April 2010 ChatterboxMS Word file

Upcoming Events
Tuesday, April 6th
Dinner Meeting 6:00 pm $25
Marriott Hotel
6650 N. Andrews Ave.
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
April Birthdays
Anamarie Baker – 17th
May 14 – 16 District 27 Conference
Plantation, Florida
Convention July 2-5, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
When I was young we used to go
'skinny dipping,' now I just 'chunky
dunk.' – Submitted by Anamarie Baker
President, Gayle Bramson
Ph. (954) 748-8449
VP, Emily McCrater
Ph. 954-479-1802
Treasurer, Carol Zeber
Ph. (954) 771-8997
Recording Sec., Sheila Morris
Ph. (954) 563-8937
Corresponding Sec., Ella McCrater
Ph. (954)568-5011
Director, Barbara Duncan
Ph. (954) 978-9164
Editor Contact Information:
Dolores Taylor
(954) 224-5050
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Business Meeting – March 2, 2010
President Gayle Bramson called to order the Business Meeting of Quota International of Fort Lauderdale at
7:04 pm, March 2, 2010, at Forest Lawn Funeral Home, Pompano Beach, Florida. Ellie Conway presented the
Invocation, and Club members recited The Pledge of Allegiance.
The Club welcomed guest Jamie Conway.
Minutes of the February Business Meeting were approved as published.
Treasurer Carol Zeber was absent for the meeting. Elizabeth Dittmar handed out the monthly Treasurer’s
Report. The Report will be filed for audit.
Joanne Jaycox reported on service activities:
 Students participating in The Academic Bowl will take part in the first level of competition Friday.
Donations to the students will be discussed at the April Business Meeting.
 After discussion of possible donations to The Shepherd’s Way, Emily moved, with a second by
Joanne, to send $550 to The Shepherd’s Way Faith in Action/Church Housing Program. Motion
 Carole Hart is researching service projects dealing with Haiti relief. Carole will bring ideas to
the April Business Meeting.
Joanne Jaycox, Chair of the Scholarship Committee, advised the Club that scholarship applications were mailed
out February 2nd. The Committee will meet after the application deadline of May 1st to review the submissions.
Ways and Means Chair Emily McCrater thanked everyone for their efforts to make this year’s Fashion Show a
success, with a $5000+ profit.
The Mexican Fiesta scheduled for March 27th has been cancelled.
President Gayle:
 reported that South Plantation High School this year will graduate 12-14 DHH students with regular
 read a letter from QI’s Nancy Fitzpatrick advising that eleven families needing hearing aids are not
assigned to Quota Clubs. Help is needed.
 read a letter from QI thanking the Club for its donation to Quota’s Club to Club World Service Program.
 announced that QI of Plantation’s Fashion Show is March 13th
 discussed this year’s District Conference. Delegates will be chosen at the April Business Meeting.
The 2010-2011 Nominating Committee, comprised of Emily McCrater, Cindy Messina, and Anamarie Baker,
was unable to present a proposed Slate of Officers. Club Parliamentarian Elizabeth Dittmar urged the
Committee to meet again to reach a decision. If no decision can be made, the Slate may be chosen by the
current Board of Directors.
This month’s raffle basket, donated by Ella and Sue, was won by Joanne.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned by President Gayle at 8:05 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Sheila Morris, Recording Secretary
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APRIL 2010
Tuesday, April 6
Social Time & Dinner - 6:00 p.m.
Business Meeting - 6:45 p.m.
MAY 2010
Tuesday, May 4
Social Time & Dinner - 6:00 p.m.
Business Meeting - 6:45 p.m.
Raffle Basket, Gayle Bramson
Election of Officers
Annual Reports
Raffle Basket - Stella Cerretani
Installation of Officers
Tamarac Poster Contest
May 14-16
District Conference - Plantation
JUNE 2010
Tuesday, June 2
Social Time & Dinner - 6:00 p.m.
Business Meeting - 6:45 p.m.
Raffle Basket - Anamarie Baker
and Dolores Taylor
Saying “farewell” to new friend Aggie Lewis at the SeaWatch.
