Prior Approval Application No: 11/2012/12445 7 Day Notice: N/A 1. Site Description 1.1 Higher House Farm is located in open countryside on rising land to the northeast of High Bradley and Bradley village. The application site is situated to the southeast corner of the existing farm yard complex, which reached by a long farm track from Green Lane. 2. Proposal 2.1 Prior notification application for the construction of a silo building 15.24 metres x 27.62 metres in plan. It is of steel portal frame construction with 3 walls of concrete panels and steel sheet cladding (coloured grey/dark green), the other (a gable end) is open. The height to the ridge is 11.24 metres (9.2 to the eaves) and the roof is clad in fibre cement sheet cladding (coloured grey). 2.2 By reason of the sloping and lower surrounding land levels, that fall to the south, the building will be stepped down from the adjacent existing building. 3. Planning History 3.1 None relevant to the current application. 4. Planning Policy Background 4.1 National Planning policy guidance contained in PPS1 and PPS7. 4.2 Policies ENV2 and ENV13 of the Craven District (Outside the Yorkshire Dales National Park) Local Plan. 5. Parish/Town Council Comments 5.1 N/A. 6. Consultations 6.1 N/A. 7. Representations 7.1 N/A. 8. Summary of Principal Planning Issues 8.1 The siting, design, and appearance of the proposed building and the impact on the general amenities of the surrounding area. 9. Analysis 9.1 As a ‘Prior Notification’ application the principle of development is not for consideration in this case. The proposal is linked to a holding of 92 hectares in size based on a dairy herd (110 milk cows and 100 followers) and a sheep flock of 100 ewes. The building is required to store winter feed and to comply with Environment Agency regulations, so agricultural need is demonstrated. 9.2 The structure has been sited to meet operational requirements but also to occupy a lower site level below the existing silo. Consequently, within the greater landscape, the new building will be seen as an extension of the present farm group; although it forms a high building and is located at a prominent hillside position it will be seen against the rising land as part of an established farmstead. As such, the proposed building will not have an unacceptable landscape impact. The design of the building is conventional in appearance and materials for a modern agricultural structure and considered satisfactory in the above described landscape context. 9.3 In conclusion, balanced against the agricultural need it is not considered that the proposed building would cause material harm to the character and appearance of the area or the general amenities of the locality. As such the development is compatible with PPS7 guidance and the requirements of saved Local Plan Policies ENV2 and ENV13. 10. Recommendation 10.1 Prior approval is not required.