SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROTECTED AREA SYSTEM OF ETHIOPIA (SDPASE) A UNDP-GEF Government of Ethiopia Project – Implemented by GTZ-IS Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority REPORT OF THE INCEPTION WORKSHOP Addis Ababa, February 2009 Report Number One February 2009 Contents: Abbreviations and Acronyms Preface Introduction Nik Sekhran, UNDP-GEF. Ludwig Siege & Lakew Berhanu, PMU The Workshop Programme Welcome and Overview Speech from Hon. State Minister Workshop Moderators Her Excellency Tadelech Dececho, presented by Dr. Kifle Argaw, Director General, EWCA Presentation on Biodiversity and Protected Areas Nik Sekhran, UNDP GEF Presentation from Director General of EWCA Dr Kifle Argaw Presentation on SDPASE, Ludwig Siege, Chief Technical Advisor Results of the Working Groups: 1. 2. 3. 4. The revised project outcomes The revised logical framework of the SDPASE. The results from the regions/states The updating the new draft map of the protected areas of Ethiopia. Closing Speech The Director General, EWCA Annexes Annex 1 Details of assessments, position / policy papers, studies and reports (recommended, not all compulsory) Annex 2 List of participants Annex 3 Workshop evaluation: analysis of responses from participants (Note: The annex to the Project Document, pointing out the changes made on the inception workshop, will follow, after approval from the Project Steering Committee. 2 Abbreviations and Acronyms Acronym AWP CAWM CEO CTA DG EIA EWCA GEF GIS GoE GTZ-IS IUCN KWS M&E MoARD MoCT MoFED NPC NP PA (SP) PES PMU SDPASE SLM UNDP Meaning Annual Work Plan College for African Wildlife Management (Mweka) Chief Executive Officer (of GEF) Chief Technical Advisor Director General Environmental Impact Assessment Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority. Global Environment Facility Geographic Information System Government of Ethiopia German Technical Cooperation- International Services International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Kenya Wildlife Service Monitoring and Evaluation Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry of Culture and Tourism Ministry of Finance and Economic Development National Project Coordinator National Park Protected Area (Protected Area System Plan) Payment for Environmental Services Project Management Unit Sustainable Development of the Protected Area System of Ethiopia Sustainable Land Management United Nations Development Programme 3 Preface: Nik Sekhran, Senior Technical Advisor for Biodiversity, UNDP-GEF May I say at the start how pleased I was to be invited to participate in this Project Inception Workshop for SDPASE: The Sustainable Development of the Protected Area System for Ethiopia. As most people know, this project has been a long time in the making, it is extremely gratifying to see the project actually start, and our congratulations to all those involved in the preparation and approval process. An Inception Workshop is a normal part of UNDP-GEF Project “Best Practice”. Most project Documents these days prescribe for an Inception Workshop within three months of Project Start-Up. An inception workshop allows all stakeholders to reconvene, with the Project Management Team, and to re-look at the Objectives and Activities of the Project, to revisit the Principles behind the Project, and to strengthen the partnership between project stakeholders. Partnerships include the co-financiers, between implementing and executing agencies and the donor agencies; and between different layers of the project from Federal to Regional Governments; and to Protected Areas and Civil Society on the Ground. In this case, there is an even greater need to re-examine the Outputs and Activities of the Project Document; as the details were written over two years ago and the project documentation was signed a year ago. Much has changed in the Wildlife Sector since then, and it is important to bring the Project, via the Project Document, up-to-date. UNDP-GEF wishes to congratulate the Government of Ethiopia on its recent moves to strengthen the Wildlife and Conservation Sector in Ethiopia; in particular the creation of the new Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority (EWCA), and the new Wildlife Policy and Regulations. UNDP-GEF would like to reaffirm that the project philosophy is to support the Government in conservation, though capacity building for the new institutions and to help implement policy elements on the ground. The project still fits within the GEF (Global Environment Facility) Priorities for Biodiversity, in helping countries develop sustainable Protected Area Systems. The scale of Ethiopia’s biodiversity resources need an extensive and representative system of Protected areas, that maintain biological values as well as ensuring a continued flow of ecosystem goods and services. This will need considerable capacity and support to implement given the huge challenges facing conservation through growing population demand for land and resources, and the newer threats of climate change and variability. We cannot change the Objectives and Outcomes of the Project (without going back to the GEF); and it was re-assuring to learn from all participants at the Inception Workshop that these Outcomes were still relevant. We can however modify the activities to reach these outcomes. The Workshop gave considerable clarity as to what needed to be changed and emphasised. We look forward to the project delivering impact. Good Luck with your conservation efforts, in maintaining this globally and nationally important resource. 4 Introduction (Lakew Berhanu, Ludwig Siege) After a long and intensive planning process that took 11 years from project idea to project inception, the SDPASE (Sustainable Development of the Protected Area System of Ethiopia) started work on the 1st of October, 2008. SDPASE is funded by the Global Environment Facility/UNDP. Other funding sources are the Government of Ethiopia and co-funding institutions like NGOs, bilateral development projects etc. SDPASE is embedded in the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority. The Authority, founded in 2007, is still a fledgling institution. It is charged by the Government with the daunting task to bring the protected area system of Ethiopia, including the National Parks, Wildlife Reserves, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Controlled Hunting Areas, back on track after decades of political marginalisation and neglect. Staff numbers will grow tremendously in the next months, reflecting the Government’s decision to refederalise nine National Parks, up to now under Regional administration and also the policy to achieve a density of 1 scout per 10 skm in a National Park. Critical to the success of revitalising the protected area system will be the mobilisation of additional funding for wildlife conservation through partnerships. The limited GEF-contribution of 9 Million over 8 years is meant to serve as “seed” money to make the “political” and “business” case vis a vis Government and potential partners. It will be of particular importance to give the PA system its due role in the important national programmes, namely the PASDEP (the poverty reduction strategy) and the Sustainable Land Management Programme and watershed conservation of the country. Only when achieving this the PA system will be truly “mainstreamed” in the political processes of