Developmental stage discussion question Before discussion, each group member should have read chapter 14, 15 & 16 and have observed an adolescent. There are three phases of adolescence. Each group member should observe an adolescent in each phase. The discussion report should include responses supported by information in the textbook. Since there are several discussion questions, a different group member should be responsible for the submission of the written discussion each time. 1. Each group member should respond to each question. What is most challenging about being an adolescent based on your observation and what is read in textbook? What is the least challenging based on your observation and what is read in the text? Which domain is most crucial in an adolescent’s academic success? Cognitive or social and emotional? Why? If given the opportunity to return to adolescence, would you return? Why or why not? The report should be written so each group member’s response is identified and included. Developmental question discussion – Rubric Exemplary(5 -4)) Adequate (3 - 1) Contributions Information Member’s contribution was detailed. Information related to textbook or each domain is addressed. All questions addressed in detail. Member’s contribution was not adequately detailed. Information is somewhat related to textbook or domains. Somewhat addressed all questions in detail. Inadequate (0) Member’s contribution was not detailed. Information is not related to textbook or domains. Did not address all questions and no details were identified. There are no There are some Errors are numerous Grammar, grammatical or grammatical and and distract from the spelling, mechanical errors. mechanical errors, meaning of the typographical Writing exhibits an but the meaning is paper. Writing errors and still clear. Writing exhibits an appearance (use exemplary command of exhibits an adequate inadequate command of standard language skills. command of of language skills. English) Assignment looks language skills. Assignment has a lot professional with no Assignment has of stylistic and formatting errors stylistic and formatting errors (APA). formatting errors (APA). (APA). Questions Total point value: 20 Teacher Comments: Total value