EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL HUMANITARIAN AID AND CIVIL PROTECTION - ECHO ECHO.B – Humanitarian and Civil Protection Operations B.1 – Emergency Response CLARIFICATION N°3 TO THE CALL FOR TENDERS N° ECHO/B1/SER/2015/06 Title: Framework Contracts for services related to offering capacity to design, plan, conduct and evaluate Union Civil Protection Mechanism Training Courses (8 Lots) Ref.: Open procedure, 2015/S 111-200636 of 11 June 2015 Date 27/07/15 27/07/15 Question 1. Clarification N°1 to the Call for Tenders N° ECHO/B1/FRA/SER/2015/06, question 2, relates to the “maximum number of courses envisaged in four years”. Please elaborate on how these maximum numbers are calculated especially in regards to LOT 5 and LOT 6, as multiplying the maximum number of courses per cycle as specified in the tender by 4 years seem to result in different numbers. 2. The template of the draft curriculum includes a column named “Competence” and a column named “learning objectives”. Please elaborate on the exact difference between the two and give a concrete example. Also, please clarify, in which part of the draft curriculum the exact content of the lectures should be described? Answer 1. The Commission has given all necessary information for the bidders to make their offer, e.g. total budget located per lot and the maximum number of courses for the whole duration of the framework contract (4 years). 2. Explanation of competencies/ learning objectives (in addition to the details provided in p. 123 of the call for tenders): Competencies Competencies are a general statement of necessary skills, ability and knowledge that are needed to fulfil the expert's tasks and responsibilities and enables him/her to perform professionally in different situations, e.g. a disaster environment. Learning objectives Learning objectives shall be measurable goals and specific to a 1 course of instruction. In general Competencies that experts need to be successful are complex and require more than the mastery of certain, narrowly defined learning objectives. A competency may have several specific learning objectives. The exact and detailed content of the lectures (as a more elaborated version) shall be described in the lesson template. 2