed well, the conflict
may result in disaster.
Whether managed well or not, conflict changes things. It calls into question the status quo. We are
motivated by the tension it creates to move from our current situations to the situations that we
The Benefits of Conflict
What are the benefits of conflict? By courageously and honestly discussing conflict, nurses can:
Increase awareness of problems
Improve preparedness to cope with problems
Initiate organizational change and adaptation
Strengthen relationships and improve morale
Promote awareness of self and others
Enhance personal growth
Encourage psychological development
Destructive Malfunctions with Unmanaged Conflict
The downside of conflict occurs when it is unmanaged. Then conflict can (14):
Set in motion a win/lose approach
Cloud the truth with misperception and bias
Polarize coworkers
Isolate us from those with differing opinions
Blur the issues
Magnify our differences instead of focus on our similarities
Escalate the conflict
Unmanaged conflict is costly and stressful. Research indicates that the single greatest cause of job
stress is unhealthy workplace practices and conditions.(15) The real costs of healthcare conflict are
the losses for each staff member in terms of (16):
Employee turnover/retention
Meaningful professional relationships
These costs do not include the impact of compromised patient care. In addition, for the patient, a
communication breakdown among caregivers results in a patient’s increased sense of vulnerability,
anxiety over interrupted care, and health status.(17)
Conflict Management Styles
Listed below are the five basic styles of managing conflict.(18) Do you recognize yourself in any of
them? Do you recognize any of your coworkers?
1. Avoidance
 You know you are wrong
Provides a way to preserve harmony and save
 The issue is trivial and other issues are more
face by not dealing with the issue openly
 The potential disruption outweighs the
benefits of conflict resolution
 Those who are involved need to cool down
and regain perspective
 Gathering information is more important
than making an immediate decision
 Others can resolve the conflict more
 Issues seem symptomatic of other problems
 You see no chance of satisfying your
2. Competition
 An emergency situation requires quick
Allows one person to pursue his or her own
decisive action
concerns without regard for others by using
 Unpopular decisions need to be made
whatever power seems appropriate to win
 The resolution of the issue is vital to the
welfare of the organization
 The intention is to stop scapegoating or
victimization that may have a damaging
effect on the outcome
3. Collaboration
Encourages working together or merging
resources to reach a common goal that satisfies
each party’s interests
 Both sets of concerns are too important to be
 The objective is to consider different
perspectives to reach a better solution
 The objective is to foster commitment by
reaching a consensus
 Working through feelings that interfere with
relationships is important
4. Compromise
 Goals are important but not worth the effort
Promotes reaching a settlement in which both
or potential disruption of inflexible
parties agree to relinquish something they
originally wanted, so that together they can
attain a goal
 Opponents with equal power are committed
to mutually exclusive goals
 Achieving temporary settlements of
complex issues is important
 Solutions must be reached under time
 Collaboration or competition isn’t working
5. Accommodation
 You are wrong
Requires setting aside one’s own concerns to
 You wish to allow a better position to be
satisfy those of another: self-sacrificing,
yielding, or bending to the will of another,
 You seek to learn from another approach
despite inner restraint
 Displaying your reasonableness is necessary
 Issues are more important to others than
they are to you
 Satisfying others and maintaining
cooperation is vital
 You are outmatched and losing to a person
in a position of formal power or a majority
of coworkers
 Harmony and stability are especially
 Allowing subordinates to develop by
making mistakes is the desired outcome
No single style for managing conflict is correct in all situations. Some personality types prefer one
style; others prefer another. The style we choose is largely influenced by (9,19,20):
Personality trait development
Gender factors
When conflict is approached as a cooperative effort, the goal becomes doing as much as possible for
everyone involved, instead of engaging in destructive win/lose struggles.(21) What becomes
important are the problem-solving and decision-making aspects of healthy negotiation.
People in conflict often think in terms of win/lose. This mindset is
especially true when the issue involves something that people take a
position on or have a belief about. If the issue only involves
people’s interests, they will be more willing to compromise. But if
their beliefs are at stake, they often hold tenaciously to their
position. Under these circumstances, the conflict intensifies because
one side wants something the other side opposes, or both sides want something that cannot be
shared. Both sides then become further entrenched in their positions, moving further apart by
making more extreme statements in an effort to win support from others.
For example, the following debate is ongoing in healthcare:
What is the correct number of staff caregivers need to provide quality nursing services?
What should be the mix of RNs, LPNs, and NAs to provide safe quality services?
Who should decide the mix and what criteria should be used to influence the decision?
Nurses would probably argue this debate based on a belief that greater numbers of staff would make
the difference in promoting safe quality patient care services, whereas administrators would
possibly argue from a position based on their belief in limited financial resources. Both sides would
believe they were correct, and, oftentimes, both sides would gather information to defend their
positions. Defending one’s side, or position, is called positional bargaining, and eventually affects
other people, departments, patients, and the organization because the focus is on defending a
position instead of negotiating a solution.
