Chapter 1.9a - Grade 6 Classroom

Royal Buckingham International School
Cross the correct answer!
One of Henry’s problems is
He wanted to have lots of wives, but church didn’t allow him to do so
He wanted to have all the control in his hand, but the monasteries are loyal to Catholic
He needs money to support his people’s life
He wanted to have lots of daughters but his current wife couldn’t give him one
The picture is the image shows
Thomas Cromwell
Sir Thomas More
King Richard III
King Henry VIII
King Henry VIII new wife called
Anne Boleyn
King Henry VIII had to divorce his first wife because
Based on Church’s rule, he can’t have more than 1 wife
His first marriage happened not based on his own will
His First wife pushed Henry to give full control to her
His first wife didn’t want to have another child
To become the supreme controller of England, Henry managed to
Gain people’s approval to be the sole controller in England
Persuade Monasteries to be loyal to him
Have the military support on him so that no one would dare to oppose him
Pass the Act of Supremacy which ended the authority of Pope over England’s Church
Fill in the blanks!
King Henry VIII had to marry a new wife as his first wife can’t give him son
To succeed his marriage, he make himself as the head of Church of England
When Henry took over Church of England from Pope, all the opposition towards this action
were killed
Sir Thomas More has ever been King Henry’s Chancellor and friend
The trusted Councillor of King Henry was called Thomas Cromwell
Fill in the brackets with T(True) of F(False)!
Bishop Fisher is the supporter of Queen Catherine, known as monks
and merchants
Bishop Fisher is the supporter of Queen Catherine, known as monks and priests
King Henry’s only child with his new wife is called Mary
King Henry’s only child with his old wife is called Mary
The monasteries was destroyed as they were loyal to the Pope in Rome,
and not to Henry
King Henry VIII married his new wife in January 1555
King Henry VIII married his new wife in January 1533
Monasteries was destroyed in between 1536 – 1539, and all of the gold
was taken by King Henry
Answer the following questions!
What are King Henry VIII’s Problems and the Solutions to it!
King Henry VIII wanted a son, but his wife Catherine couldn’t give one. Therefore
he’d like to marry a new wife, but it was forbid by the church as he could only
marry once in his life
Solution : he made himself the head of Church of England so that he could get
himself divorce and marry a new wife
King Henry VIII wanted full control over England
Solution : he pass Act of Supremacy to end the authority of Pope over England’s
church and kill everyone who oppose
King Henry VIII needed lots of money for wars in Europe and high end lifestyle, but
the money was limited
Solution : he destroyed monasteries and took over all the gold, silver and land for
his own benefit