Ethiopia and will attract its due share of donor funding. But to convince partners to enter into partnerships we need “success stories”. There is a dearth of them: actually right now there is no Park or Sanctuary that fulfils the legal requirement of being free of settlements and livestock. SDPASE will monitor and support its pilot areas and help creating these success stories, together with its partners. EWCA has contracted GTZ-IS as implementing partner of EWCA for the first phase of the project. The role of GTZ has been agreed upon as technical support and financial administration. The role of EWCA is that of the Executing Authority. The results of this workshop, in particular this workshop report, forms the basis for the revision of the project document and the development of the Annual Work Plan of 2008/09. GTZ-IS is prefinancing the first 3 to 4 months of the implementation, until the AWP will have been developed and approved. We feel that the workshop has produced valuable results to feed into the development of the Annual Work Plan. According to the evaluation of the workshop by the participants, via a questionnaire distributed at the end of the sessions, the workshop has been a success. We have noted the critical points, like the provision of better material and the allotment of more time, and will redress this in future workshops. We thank all participants for their participation and their valuable contributions. 5 THE INCEPTION WORKSHOP PROGRAMME, SDPASE Alan Rodgers & Lakew Berhanu, Moderators / Facilitators 1) What is an INCEPTION WORKSHOP? It is a critical part of GEF Project Process and UNDP Process, accepted as best practice, and prescribed for in the project documentation (prodoc). It is supposed to take place within three months of project start-up. The Inception Workshop allows • • • The opportunity for all STAKEHOLDERS to interact with the new incoming Project Management Team (and vice versa). The opportunity to create “Awareness and Partnership” around the project document (important here as project preparation was quite some time ago. The opportunity to discuss beneficial changes to the Project Document, in the light of current reality. This again is especially important here, as the Prodoc was drafted over two years ago, and was approved well over a year ago. MUCH has happened since then in the wildlife sector of Ethiopia since then, and these changes need to be reflected in the project documentation. Indeed approval from MoFED was based on the provision that the Prodoc be modified. THERE ARE FOUR PARTS TO THE WORKSHOP PROGRAMME: 1 Presentations, from: The Ministry, EWCA – DG, GEF and the PMU 2 Discussions: In Working Groups (allows work, participation, interaction, understanding) 3 Evening Dinner: socialise and get to know each other 4 Conclusions and Way Forward The workshop programme was relatively flexible, we had the ability to accommodate other inputs and change the programme as time allowed. 6 We are conscious that Wildlife Conservation is about wildlife in the Protected Areas and outside. Both aspects of wildlife are important, and important to this Project. KeyNote Address. HE Wro Tadelech Dalecho1, State Minister for Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Delivered by Dr Kifle Argaw, Director General of EWCA, Dear Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen Ethiopia is endowed with plenty of natural resources. It comprises of highlands with a unique biodiversity, deserts with active volcanoes, steppes where wild animals roam. Moreover the country is known for her long and glorious history, which manifests itself in many cultural monuments. These cultural sites are a great attraction for tourists. I would like to mention here but a few: Lalibela, the churches of Gondar, the Axum obelisk. Some are UNESCO World Heritage Sites because of their uniqueness. Tourists visit our country to see these cultural sites, but also because of its ethnic variety. From the Danakil to the Omo valley the visitor can find very special and interesting ethnic groups, not yet drowned in the great melting pot of globalisation. Even though Ethiopia’s diversity of wildlife is unique even when compared to its famous neighbouring safari destinations like Kenya, it is little known to foreigners. The country contains over 6,000 species of plants, many still undescribed by science, more than 860 bird species (16 endemic species and two endemic genera), and 279 species of mammals, of which 35 are endemic species. 1 The State Minister presented her apologies and was unable to attend. 7 Ethiopia still has important populations of elephants in all regions except in dry Afar, lions and other charismatic endemic flagship species, most notably the world’s only grazing primate, the Gelada Baboon, the Mountain Nyala, the Ethiopian Wolf, the Walia Ibex, the Swayne’s Hartebeest, and the Dibatag. It is evident that the wildlife of Ethiopia has the potential to contribute significantly to national and local development. Income from wildlife and protected areas can benefit local populations, through tourism and consumptive utilisation. Protected areas play a very important role in the sustainable land management approach of the Government, because they prevent erosion, drought and desertification, improve microclimates, and buffer the effects of the climate change. Protected areas secure the country’s water supply by stabilising the river catchments. Protected areas also help securing the country’s electricity supply by preventing erosion and the silting of the dams. Through this mechanism Ethiopia’s PAs have a direct positive impact on economic growth and the industrialisation of Ethiopia. The Government has come to realise that in the past this potential has not been adequately tapped and that wildlife and protected areas have not played their due role in the development debate of the country. So far our National Parks lack tourism facilities, some existing are in disgrace like in Awash National Park. They are not really marketed by our tourist operators, even though the wildlife can be spectacular. But as in many other African countries people and wildlife in the country are competitors for scarce land and as a result the biodiversity is under severe threat arising mainly from conversion of forest and wildlife areas to agriculture, virtually open access of local communities to protected areas leading to degradation of habitats. There are more than 30 National Parks, Wildlife Reserves, and Sanctuaries in the country which harbour wildlife. Outside these areas, large tracts of the country have been declared “Controlled Hunting Areas”, where tourists hunt wildlife on a sustainable basis for hard currency. The “nominal” protected area system of national parks, wildlife reserves and sanctuaries, the controlled hunting areas and the forest priority areas, covers an impressive 14% of the country. From a biodiversity point of view, some areas are incorrectly sited or too small to maintain the ecological processes they were created for. Numerous ‘wildlife reserves’ and ‘controlled hunting areas’ provide little to no protection. Some areas with important biodiversity are not yet represented in the country’s PA system, like the South Western forests and the Eastern area in the Ogaden, known for its unique biodiversity. To address these issues, under the proclamation 541/2007, the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority