Strengthen Cooperation for Clean Development and Protect the

Strengthen Cooperation for Clean Development and Protect the Common
of Human Beings-Statement at the Inaugural Ministerial Meeting of the
Asia-Pacific Partnership
On Clean Development and Climate
Mr. Hua Jianmin, State Councilor of the People's Republic of China
Mr. Chairman,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It gives me great pleasure to attend the inaugural meeting of the Asia-Pacific
Partnership on Clean Development and Climate and to exchange views with you
on global climate and environmental issues that are of common concern. I wish to
express my gratitude to the Australian Government for the excellent arrangement
for this meeting. I hope that this meeting will achieve fruitful results in promoting
cooperation among the Partners and facilitating clean development and
environmental protection so as to make positive contribution to climate change
mitigation and adaptation as well as to the well being of human beings.
Climate change is a global issue of common concern to the international
community today. It has become a major element affecting the sustainable social
and economic development of all nations. Since the 1990s, the international
community, including developing countries, has exerted strenuous efforts to
address climate change, and subsequently adopted the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol. The
Partnership initiated at this meeting is a constructive cooperative framework set
up by the Partners attending this meeting to address climate change. It is a
positive step for Partners to join hands to promote clean development and to
pursue development, energy and environmental goals. The Chinese Government
supports all measures that contribute to economic development, poverty
eradication, environmental protection, climate change mitigation and enhanced
international exchange and cooperation. The Chinese Government will actively
participate in and facilitate the implementation of the Partnership. At the same time,
we believe that the Partnership should stick to the following direction of
1. To remain committed to the principles and provisions of the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol so as to make
full use of the complementary role of the Partnership.
2. To address Climate Change within the framework of sustainable development.
Economic development is not only a prerequisite for the subsistence and progress
of human beings, but also a material foundation for the protection and
improvement of global environment. It is important to promote clean development,
maintain and enhance the sustainability to development so as to realize a virtuous
cycle between the natural ecosystem and the social economic system.
3. To attach great importance to the role of technology in addressing climate
change. It is needed to develop practical and feasible cooperative plans in
accordance with the principle of results- orientation and high efficiency so as to
implement the objectives of the Partnership through concrete projects. It is
important to establish three safeguarding mechanisms. Number one is technology
cooperation mechanism to enhance cooperative research and development and
exchange in relevant technologies. Number two is technology transfer mechanism
to remove the barriers to technology transfer, reduce the cost of technology
deployment, and ensure access and affordability of all countries to advanced
technologies. Number three is training and resources mobilization mechanism to
ensure the realization of all objectives of the Partnership.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Chinese Government takes environmental protection as one of its basic
national policies. Based on its national circumstances, China has taken a series of
effective measures to protect the environment, including, firstly, to adjust industry
structure, promote technological advancement, and improve energy efficiency and
conservation. From 1981-2004, 1.05 billion tons of coal equivalent was saved,
which is equivalent to an emission reduction of 700 million tons of carbon.
Secondly, to adjust energy structure, and develop new energy and renewable
energy. In 2004, the development and use of new and renewable energy in China
replaced 140 million tons of coal equivalent, equal to an emission reduction of 93
million tons of carbon. Thirdly, to increase afforestation to enhance carbon storage
of forests. The forest coverage in China increased from 12% in early 1980s to
18.21% in 2004. Fourthly, to effectively control population growth. In 2004, the
natural increase rate of China's population was 5.87?, 6 ? lower than that of 1980.
Fifthly, to enact a series of legal instruments such as Law on the Prevention and
Control of Air Pollution, Forest Law, Energy Conservation Law and Law on
Renewable Energy, etc. Sixthly, to increase public awareness and consciousness
in environmental protection. Through its consistent efforts over the years, China
has made remarkable achievements in energy conservation and environmental
protection. From 1990-2004, China has supported a 9.3% annual economic
growth with 5% annual increase of energy consumption.
Naturally, we are also aware that as a big developing country with a population of
1.3 billion, China is facing a heavy task to resolve environmental issues. The
Chinese Government clearly stated that it advocates a scientific approach of
development which is people-oriented, fully coordinated and sustainable,and
pursues a healthy development path featuring greater production, more
prosperous life and better environment. It takes resources conservation as a basic
national policy, expedites the building of a resources-efficient and
environment-friendly society, and promotes the coordination between economic
development and the population, resources and environment. It pursues a new
pattern of industrialization, adheres to development in a resources-efficient, clean
and safe manner so as to achieve sustainable development. We need to
continuously improve our ability to mitigate and adapt to climate change by
making economic development as a core objective, taking energy conservation
and optimization of energy structure and the enhancement of ecosystem building
as priorities, and relying on science and technology as well as the rule of law. Not
long ago, the Chinese Government adopted the Decision on Implementing the
Scientific Approach of Development and Enhancing Environmental Protection. We
emphasize that it is necessary to resolve environmental issues, prevent and treat
pollution and ecological degradation from its source by comprehensively
employing legal, economic, technical and the necessary administrative means.
We have put natural ecosystem protection, resources conservation and the
development of circular economy as an important part of the 11th Five-Year
Program for National Economic Development that is being drawn. This five-year
program stresses that energy consumption intensity per unit GDP shall decrease
by 20% in the next five years.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
History and experiences have shown that it is of great importance to keep
harmony between man and the nature. Since ancient times, China has had a
traditional thinking that "harmony outweighs all" and an ecological idea that " man
and nature are integrated". China attaches extreme importance to the harmony
between human beings and the harmony between man and nature. Nature is the
foundation for the subsistence and development of human beings and the Earth is
our common homeland. The climate system, which is an important part of Nature,
bears significant importance to social development of mankind and hence should
be treasured and protected. The Chinese Government will, as always, fulfill its
commitments and positively participate in international cooperation on clean
development and addressing climate change as before. We will cooperate with
other countries to actively address the challenges of climate change and make
greater contribution to the protection of the Earth---our common homeland.
In conclusion, I wish this meeting every success.