SOUTHERN STARS DANCE - Keiraville Public School

23rd June, 2010
Dear Parents,
Your child has indicated his/her willingness to be involved in the dance or choir component of the Southern Stars
Musical Production for 2010. – “10 in Twenty Ten!”.
It will be held at the Wollongong Entertainment Centre – (WEC) on Friday 27th August and Saturday 28th
August – Friday Matinee 10:00am, Friday Evening – 7:30pm, Saturday Matinee – 2:00pm and Saturday Evening
7:30pm. (The show goes for a duration of 2 ½ hours plus a 20min. interval)Your child will be required for all four
Please be aware that this wonderful opportunity does come with a price. A commitment from both parents and
students is most important. Once your child agrees to be involved, we seek the support of parents to ensure
children fulfil their obligation to the Dance Troupe or Choir (it is a TEAM effort)
There will be a cost involved, which will be confirmed when we get information on our costumes. At the moment,
we are seeking a $20 deposit to secure your child’s place and for any initial outlay for costumes. A DVD of the
Finale will be issued to all students for them to practise at home or with friends and a CD with music and lyrics
for the CHOIR.
***Choir students and teachers are required to wear a long sleeve white dress shirt. It is NOT compulsory
to order a t-shirt.***
T-Shirts for Southern Stars are OPTIONAL to buy. They will be available in two colours – white or black.
COST: $28each (inc. GST)
T-shirts must be ordered by WED. 30th JUNE.
T-shirts sizes:
Children’s sizes: 8, 10, 12 or 14
Adult sizes: XS, SM, M, L, XL, XXL
Parents may be asked to assist in some way with costumes/makeup and transport to and from rehearsals and on
the performance days and evenings. A list of students and contact details will be provided when students confirm,
to allow for shared transport arrangements.
All students should have now returned the “Publicity and Participation Consent Form” and “Code of Behaviour”.
Some important dates for your diary:
Thursday 1 July - First Primary Mass Dance Rehearsal 9:30 – 2:30pm - Shellharbour City Stadium
Wed. 28th July - First Combined Dance Rehearsal at WEC 8:30 – 4pm–
Wed. 25th August - Second Combined Dance Rehearsal at WEC 8am – 6pm (All cast except choir)
Wed. 25th August - Combined CHOIR rehearsal – Smith’s Hill High School 8:30 – 2:30pm
Thurs. 26th August -Technical and Dress Rehearsal at WEC 8:00 – 5:00pm (Full Cast)
Friday 29th and Saturday 30th August - Performances at WEC
More information can also be found on our school website. Go to the Southern Stars tab or you can also go to the
official website for Southern Stars 2010:
Money in an envelope and T-Shirt Order form returned to Miss Pigram for CHOIR and DANCE by WEDNESDAY
Michelle Pigram
Dance Co-ordinator
Jemma Hall
Choir Coordinator
S Carroll
Southern Stars– 2010 – T-SHIRT ORDER FORM
Name: _____________________
Please tick: 
Class: _______
 Dance
 I wish to order a T-shirt at a cost of $28 each
SIZE: ________ COLOUR: ______
 I DO NOT wish to order a T- Shirt.
 I have already paid my Deposit to School Office
 Enclosed is my Deposit
T-shirt ORDER (optional)
TOTAL: $____
Southern Stars– 2010 – T-SHIRT ORDER FORM
Name: _____________________
Please tick: 
Class: _______
 Dance
 I wish to order a T-shirt at a cost of $28 each
 I DO NOT wish to order a T- Shirt.
 I have already paid my Deposit to School Office
 Enclosed is my Deposit
T-shirt ORDER (optional)
TOTAL: $____
SIZE: ________ COLOUR: ______