was created and put under the Ministry for Culture and Tourism. There is a new vision in the Government to make conservation work and to give it its due role in the development of the country. Biodiversity is a global challenge. Therefore potential national and international partners have been contacted and invited to join in the effort. In collaboration with UNDP/GEF, we have developed a joint project, the “Sustainable Development of the Protected Area System of Ethiopia” project” (SDPASE). The UNDP Country Office Ethiopia is the Implementing Agency of GEF and as such the contract partner of the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority. In agreement with UNDP/GEF, the Authority has charged GTZ-IS, to provide financial, administrative and technical support. The project document, which forms the basis for the implementation of the project, is old. Moreover it should go in harmony with government policy and strategic plan. It therefore needs revision. To plan these revisions we have come together here. We need to work hard together hand in hand. I would also like to take this opportunity to request all our national and international partners to provide us with the necessary support to achieve our goals. The door is wide open for partnership! I wish you success with the re-planning process! 8 Presentation by Nik Sekhran, Senior Technical Advisor for Biodiversity. UNDP-GEF. Nik Sekhran presented the GEF approach to Biodiversity management. 1. WHY IS BIODIVERSITY IMPORTANT? Unprecedented loss of Natural Capital We depend on natural ecosystems to provide goods, such as food and medicine and services such as pollination, carbon sequestration, nitrogen fixation and hydrological system regulation. The livelihood strategies and food security of the poor often depend directly on functioning ecosystems for goods and services. The 2005 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment concluded that almost 60% (15 out of 24) of the ecosystem services that support life on Earth are being undermined as a result of human activities. The report found that two service groups, namely fisheries and freshwater provision, are now degraded beyond levels that can sustain current demands 2. WHY IS BIODIVERSITY IN TROUBLE? In the 20th century, the human population grew from 1.65 to 6.5 billion people. Humanity is now living beyond the planet’s ecological means 50% of the land surface has been transformed and some 40% of the primary productivity is captured by humans 3. GEF’S GOAL IN BIODIVERSITY The goal of GEF’s biodiversity program is the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, the maintenance of the ecosystem goods and services that biodiversity provides to society, and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources. GEF has 4 Strategic Objectives Sustainable Protected Area Systems Mainstreaming Biodiversity Safeguarding Biodiversity Access and Benefit Sharing 4. UNDP’S BIODIVERSITY PROGRAMME Objective: …….to assist developing countries and countries in transition to develop their own capacity to manage biodiversity so as to sustain the delivery of the ecosystem goods and services on which human development depends 5. PROTECTED AREAS 5.1. Mainstreaming biodiversity management objectives into economic sector activities, to ensure that production practices maintain essential ecosystem functions Transforming Sector Governance Market Transformation (Supply Chains) Focus on Barrier Removal In 40 Countries 5.2. Unleashing the economic potential of PAs, so that they can fulfil their management functions, are sustainably financed, and contribute to sustainable development. 9 Ecosystem Governance Accessing, Combining and Sequencing Funds Focus on Barrier Removal In 70 Countries 6. MAINTAINING RELEVANCE TO THE NATIONAL ECONOMY Recent studies have highlighted that in certain countries PAs contribute significantly to economic development, in particular through the use values from tourism. Challenge remains to uncover use values and to catalyse investment in PAs to optimise and sustain tangible economic benefits In Ethiopia this means: Building a vibrant nature based tourism industry, based on Ethiopia’s biodiversity, culture and aesthetic beauty. Challenges Going Forward: Climate Change Land use change remains the largest threat to biodiversity and to the provision of adequate ecosystem services Climate change will exacerbate biodiversity loss and increase overall management costs 7. MAINTAINING THE RELEVANCE OF PAS IN A WORLD FOCUSED ON CLIMATE CHANGE - Nature Based Adaptation (safeguarding natural capital to reduce vulnerability) Reducing losses of Carbon Reservoirs in Forests and Wetlands Two approaches: a. Mitigation: to avoid the unmanageable b. Adaptation: to manage the unavoidable 8. ROLE OF PROTECTED AREAS IN CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION Terrestrial protected areas cover 12.2% of land area, but contain 15.2% of global carbon stock PAs contain proportionally more carbon than other land (but 85% of carbon is outside PAs) Strengthening PA network in areas of high deforestation pressure and high carbon could be one strategy to reduce emissions. 9. ROLE OF PROTECTED AREAS IN CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION Adaption in PA-systems: • Modelling of projected climate change • Assessment of impacts on conservation targets • Assessment of impacts on ecosystem services • Revision of protected area system design • Consolidation of protected areas • Fire management strategies Adaption in PA-corridors: • Development of PA corridors to include ecological gradients 10 • Use of all PA governance types, including state, private, indigenous and community conserved areas • social assessments to understand how neighbouring communities are affected by CC Adaption in National Parks: • Inclusion of PAs in Climate Change Action Plans • Revision of land use plans • Revision of coastal zone management plans • Inclusion of biodiversity considerations in all sectoral plans • Recognition of nature-based infrastructure as cost-effective adaptation measure 10. SHOWING RESULTS IN ETHIOPIA: • SDPASE is a start--- intended to build an enabling environment for the PA system to contribute to the economy; if successful, there is huge opportunity . • Need to build credibility in the sector– recognizing that there is huge competition for investment in PAs from other countries in Africa Presentation by Director-General EWCA, Dr Kifle Argaw Dr. Kifle presented the change in Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation. 1. The resource potential: • 277 species of Mammals (31 endemic), • 862 species of Birds (16 endemic), • 201 species of Reptiles (9 endemic) • 63 species of Amphibians (24 Endemic) • 150 species of Fish (4 endemic) 2. List of Protected Areas • 16 National Parks, • 4 Wildlife Sanctuaries, • 8 Wildlife Reserves, • 18 Designated Controlled Hunting Areas. 3. Main wildlife areas in the country Southern part of the country; the Omo river basin and the Mago valley in the south are noted for species West and south west lies the Gambela region, the Savannah and swamps of Gambela, south west forests and Welega. Rift Valley, the Abijata and Shalla Lakes, Yangudi-Rassa and Afar lowlands Awash and Senkele. East and south East Babile, Garale and Ogaden region , Yabello ,Hararge ,Bale and Arsi. North and North west Qafeta Sheraro and Semien Mountains, Alatish, Welo and Gojjam high lands. 