Aggie and her husband Charlie are headed back to New York but will return in the fall.
Aggie plans to join Quota on her return.
We miss you already, Aggie!
DOLORES AT 954-224-5050.
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Plantation Fashion Show
Cookie Llamas, Luann Williams, Carol Zeber and Nan Winterstein had a fun time at the
fashion show. We had 8 members from our club attend. Supporting other club’s major
fundraisers is what we call “sisterhood”!
Development & Growth Update
From: ekmnfla2@aol.com [mailto:ekmnfla2@aol.com]
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 6:55 AM
To: abvagabond@hotmail.com; sunrise91954@yahoo.com; ell6con@aol.com; elizabeth@dewind.com;
bcd9164@bellsouth.net; ursiline9@aol.com; carolehart2@mac.com; marie.katz@hotmail.com;
ellamc7@aol.com; cindy.messina@sci-us.com; samatwm@aol.com; earlybird3321@comcast.net;
kimberly.weis@sci-us.com; ckzeber@aol.com
Subject: Excitingt Quota News
Good Morning,
I have some exciting news that I wanted to share with you. I have been working with our District Leadership and
in keeping with Quota's goal of 100 new clubs by the 100th Birthday of Quota, I have submitted an application to
International to charter a new club. Our goal is to charter before District Conference.
It is because of all I learned from my Quota sisters in QI Fort Lauderdale that I am able to pursue this. Another
exciting thing is that some past Quotarians who for one reason or another left Quota will now be returning.
It is a very exciting time and I wanted my Quota sisters to share in the excitement.
I will keep you all posted on the charter date and of course I will be leaning on you for support and all of your
Quota wisdom.
I will always cherish my time in Fort Lauderdale and hope to have your support.
Yours in QuotaEmily
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Quota International District 27
D & G Update
March 13, 2010
Dear Quotarians,
Are you warm yet? As the entire district finally thaws out and warms up for spring, I wanted
to take the time to share with you the GREAT NEWS involving Development and Growth here in
District 27. This last week, Quotarians from our district applied for permission to organize and
establish two new clubs. Each request was approved by International President Rosemary Hannie
and Kathleen Treiber. They are as excited about this news as I am.
The first application was from Cheryl-Ann Harter, for Quota International of Ormond Beach.
This area is north of Daytona Beach. Cheryl-Ann has been working on this for several months, and
believes the chartering of a club can be accomplished by the fall. She has a strong core group of
potential members, one of which may join us at conference. They are planning an event for early
June and have already gathered over 20 items for the auction. Their event will benefit FSDB and the
Halifax Humane Society. QI of St. Augustine has promised to help with the event.
The Second application was from Emily McCrater. Emily has decided to spread her wings and
start a new club in Broward County. The new club to be named Quota International of North
Broward will focus on many of our traditional service projects with the addition of Hospice of North
Broward. Emily and her team have the ambitious timeline of chartering before April 15th!
In addition, information from the DeafNation Expo is beginning to be disbursed to the clubs. If
your club President has yet to receive anything, it should be coming shortly. District Sect-Treas
Cheryl-Ann is working on deciphering the information gathered, and where some of these cities are
located in Florida. The forthcoming information will include whether they wanted scholarship info,
membership/club info or both. Visitors from areas not near a present club are being compiled and
given to Lt. Gov. Anne for further review.
We all will benefit from the growth of Quota and our District. Join me in wishing luck to
Cheryl-Ann and Emily, and applaud them for identifying new areas that will benefit from Quota’s
service! Contact me if any of you know of any potential members in these areas. I look forward to
sharing the Charter dates in the near future.
Love in QuotaCindy Hurd, Governor
Quota Intenrational District 27
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Inner Peace: This is so true - Submitted by Carole Hart
If you can start the day without caffeine,
If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,
If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles,
If you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for it,
If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time,
If you can take criticism and blame without resentment ,
If you can conquer tension without medical help,
If you can relax without liquor,
If you can sleep without the aid of drugs,
...Then You Are Probably The Family Dog!
And you thought I was going to get all spiritual!
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