XIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE - SYSTEM MODELLING and CONTROL SMC’2009 10 pts OCTOBER 12-14, 2009, Zakopane, Poland 8 pts 16 pts TITLE Author(s) Company/Institution, Address, Country, E-mail 14 pts bold 11 pts 11 pts 11 pts 10 pts 11 pts 10 pts bold italic Abstract – (not more than 100 words) 16 pts Major Headings 12 pts bold 16 pts This is an example of how your paper is to be prepared according to the instructions. When numbering equations enclose the number in parentheses and place it flush with the right hand margin as shown below. Equation (#) 11pts 12 pts Subheadings 12 pts 12 pts Figures or photographs as indicate below in Fig # must be glued firmly to the paper and be within the outer 15.5 x 23.0 cm border. Remember that the pages will be printed at 90% of the original size. Fig.# Caption 10 pts 11 pts List and number all bibliographical references at the end of the paper. References 10 pts [1] A.B. Author, Title of Book, Town: Publisher, 1990, pp xx-xxx [2] A.B.Writer, Title of Paper, Journal, Vol.12, pp xxx-xxx, 1990 10 pts INSTRUCTION FOR THE PREPARATION OF DIGEST It is important that all papers conform to the following instructions: 1. All material on each page, including title, authors and affiliation, text, equations, figures, tables and references must be contained within a 15.5 cm x 23.0 cm rectangular area. Leave a margin of 3.0 cm on the left hand side and 3.0 cm at the bottom. The attached example on the next page is printed within an outlined rectangle of this size for illustration. The paper will be photograpically reduced to 90% of its original size for printing. The digest should be printed in one column format on A4 size paper, Times New Roman 11 pt. The text should contain 2 pages. Typing is to be single spaced. No preprinted grid are being circulated. Provided your text falls within an area of the specified size it will be used directly. Centre the title of the paper at the top of the page. It should be typed in capital letters. Leave one line spaces and then give the name(s) of author(s) and on the line below the names the affiliations and the address. 2. Skip one line and start abstract, then skip one line and start the text. The text must be single spaced and typed neatly. 3. Underline major heading and subheading. Centre major heading and place sub-headings flush on the left hand margin. 4. Any figures or photographs must be glued firmly to the paper within the 15.5 cm x 23.0 cm rectangular area. They should be original figures or good quality photocopies. Colour figures often do not reproduce well in black and white. Include a figure number and descriptive captions for all figures. 5. Tables should be set as a part of the text. Centre captions above the relevant table. 6. When numbering equations, enclose the number in parentheses, and place it flush with the right hand margin. 7. List and number all bibliographical references at the end of the paper. When referring to them in the text, type the corresponding references number in square bracket [1], [2-4]. 8. Papers must be in English and only standard symbols and abbreviations should be used in the text and illustrations. 9. Your contribution written by use of WORD2000/2003 wordprocessor. 10. Authors are asked to provide also a separate PDF file created from WORD2000/2003 wordprocessor source file by using Acrobat Distiller or Acrobat PDFWriter. 11. Digest should be submitted to Scientific Secretariat by e-mail (e-mail: office@ics.p.lodz.pl) or by portal SMC’2009 ( http://www.imsi.pl/smc2009/