11 4. Why change was needed? Existence of real “pain” about how work was done, There was organisational strategy for change Commitment of senior leadership to bring organisational change Aim of the change: Analysing the current process and to design new efficient and effective wildlife conservation. Expected outcome: To design new wildlife conservation process To bring new institutional arrangement with clear vision, mission objective and plan To bring community based wildlife conservation To build committed and capable working force To deliver effective and efficient service delivery for the pubic. 5. Major problems identified: Absence of community participation in wildlife conservation Lack of coordination between federal and regional organisations and stake holders Inefficient service delivery Lack of attention for the sub sector as a development agenda Poaching and habitat destruction: farmland expansion and grazing land extension, widespread poaching In the process written and unwritten rules on which the process is based were identified. Old assumptions were checked and replaced with new assumptions. 6. Stake holder analysis: Stakeholders were identified and interviewed: tourists, communities living around PAs, private investors, federal and regional institutions, international and national development partners and donors. The following major needs and expectations were identified: Sustainably managed PAs with a large mega diversity, large species composition, intact ecosystems, free from human and livestock pressure, An efficient and effective wildlife conservation system supported by modern technology and capable working force, full community participation and benefit sharing. 7. Institutional set up: 3 technical and 5 supportive departments were endorsed. The human resource-needs for head office and NPs were proposed with regard to professional composition and numbers, support process composition and numbers of scouts/rangers. 8. Laws and regulations: Wildlife Conservation Policy: endorsed Wildlife Conservation Proclamation: 2 endorsed (18 for the gazettement of Parks will be done in future) Wildlife Conservation Regulations: one endorsed Wildlife Conservation Directives: prepared, awaiting the regulations 12 Wildlife Conservation Technical manuals and Guidelines: four 9. Mission Statement: To sustainably conserve and manage Ethiopian wildlife resources through active participation of local communities, mainly for the benefit of Ethiopians and moreover the global community, and pass to the next generation as a heritage. 10. Vision: To be a leader in wildlife conservation and eco tourism 11. Value Statements: We conserve and manage Ethiopia’s wildlife scientifically and responsibly We will be evaluated by our customer’s satisfaction We will work for the benefit of Ethiopians We will work to maximise the benefit from the sector We shall be accountable for ethical rules We give priorities for gender and youths We ensure sustainable development by engaging ourselves in a dynamic and continuing change. In the planning process, three major Strategic Themes have been identified: Theme 1: Wildlife Protection and Development Theme 2: Improving National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuary management Theme 3: Wildlife Utilisation The main activities are: Establish new Pas and transboundary NPs Redemarcate and legalise existing PAs Improve management of endangered and endemic wildlife species Minimise and render solutions for human wildlife conflict Control illegal trade in wildlife and its products Conduct and coordinate research Establish community conservation areas Prepare Management Plans for PAs Prevent and control wildlife diseases Administer and manage federal NPs and Sanctuaries Strengthen the federal wildlife protection system Establish a national management system for NPs and Sanctuaries Involve communities in wildlife protection Strengthen wildlife education Relocate communities that have encroached on PAs by creating alternative livelihoods Maximise income from sustainable utilisation of wildlife Promote the wildlife resource of the country Encourage private investors and provide technical support to them: 13 Licensing for utilisation, sport hunting, trapping, taxidermy, export, CITES certificates, hunting for locals, filming, research, tourist guiding Long-Term (stretched) Objectives: All PAs will be designated and legalised by full participation of the communities If people still exist in newly gazetted NPs and wildlife sanctuaries, they will be relocated by creating alternative livelihoods. The protection of a specified number of key mammals and bird species will be improved 3 reserves will be upgraded to NPs, 3 trans-frontier-parks will be established 3 NPs will be restocked with wild animals The local communities living around 18 wildlife conservation areas will benefit from ecotourism by establishing their own conservation areas and by rendering services to tourists The current annual revenue from wildlife (nine Million Birr) will be increased by 60 % Conservation education will be conducted for 20000 local communities around wildlife areas Prevention and surveillance on 4 transmissible wild animal diseases 15 NPs, 3 sanctuaries, 18 controlled hunting areas and the concerned regional and national offices will be connected by radio Website will be established Infrastructure inside 15 NPs and 3 sanctuaries will be improved or established (offices, roads, lodges, camps, residences etc) In one year the scout density will be improved from one scout/114 skm to one scout/10skm Service delivery cycle time will be reduced by 50% in 1 year Let us work together to save wildlife!! Presentation by Dr Ludwig Siege, Chief Technical Advisor SDPASE. PMU in EWCA. Ludwig Siege presented the need for replanning of the SDPASE: 1: The objectives of the workshop have been formulated as: • To redesign and realign the project objectives and activities in order to enhance the performance of the sector in line with its aims, vision, mission. • Redesign and adapt the strategic plan based on the priorities of the sector. But there are limits to the redesigning: The outcomes cannot be changed without going back to GEF HQ, but the ways and means to achieve the outcomes can be adapted according to the new developments and challenges. 14 2. Background: The biodiversity and the ecosystems of Ethiopia are of great international significance. They are also spectacular and often unique. The majority of the country falls into one of two Biodiversity Hotspots. The Ethiopian Highlands comprise over 50% of the Eastern Afromontane Hotspot. Over 40% of the Horn of Africa Hotspot falls within Ethiopia. What are the problems of this biodiversity? The Prodoc names a few: • Increasing demand for natural resources, and an over-dependence on natural resources, few alternatives • Poor agriculture planning, no inter-sectoral coordination, policy not harmonized, little political will • No incentives for conservation by stakeholders, and no stakeholder participation • Wildlife damage crops, no rewards The use of the biodiversity in Ethiopia is often unsustainable. • Overgrazing, erosion, • Food insecurity, hunger, • Silting of dams, power cuts, • Dwindling wildlife. Just to illustrate the magnitude of the sustainability problem: Ethiopia has now around 77 Million inhabitants. With a growth rate of 3 percent/annum, the population will be double that in 2032. That means that Ethiopia will have 154 Million inhabitants by then. Thus, demand on natural resources will at least double. This challenge has to be met. This will require a huge effort by people and Government of Ethiopia. But it can be met only when the use of the natural resources is sustainable. 