Interest-based Bargaining
People view situations differently depending on:
Situational specifics
Unlike positions or beliefs, interests are the reasons why people want something. When we
understand why another person wants what he or she wants, we can recognize ourselves in the
others. This recognition makes negotiating for a solution, or even a partial solution, much easier.
This ability to “walk in another’s shoes” is called interest-based bargaining. We negotiate by
understanding the other person’s interests or why they want what they do. Understanding why
someone wants something motivates us to find creative ways to work together. Interest-based
bargaining brings out the human meaning behind the conflict.
Clarifying Values
Values are at the core of most conflicts, which can be a problem because values can be hard to
articulate. Everyone at times struggles between contending values such as truthfulness, fairmindedness, and autonomous self-directed behavior. Individual values and beliefs about conflict
affect behavior. Many beliefs are deep-seated in a culture and period of time. Generational and
gender differences also exist about the behavior that is acceptable in conflict. Values also affect
how direct one can be about concerns, feelings, hopes, and ideas. By clarifying values, each party is
given an opportunity to identify and appreciate the similarities with and differences from other
parties. Usually the values that underlie personal or professional interests, although not easily
detectable, emerge during open discussion and negotiation.(5) By simply asking the question: “Help
me understand what this means to you?” opens the door to values clarification.
Framing the Problem
To effectively begin negotiation, individuals in conflict must separate the problem from the person.
They must also agree to temporarily suspend judgment on who is right and who is wrong. This
allows people to set aside distractions and anger and to enter into direct dialogue and negotiation.
Setting these distractions aside requires awareness and participation on the part of everyone
involved. Preparing to negotiate, also called framing the problem, sets the stage for constructive
Listed below are seven strategies for framing problems (22):
1. Try to see the situation from the other party’s perspective. Although you do not have to
agree with another’s perception, it is important to understand what others think and feel and
why they do so. Listen.
2. Try to not operate from a suspicious assumption. Operating from suspicion makes it
more difficult to accurately distinguish another’s real intentions or openly begin dialogue.
Don’t jump the gun.
3. Avoid the blame game. Blame, even if deserved, will only make your opponent defensive,
and worse, your opponent may attack you in response. Blame is counterproductive. Be
respectful of the other person.
4. Openly discuss each other’s perceptions. Take your time to explicitly discuss perceptions
to gain a greater understanding. Such discussions may reveal shared perceptions and goals.
By acknowledging shared perceptions, you will facilitate collaboration. It is OK to
respectfully disagree.
5. Use the element of surprise in a positive way. By changing your opponent’s worst beliefs
and expectations about you, you can begin to set the stage for mutual agreement.
6. Give the other party(ies) a stake in the outcome. Make sure all participate in the
negotiation process. Investment in the outcome requires involvement in the process.
7. Make the proposals consistent with the principles of self-image. All parties to a
negotiation need to feel the agreement is consistent with their own personal and professional
principles of integrity. Proposals consistent with all parties’ principles are more likely to be
When negotiation takes place in a safe, respectful setting, individual strengths and abilities emerge,
and people work together. In essence, “Each healthcare professional has information the other needs
to possess in order to practice successfully.”(5) Rather than engaging in power struggles, nurses can
negotiate from positions of strength when they recognize the substantial power they possess, remain
confident in their abilities, and believe in the meaningful contributions they can make.
Hospitals are complex structures with overriding missions to improve the health care of patients and
community. Personal, professional, and organizational success requires:
Core nursing skill competencies of leadership
Consensus building
Conflict management
Power used constructively is crucial for survival and success for healthcare professionals and
organizations. Traditionally, conflict has been viewed as a destructive force to be ignored or
silenced; today, many are redefining conflict as an opportunity. Once conflict is approached as a
cooperative effort, nurses and other healthcare professionals can rebuild trust and create a future of
enhanced professional relationships.
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6. Coleman P. Power and conflict. In: Deutsch M, Coleman P, Eds. The Handbook of Conflict
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11. Duff C. When Women Work Together: Using Our Strengths to Overcome Our Challenges.
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12. Porter-O’Grady T. Embracing conflict: building a healthy community. Health Care
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13. Hess R. From bedside to boardroom: Shared governance. Online Journal of Issues in
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14. Lewicki RJ, Litterer JA, Minton JW, et al. Negotiation. 2nd ed. Boston: Irwin; 1994.
15. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. Working with stress. Available at: Accessed August 8, 2005.
16. Joint Commission on Accreditations of Healthcare Organizations. Health care at the
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17. Marcus LJ, Dorn B, Kritek PB, et al. Renegotiating Health Care: Resolving Conflict to
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18. Thomas K. Toward multidimensional values in teaching: The example of conflict behaviors.
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19. Sandy S, Boardman S, Deutsch M. Personality and conflict. In: Deutsch M, Coleman P,
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20. Opotow S. Aggression and violence. In: Deutsch M, Coleman P, Eds. The Handbook of
Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass; 2000.
21. Weitzman E, Weitzman P. Problem solving and decision making in conflict resolution. In:
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An attempt to work with others to find a solution that satisfies the concerns of both or all involved
A disagreement or incompatibility.
conflict management
The study and practice of methods used to prevent or resolve disputes.
