George Heriots School Eco-School Action Plan 1. Litter - Eco-Schools Objectives and Learning Outcomes Objectives to to to to to show that litter is an environmental issue. put a litter policy into place. demonstrate that litter reduction and prevention is an ongoing process that involves all members of the school community. regard litter clearing as a positive environmental action - do not use it as a punishment. show pupils that litter prevention improves the environmental quality of the school and its neighbourhood. Action Nuts and bolts reminder to pupils of responsibility for litter WSMT reps patrol playground and note anyone dropping litter Junior school Who's in charge? All staff When will it be done by? August 11 Management On-going JS Eco co November How can we monitor it? Number of pupils in Detention for dropping litter Number of pupils in Detention for dropping litter How will we know when we're successful? Pupil awareness How much will it cost? No litter in playground Nothing Less litter Senior pupils more Nothing Nothing Did it work? Any ideas for the future? Pupils know the rules Still some litter being dropped Motion to school council to ask for prefect monitors Still some litter pupils to raise awareness of impact of litter being dropped on their playground. More bins in the playground in more strategic positions Identify areas of litter and produce a poster to remind people of duty of care coordinator Premises manager Students decide where bins should be located Eco club 11 End of session after senior break on JS playground aware of impact on Junior pupils, less litter Less litter in playground Pupils using bins Less litter in playground Pupils using bins George Heriots School Eco-School Action Plan being dropped TBC 2.Transport - Eco-Schools Objectives and Learning Outcomes Objectives encourage and enable children and parents to walk, cycle and use public transport. set up a working group (with the school, parents, local authority, community representatives, School Travel Planning Officer, the police and transport groups) to run a School Travel or Safer Routes to Schools project. write and implement a School Travel Plan. implement an effective road safety awareness programme for pupils. raise awareness about the impact of transport on the environment and people's health. provide adequate support and information about travelling to school for pupils and staff who wish to walk, cycle or use public transport. Action Who's in charge? When will How can How will we How much it be we know when we're will it done by? monitor successful? cost? it? Design a October Results When all 11 from each participate and methods of class, less pupils come transport to repeat by car school later in Ecoclub survey of Did it work? Any ideas for the future? Nothing Pupils Nothing Yes, parents session Dr Bike visit- PA and JS Eco Count More parents bring a coordinator number of bringing children more receptive variety of tag people to school on bike to idea and along and bike coming to Oct 11 pupils very seats to school by encourage bike excited about it more cycling to school Free your SS Eco feet campaign coordinator Dec 11 S1 classes Record S1 walking more time taken and taking car walking less each day, Nothing, Pupils did appear supplied by to walk more, Living £50 prize was Streets good incentive. £50 for Lots of interest breakfast from JS, very from Eco few from SS. does it Maths department increase to use results in as week Maths lesson to goes on make it more relevant Bike Breakfast PA Dec 11 JS and SS Eco Note Bike racks full number of and over flowing bikes cordinator coming in school that funds morning information by to normal. Headmaster, Head Ongoing Note through parents . more compared Terrace More awareness email Less cars on the Nothing Letter now goes Safety of JS, Premises number of terrace and on out telling committee- manager, Services cars the playground to parents no manager, Head coming on improve safety parking is janitor to terrace of pupils available in the and playground. playground Stricter rules on people entering terrace ad hoc. Produce map SS ecoclub May 12 Less people of safe route bringing cars to to school and school alternative car paking and incorporate into prospectus George Heriots School Eco-School Action Plan Nothing Ongoing 3.Health and Well Being - Eco-Schools Objectives and Learning Outcomes Objectives to raise awareness of how health issues impact on the environment and vice versa. to encourage schools to put into place a sustainable plan for being a healthy school. to demonstrate that a healthy school is one that looks holistically at issues of exercise, diet, the aesthetic quality of the school and its grounds, bullying and the risks associated with lifestyle issues (eg sexual activity, smoking, drugs) as well as environmental concerns (eg air pollution). Action Who's in When will How can How will we know How much will charge? it be done we monitor when we're it cost? by? it? successful? Create a Director new S1 of Healthy Studies, Living Health and course well being combining committee knowledge of food, sports leadership and August 11 Pupil Pupils complete evaluation sports leadership course Did it work? Any ideas for the future? £20 per pupil Very positive feedback from block one. exercise Improve SSPC, Eco Pupils Less poor choices healthy club happier available choices in Refectory with choice the manager refectory Ongoing Nothing Parents can monitor pupil choices Improve Gardener, access to pupils June 12 Record All pupils have Cost of pupil access to fruit freezer Pupil Pupils have Nothing evaluation information to fruit from access to orchard for fruit Ongoing SS pupils Changes to Pupil citizenship evaluation, course to Head of make educated reflect Citizenship choices. current issues, cyber bullying, August 11 Ongoing road safety, looking after yourself, fair trade, PRE.