3. Sustainability: „A harvest/utilisation that does not compromise the harvest/utilisation of future generations“. One usually defines 3 types of sustainability in the context of conservation: Ecological, financial, social. Sometimes „institutional“ is added. There is a hierarchy in these types of sustainability: Without financial sustainability (sustainable financing) ecological sustainability cannot be achieved. Acceptance of PAs and wildlife by local communities and political leaders is also a precondition for the ecological sustainability of a PA-system. 15 4. Mainstreaming PAs: There are many benefits derived from biodiversity, through tourism, consumptive utilisation and ecosystem services Ecosystem services include: Protected areas help preventing erosion and desertification, improve microclimates, amelioration of the effects of the climate change PAs can secure the country’s water supply and agriculture by stabilising the river catchments. PAs also help securing the country’s electricity supply by preventing erosion and the silting of dams. But: protected areas and wild animals go hand in hand with considerable opportunity costs, i.e. income foregone by not using a protected area otherwise. In the long run, PAs have to show that they represent a form of land use which is beneficial for the people and the nation. In this the PA system is in competition with other forms of land use. If wildlife conservation and protected areas do not contribute productively to poverty reduction but on the contrary limit available resources which otherwise could be used to alleviate poverty, this form of conservation has no political future. PASDEP: In the present PASDEP protected areas and wildlife are only mentioned in the text with 9 lines (out of around 210 pages), and in the indicator matrix in 3 lines (out of 51 pages and several hundreds of indicators) 6. The SDPASE: GOAL: Ethiopia’s biodiversity, ecosystems and ecological processes are effectively safeguarded from human-induced pressures and adequately represented in a sustainable Protected Area System that is contributing significantly to economic development, both locally and nationally PROJECT PURPOSE (stage One): Enabling frameworks and capacities for managing the system of protected areas that have biodiversity, ecosystem and ecological process conservation as a major objective will be emplaced OUTCOME 1: Protected areas are mainstreamed in the development framework in Ethiopia and receive greater political support. OUTCOME 2: Appropriate policy, regulatory and governance frameworks in place, leading to redefinition of protected area categories and reduced land-use conflict OUTCOME 3: Institutional arrangements and capacity for protected area planning and management emplaced, leading to improved PA management OUTCOME 4: New protected area management options and partnerships trialled, and replicated through partnerships catalyzed across protected area estate (Co-Finance) OUTCOME 5: Financial sustainability plan developed and demonstrated (for implementation in Phase II) PROJECT PURPOSE (Stage Two): Working in an enabled environment, sustainable management of the system of protected areas that have biodiversity, ecosystem and ecological process conservation as a major objective is ensured 16 The task of the Workshop is to redesign the outputs so that they fit the present reality. There are trigger indicators to move to stage 2: 1. The Ministry of Water Resources has amended its policy to include a protected area component for watershed management and protection. 2. Strategies for implementation of Wildlife Policy and Proclamation in place. 3. The Sustainable Land Management Program and Blue Nile Development are funding protected area establishment, development and management in relevant areas 4. A 16% increase in the METT scores for the four demonstration sites recorded by the end of the first stage 5. Six further sites (including at least two new sites) will be benefiting from co-financing and partnerships and will be being implemented using the produced and disseminated good practice model 6. The guidelines for limited harvesting (sport hunting and timber) concessions are agreed, in place and enacted in four concession areas which will act as demonstration sites for replication in the second stage period. 7. Decision on components of Trust Fund in place These triggers cannot be changed without going back to the GEF council, which is impractical. 17 WORKING GROUPS: (Note that the slightly late start and the long presentations meant that the original programme was shortened and the first two working groups were coalesced). There was one set of Groups on day one, and a second set of Groups on day two. Each session was around two and a quarter hours, with start-up- explanation (10 minutes), main discussion (90 minutes) and Feedback Session (35 minutes). Within each session there were 5 separate working groups (with 50 people – this was some 10 people per group – less on day two). The people in the groups were mixed – so each group had wardens, experts, hunters, civil society, donors etc. (The moderators helped to do that!) WORKING SESSION ONE (the earlier One and Two) on Day One: There are 5 Outcomes in the Project. Each Group addressed one Outcome. The groups read the detail of the Outcome and discussed the outputs planned for the Outcome. In particular the groups discussed: 1 2 3 4 5 What has happened already in progress to that outcome in the last year? Are the Outputs and activities that are planned still relevant? Are there gaps which need to be added to the suggested outputs activities? Does the sector have the capacity to deliver these outputs, what capacities are needed? Who are key partners in delivering these outputs? Are indicators / targets suggested for the Outcome still relevant, can they be strengthened? WORKING SESSION TWO Day Two: There were five themes to discuss. Each Group discussed one of the following themes: 1. Training needs for EWCA / partners (all levels, short skill courses and longer term training) 2. Sustainable finance in all aspects – including tourism, PES, carbon 3. Project Assessments, Analyses, Frameworks and Studies suggested in the project, are they still relevant? Are their gaps? How do you prioritise? 4. Community Issues in Conservation in Ethiopia 5. The Hunting Industry in Ethiopia – How it Contributes to Conservation NOTE that Groups 4 and 5 were included as a result of discussion on day one. Groups were largely open, although hunters were in group 5, many NGOs in Group 4 and many Wardens EWCA staff in Group 1 Outputs were conclusions as to relevance, needs, gaps, priority setting, partnerships, ways forward. RESULTS FROM THE WORKING GROUPS: Main results of the group work were 1. The revised project outcomes 2. The revised logical framework of the SDPASE. 3. The results from the regions/states 4. The updating the new draft map of the protected areas of Ethiopia. 