Core Abilities / Standards / Competencies This template provides a format for you to use to identify your core abilities, standards and competencies. School Name: Program Name: ASSOCIATED CORE ABILITIES Please list the core abilities embedded in your program: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Add additional lines if needed. STANDARDS & COMPETENCIES School Name: Program Name Standards and Competencies Standard 1: Standard 2: Standard 3: Standard 4: Continue adding lines as needed to accommodate all your standards and competencies. (See sample on the next page.) Sample Standards & Competencies Here is an example of 2 standards and their related competencies. Standard 1: Maintain the reliability and efficacy of equipment, instruments, products and supplies. Design an inventory control system to track shelf life and product recall notices for all products and supplies. Design maintenance schedule for equipment and instruments. Devise operating tolerances for all equipment based on best practice research. Assess performance of equipment and instruments against established tolerances. Assess new products, equipment, instruments, and supplies for potential improvements to services. Standard 2: Utilize ethical and professional methods for advertising and solicitation that allow the public to make informed choices. Present one’s professional qualifications, affiliations, and honors received honestly and accurately in verbal and written advertising. Defend the reputation of colleagues who may be in competition with your practice. Apply state, federal and local truth-in-advertising laws and principles when describing services offered and expected results in verbal or written client solicitations. Support claims of safety, efficacy or results with recent, unbiased scientifically derived data.