REPORT Prior Approval Application No: 53/2010/11381 7 Day Notice: N/A 1. Site Description 1.1 Lower Dowshaw farm is located in open countryside to the southwest of Lothersdale village to the west of Marl Hill Lane and Centre Road. It comprises an existing large farmyard complex of agricultural buildings and associated structures. The farm holding extends to 108 hectares (267 acres) and is based on a dairy cattle business. 2. Proposal 2.1 Prior notification application for the construction of an extension to an existing open fronted livestock building sited within the farmyard, to form additional calving accommodation. The extension will be of matching steel portal frame construction with a mono-pitched roof, 6 metres x 5.6 metres in plan, 3.6m to the eaves and 4.9 metres to the highest part of the roof. The walls are faced in cement fibre sheet, stone (south elevation) and blockwork, and the roof is clad in fibre sheet cladding (coloured grey). 3. Planning History 3.1 None relevant to the current proposal. 4. Planning Policy Background 4.1 National Planning policy guidance contained in PPS1 and PPS7. 4.2 Policies ENV1, ENV2 and ENV13 of the Craven District (Outside the Yorkshire Dales National Park) Local Plan. 5. Parish/Town Council Comments 5.1 Not applicable. 6. Consultations 6.1 None required. 7. Representations 7.1 None. 8. Summary of Principal Planning Issues 8.1 The siting, design, and appearance of the proposed building and the impact on the general amenities of the surrounding area. 9. Analysis 9.1 As a ‘Prior Notification’ application the principle of development is not for consideration in this case. Nevertheless, the proposal is linked to an established farm business with a holding size of some 108 hectares and will clearly support the existing enterprise. 9.2 The building forms part of a large established group in keeping with the typical grouping of farmsteads in the surrounding landscape. The site falls discreetly within the complex of traditional barns and modern sheds and will not be readily visible from outside the site. The design and materials are considered satisfactory and match the present structure to which the application proposal forms an extension to. 9.3 There is no other separate nearby property affected by the proposal. 9.4 In conclusion, it is not considered that the proposed building would cause material harm to the character and appearance of the local landscape or the general amenities of the locality. As such the development is compatible with PPS7 guidance and the requirements of saved Local Plan Policies ENV1 and ENV2. 10. Recommendation 10.1 Prior approval is not required Conditions None.