18 1. THE REVISED PROJECT OUTCOMES UNDP GEF stated that we cannot change the Outcomes without going back to GEF Secretariat / Council for approval. We can however “tweak” the wording to improve clarity. That we have done – in three ways: increasing clarity, making the wording reflect an outcome and emphasis to the key issue. The changes are shown in the table below: 1: The Project Goal and Project Purpose remain as they were. These are: 2: The five Outcomes for Stage One remain virtually the same, but are slightly reworded to reflect new realities: the institution is created (and the key emphasis is now strengthening the institutions), and the policy is in place (and the key emphasis is implementing the provisions of the policy). No 1 2 3 4 5 Initial Wording of Outcome (Sept 2006) Comment Wildlife Protected Areas are mainstreamed into national development frameworks Policy, regulatory and governance frameworks are in place and functioning. Protected Area Agency has capacity for planning and managing the PA system Plan for Ethiopia New Protected Area management partnerships are piloted and replicated Not formulated as an Outcome2 Financial sustainability plan developed and demonstrated Not formulated as an outcome Assumes the frameworks were not in place (the 2006 situation), Strengthened to include focus on improved PAs, as well as system, and stress increased capacity Not formulated as an Outcome Revised Wording of Outcome (Dec 2008) Protected Areas and Wildlife Conservation are mainstreamed into the Development Framework of Ethiopia, with greater political support and funding Policy, regulatory and governance frameworks are supported, leading to redefinition and implementation of PA categories, with reduced land-use conflict. Increased institutional capacity for Protected Area Planning and Management, leads to functional system plan and improved Protected Area Management. New Protected Area Management Options are piloted, developing best practice to be replicated across the PA system. Mechanisms for financial sustainability for Ethiopia’s Protected Area System are developed and demonstrated, for scale-up in Stage 2. Outcomes for Stage 2. These are left as they were, and will be readdressed as the project moves closer to the achievement of indicators and targets within Stage one, and assesses progress to reaching triggers necessary to reach Stage two Outcome Targets and Indicators. These are reformulated, and have quantifiable targets, which could be monitored beyond the life of the Project Outputs: There was a lack of clarity in the wording of the Outputs in the voluminous Project Documentation, with different level of emphasis between the Proposal, the text in Prodoc, the CEO 2 An Outcome is a “change in the status quo” due to impact from the project. Merely having wildlife mainstreamed is not enough, that mainstreaming needs to lead to significant change in the system 19 template and the log-frame. This lack of clarity was stressed during the Stakeholder consultations in the Inception Workshop. Outputs are being reworded, using more conventional Output language (i.e. ensuring that an Output is a level or stage that can be achieved, and can be assessed by targets and indicators). The Outputs are attached to more conventional real time indicators, with quantitative targets. Outputs have been written into the updated log frame. 20 2. THE NEW PROJECT PLANNING MATRIX: LOGICAL FRAMEWORK FOR SDPASE (REVISED DECEMBER 2008) GOAL: Ethiopia’s biodiversity, ecosystems and ecological processes are effectively safeguarded from human-induced pressures and adequately represented in a sustainable Protected Area System that is contributing significantly to economic development, both locally and nationally Indicators Outcome and Output PROJECT PURPOSE Stage One: Enabling frameworks and capacities for managing the system of protected areas that have biodiversity, ecosystem and ecological process conservation as major objectives will be implemented Protected Area System Plan approved and functional Protected Area System plan shows >60% of PAs are legally gazette, with management plans and staff capacity. Protected Area system plan has increased representation for ecosystem coverage, goods and services OUTCOME 1: Protected Areas are Mainstreamed in the Development Framework in Ethiopia, with Greater Political Support. Second Generation PASDEP includes strengthened text and indicators and targets for Protected Areas. Policy and Strategy papers in other sectors seek linkage with Protected Areas Overall funding for Wildlife Sector increases from Government, Donor and Business sectors. Modalities for enactment of policy and new legislation in place. Policy and regulations are under implementation, through System Plans and PA GMPs. OUTCOME 3: Institutional Capacity for Protected Area Planning and Management Leads to Improved PA Management Institutional re-structuring, mandate definition and staffing complete in HQ, key regions and PAs. Net improvement in management effectiveness of protected area estate Adoption of good practice model for each category of protected area OUTCOME 4: New Protected Area Management Options and Partnerships are Trialled, and Replicated through Partnerships Catalyzed Across the Protected Area Estate (Mainly Co-Finance) Good practise models (success stories) available, documented and used for dissemination OUTCOME 5: Financial Sustainability for Wildlife Conservation in Ethiopia is Developed and Demonstrated (for Implementation in Phase II) Ethiopia has a functional Financial Sustainability Plan for PAs approved, with components on tourism, PES, Carbon., and increased government / donor support OUTCOME 2: Policy, Regulatory and Governance Frameworks are Supported, leading to redefinition of protected area categories and reduced land-use conflict 21 PROJECT PURPOSE (Stage Two): Working in an enabled environment, sustainable management of the system of protected areas that have biodiversity, ecosystem and ecological process conservation as a major objective is ensured Indicators to be developed as Stage 2 approaches, validated by Mid Term Evaluation OUTCOME 1: Systemic capacity for protected area management consolidated. Indicators below: OUTCOME 2: Sustainable financing mechanisms contributing to protected area budgets. Indicators below: OUTCOME 3: Replication of good practice model across protected area estate catalyzed OUTCOME 4: Protected areas mainstreamed across all relevant sectors DETAILED FRAMEWORK FOR STAGE ONE Purpose/Outcome/Output PROJECT PURPOSE (Stage One): Enabling frameworks and capacities for managing the system of protected areas that have biodiversity, ecosystem and ecological process conservation as a major objective are emplaced OUTCOME 1 Protected Areas and Wildlife Conservation are mainstreamed into the Development Framework of Ethiopia, with greater political Indicators Baseline Protected Area System approved and functional Protected Area System Plan shows >60% of NPs and Sanctuaries are legally gazetted Protected Area System Plan has increased representation for ecosystem coverage, goods and services Policy and strategy papers in other sectors seek linkage with PAs Overall funding for wildlife sector increases from Government, Donor and business sectors No other sector with partnership with wildlife Federal Government 6,8 Million Birr/annum No such plan in place Target Internal Mid Term Draft plan under discussion Only 2 out of the 20 NPs and Sanctuaries are gazetted Over 25 % of PAs are legally gazetted All major biomes and ecosystems have some coverage, especially the South-western forests, the Ogaden. No PA system plan One sector with approved partnership with wildlife sector Federal Government 12 Million Birr/annum Target End of Stage One Protected Area System Plan approved and adopted Over 60 % of PAs are legally gazetted, others with gazettement plans. All NPs and sanctuaries are on the WCPA-list with correct boundaries Case for PAs for ecosystem services is adopted, with first PAs agreed 2 sectors with approved partnership with wildlife sector Federal Government direct 15 Million Birr/annum, plus indirect 5 Million 22 support and funding 1.1 Major indicators from this PA plan have been adopted in the second gen. PASDEP 1.2 Increased protected area in major watersheds of the sustainable land management program 1.3 Linkage with and adoption by tourism sector of protected areas as one of the key marketing strategies OUTCOME 2: Policy, regulatory and governance frameworks are supported, leading to redefinition and implementation of PA categories, with reduced land-use conflict. 