To give people power, authority, or confidence in themselves.
framing the problem
Strategies used to prepare for negotiation.
interest-based bargaining
A style of negotiation that begins with understanding why other people want what they want.
A process of digging into an issue to identify underlying individual concerns and find alternatives
that meet most or all sets of concerns.
positional bargaining
In a conflict, both sides argue their positions by making extreme statements in an effort to win
support from others.
To act or exert force in negotiation and the associated capacity to influence the behavior of others.
shared governance
A leadership style that emphasizes the delegation of power, authority, and influence among
“we-they” positioning
Seeing people or organizational members working against or competing with each other.
Post Test
1. Conflict is the same as discomfort.
a. True
b. False
2. Conflict is always a destructive force.
a. True
b. False
3. The best style for managing conflict is to “accommodate” so the other party will know you
are giving them something.
a. True
b. False
4. One type of power is based on role relationships and the ability to deliver something of
a. True
b. False
5. You are a staff nurse on a busy unit. The nurse manager approaches you and asks you
about a medication error “you committed.” You are embarrassed, given the question and
her tone of voice, because coworkers and physicians are close enough to hear the
conversation. You should:
a. Step into the hallway to discuss the question.
b. Admit the error (you are pretty sure you did it) and walk away.
c. Stay in the area to listen and discuss the concern with the nurse manager.
d. Negotiate with the nurse manager—even if she seems to resist—to meet at a later time or
at the end of the shift to discuss the problem.
6. Which choice is not a benefit of conflict?
a. Organizational change and adaptation
b. Promotion of awareness in self and others
c. Receipt of more bargaining chips
d. Improving preparedness to cope with problems
7. If not handled constructively, conflict can be destructive and do all of the following except:
a. Create a win/lose situation
b. Put you in the driver’s seat
c. Polarize individuals
d. Blur the issues
Nurses Sally and Jeremy disagree on the best way to deal with a patient who is
combative and difficult. Jeremy has the most hands-on time with the patient and
believes his strategy would be most effective. Sally thinks that Jeremy is a know-it-all.
Their conversation is getting louder, and they talk over each other. Sally and Jeremy
might find it helpful if they:
a. Reported the other to administration
b. Complained to the rest of the staff
c. Listened to understand what the other thinks and feels
d. Avoided the conversation
When two parties are in the middle of a conflict, it is easier to reach a win/win outcome
a. Using whatever power you have to make the other party feel inferior
b. Avoiding the blame game
c. Talking as loud as you can
d. Disagreeing firmly when views differ
Nurse manager Meredith wants her staff to take part in a study on streamlining care
on the unit. The staff are grumbling that it’s just one more thing to do on an
impossibly long to-do list, with less and less resources to do it with. Meredith knows
that the study could positively impact the workload of the staff, but she needs to get
them on-board first. To do this she needs to:
a. Ease the staff’s mind by telling them they have no stake in the decision.
b. Make her proposal consistent with the staff’s personal principles.
c. Tell them they have no choice.
d. Keep the amount of time staff has to discuss the study to a minimum.
Answers and Rationales
1. Correct: b. Discomfort is an individual’s feeling in response to conflict. Each person reacts to
conflict differently depending on his or her personal perspective, experience, values, and
opinions on the issue.
2. Correct: b. When managed constructively, conflict energizes others—including management—to
address concerns or issues. Managed conflict helps people speak their concerns and includes all
interested parties in the resolution. Effective conflict management also helps individuals
recognize and benefit from differences with others.
3. Correct: b. There is no “best” style. Effective conflict modes depend on the individuals involved
and issues at hand. Accommodation—giving in to others—sometimes to the extent that one
person compromises, can be dissatisfying. Usually this approach tends to worsen over time,
causing inner conflict to increase.
4. Correct: a. When a person sits in a certain valued/respected position holding something another
person values, the ability to reward may help decrease conflict. When a significant difference in
status exists, recognition—as a reward—can be very powerful, given the value the person with
less status has for the person with greater status.
5. Correct: d. To be questioned in a public place is embarrassing and places you in a vulnerable
position to be defensive and possibly reactive. By asking/negotiating to discuss the problem
later allows you the time to prepare for discussion and reflect on:
Your feelings about the public confrontation
The medication error
Your professional responsibility to stay calm and receptive to discussing the problem with
the nurse manager
Additional information you may have on the reported error so that you can be more
6. Correct: c. Organizational change and adaptation, promoting and awareness in self and others,
and improving preparedness to cope with problems are some of the six positive functions of
7. Correct: b. Conflict handled poorly can result in an ‘us’ and ‘them’ type of thinking.
8. Correct: c. Jeremy and Sally don’t need to agree, but the conflict may be resolved more easily
and more effectively if they really hear the other person.
9. Correct: b. Even if the other party is deserving of blame, the end result is that it only puts people
on the defensive.
10. Correct: b. Making the proposal consistent with the staff’s principles (deliver good care and
enhance the quality of their own care) makes the study a more positive experience.