2.1 Policy frameworks for Wildlife Conservation supported at Federal, Indicators and targets are “populated”, and the wildlife sector contribution to Ethiopia development is documented and disseminated Second generation PASDEP includes strengthened text, indicators and targets for PAs and wildlife Number of SLM watershed programmes seeking protected area status within catchments including forests Area and % of protected area within target catchments including forests National Tourism Master Plans and Programmes with increased emphasis on wildlife tourism Number of tourists in NPs continues to increase, with increase in revenues to govt. Number of local community/private sector ecotourism sites increases Increase in wildlife tourism promotion products (film, brochures, web-sites) Modalities for enactment of policy and new legislation in place. Policy and regulations are under implementation, through System Plans and PA GMPs. Indicators and targets not populated New wildlife policy & proclamation, regulations approved; guidelines pending No guidelines for GMPs, other implementation guidelines Implementation guidelines published Guidelines for business planning, management planning available. Draft GMPs follow regulations Guidelines are implemented across PA system. GMPs for 6 PAs follow regulations and are under active implementation Key components of Policy and Regulatory Frameworks with Strategy is in place and approved GMPs and business plans for the major areas incorporate PASDEP includes only 3 indicators, 9 lines text on wildlife None (although starting discussion via IFAD’s SLM Programme) PASDEP of 2011-2016 recognises PAs and wildlife as important elements of sustainable development of the country The real economic impact of wildlife and PAs satisfactorily described in the PASDEP Two watersheds under formal discussion as to PAs for watershed and potential PES PASDEP of 2011-2016 recognises PAs and wildlife as important elements of sustainable development of the country. PASDEP continues to use wildlife / PA indicator statistics 10,000 ha of PA including forests established, >5% of watershed Two national and regional tourism plans with detailed links to wildlife sector Increase by 15% over 2007 in revenue in Nechsar, Bale, Simien Abiata Shala, Awash 20,000 ha of PA including forests established, >10% of watershed All national and regional tourism plans with detailed links to wildlife sector Increase by 40% over baseline in nos and revenue in the 5 PAs plus Mago, Omo Increase by 30% Increase by 50% Increase by 50% Increase by 50% Four (including Region and private sector and community agreements) Zero % Emphasis is minor Baseline is 2007 (see EWCA statistics) Baseline is 2007 (>5) Baseline is 2007 (>5 local products) No such strategies 23 Regional and Local levels 2.2 Policy implementation supported through development of key strategies and position papers. implementation strategies in place Policy strategy components are written into PA management plans and work plans X Strategies with action points are under implementation, nationally Strategic components not yet in PA plans No such strategy papers Management Plan Guidelines incorporate strategy concepts Two (e.g. tourism, hunting, sustainable financing) are under implementation. strategic concepts. GMPs for 6 PAs follow regulations and are under active implementation Four strategies are under implementation 2.3 Strategy implementation piloted in priority Protected Areas and Landscapes, developing synergies to Outcomes 1, 3, 4 and 5. Strategies are implemented in PAs, including border marking, antipoaching reduces illegal off-take & illegal grazing and cultivation stopped, AIG, EE inputs No such formalised strategies in place. At least two strategies in all demonstration sites and at least one strategy started in additional 4 sites. Strategies lead to lessons learned analysis and tool kits. At least two strategies in place in 8 sites. 2.4 Protected Area categorization modified to suit Ethiopian situation No unfeasible mandates for PA authorities Some mandates presently not feasible: (e.g. NPs free of people) Mandates of selected PAs reflect real situation on the ground Mandates of PAs reflect real situation on the ground OUTCOME 3 Increased institutional capacity for Protected Area Planning and Management, leads to functional system plan and improved Protected Area Management Institutional re-structuring, mandate definition and staffing complete in HQ, key regions and PAs. Net improvement in management effectiveness of protected area estate Adoption of good practice model for each category of protected area Restructuring complete in HQ, 2 regions and 3 PAs Restructuring in 5 regions and 10 PAs METT scores of pilot areas increased by 10 points on the average Good practice models described and propagated 3.1 New Institutions at Federal Level with Clarity of Mandates, Internal Structures, and regional linkages in place. EWCA has internal structure reviewed, with TOR and mandates agreed. EWCA has developed working modalities with Regions over conservation management at regional level. Gap analysis complete and used for improving PA system Initial structures in place New staff being recruited (Dec 2008) Still uncertainty as to optimum landscape working All sections of EWCA with clear mandates, TOR with targets. Two landscapes have trial cooperative arrangements with Regional authorities. Only rudimentary understanding of gaps in PA system Gap analysis report available and integrated in economic study System METT score (calculated by the average METT score across the system using only the areas included in the baseline score, and readjusted once new areas are assessed or are designated) increased by 12 points on average. Sections producing clear annual reports documenting conservation success. At least three Landscapes have cooperative governance arrangements between Region and Federal authorities. New PAs started in identified Gaps (like Coffee forests etc) 3.2 National Protected Area System Plan Developed Using Gap Analysis, Approved and Under Restructuring on its way All Protected Areas in Ethiopia have a METT score < 40 No good practice models yet 24 Implementation. Individual protected areas use business planning as a standard tool for protected area management planning and monitoring Staff with appropriate business planning skills (Master’s level business planners, socio-economists, and environmental economists) employed by protected area organization Career development planning for staff within protected areas organization exists Staff skill level of EWCA meets requirements of mandates No business planning at the protected area site level No business planning at system level No staff with business planning skills 2 business plans at PAs enacted Career planning does not occur Career plans available for senior staff Systematic training do not exist 3.5 Institutional Capacity for Training in Wildlife is Built and Functional Number and quality of graduates from training institutions adequate Scout training facility does not exist Warden training not practical enough OUTCOME 4: New Protected Area Management Options are piloted, developing best practice to be replicated across the PA system Good practise models (success stories) available, documented and used for dissemination No good practise models available, demonstration/pilot sites have still low METT scores Training started according to staff development plan, at least 3 trainings Scout training facility established Assessment of training institutions complete, contracts issued for warden level training. METT scores for demonstration sites increased by 6 % 4.1 Lessons Learned on Management Modalities available from pilot sites Good practice models applied to other sites Few lessons learnt available (African Parks, FZS) 2 good practise models available 4.2 Landscape Level Management in Place, with functional Joint Management Committees at Management effectiveness of limited harvesting areas Joint management committees in place and functioning No joint management committee exists No limited harvesting areas using guidelines 2 joint management committees are functioning New utilisation guidelines applied in 2 cases Joint management committees established in 4 demonstration sites Four limited harvesting areas using agreed regulations / guidelines (Trigger for Stage 2) 3.3 Both Protected Area System and Individual Protected Areas Use Business Planning as a Tool for Management and Monitoring 3.4 Wildlife Staff at HQ and Field Level with Functional Capacity and Skills System business case propagated by study (“A primer on the economic arguments….”) Staff with business planning skills in place Business plans and monitoring systems adopted in 4 demonstration sites and their regional support authorities >70 %of staff have career development plans (including training opportunities). 6 trainings, + 3 MScs) Individual M&E system and incentive mechanisms in place In-country training institutional capacity starts producing the required personnel Scouts are trained and up to their tasks METT scores for demonstration sites increased by 16 % 4 good practice models available and applied 25 Selected Sites 4.3 Piloted Interventions in Priority Protected Areas, and Landscapes. Strategic interventions prioritised within EWCA – SDPASE are planned and implemented in pilot PAs None at present At least 2 different interventions in two PAs At least two different Interventions in 6 PAs OUTCOME 5: Mechanisms for financial sustainability for Ethiopia’s Protected Area System are developed and demonstrated, for scale-up in Stage 2 Ethiopia has a functional Financial Sustainability Plan for PAs approved, with components on tourism, PES, Carbon., and increased government / donor support Government provides bulk of financing (<20% needs). 0% offset by generated revenues. No retention scheme Sustainable financing options are available and discussed, Government input increases. Sustainable Finance Plan is approved. Decisions on possible Trust Fund mechanisms are made. PES and Tourism fund flows start. 5.1 Financial Sustainability Plan is developed for Protected Area System Financial sustainability plan is developed, decided upon and being implemented Sustainable financing options modelled and tested Sustainable financing plan adopted 5.2 Tourism contributes significantly to recurrent costs for demonstration sites Tourism income is retained in the demonstration sites No lodges within demonstration sites No retention Proposals for retention schemes available Each demonstration site has appropriate visitor accommodation in place Retention schemes in place 5.3 Co-finance secured for a further four further sites (Beyond Initial Demonstration Sites) The sector has forged strong partnerships with donors, NGOs for these sites, based on success stories (see Outcome 4) 2 Co financing agreements have been signed The further sites are partly funded from new sources No sustainable financing plan exists No co-financing for these sites Investors apply for sites 26 3. THE RESULTS FROM THE REGIONS Six regions were present and gave a short overview over the state of affairs in their regions: Not present were Afar and Beneshangul Gumuz. Regions Amhara Important PAs Has founded a successful Protected Area Authority. The Authority has fulfilled 3 out of 4 demands of UNESCO to strike Simien from the list of the world natural heritage sites. Task nr. 4 remains, the resettlement of the people living inside its boundaries. New park: Blue Nile, Denkoro Chaka-Forest. New areas under scrutiny. Simien, Alatish NPs. New PA: the Blue Nile below Bahir Dar. Denkoro ChakaForest, Community Conservation Area: Menz Agency has close to 200 staff. There is strong political support. Gambella PAs are under the Culture, Tourism, Parks and Hotels Commission. Gambella is the only NP. Not much emphasis by regional authorities on PAs and biodiversity. Only 1 warden and 2 scouts posted for the 5000 skm of the park. Border not known or ignored by authorities. Consequently investments and settlements widespread in park. Gambella NP Controlled hunting areas presently not allocated, despite an abundance of wildlife in some areas: white-eared Kob, Mrs. Gray’s Lechwe. Oromia PAs are under the Bureau of Agriculture. Bale NP is the most important one. GNP for Bale approved by Regional Government: Several Controlled Hunting Areas. All PAs, especially Abiata Shalla NP, are under huge population pressure. Bale, Abiata Shalla, Kuni Muktar, Yabello SNNPR PAs are under the Culture, Tourism, Parks and Hotels Agency. The agency has created 2 new NPs: Maze and Chebera Churchura. Between Mago and Omo a new community conservation area is being established. Omo, Nechsar, Mago, Yabello, Maze, Chebera Churchura. Poaching more a threat than in other regions. Quote: Hamer. “I prefer to shoot government cattle (buffalos) than slaughter my cattle”. Community Conservation Areas promoted. There is strong political support and a large number of staff. Somali PAs are under the Bureau of Agriculture and are heavily understaffed. Abundance of wildlife and endemic species of Gerale 27 plants and wildlife especially in the Ogaden area, but only one new Park, Gerale, no hunting areas. Tigray PAs are under the Bureau f Agriculture. So far one National Park, Kafta Shiraro, which shares its border with Eritrea and is important for Elephants because it harbours the northernmost population of Elephants in Africa. 5 new areas under scrutiny. No hunting areas. Kafta Shiraro 4. A NEW AND UPDATED MAP OF THE PROTECTED AREAS OF ETHIOPIA The PMU of SDPASE gave out a few copies of a new draft GIS computerized map of the Protected Areas of Ethiopia, super-imposed on a topographic map of Ethiopia. This map was prepared at the Technical University College GEO3 by Prof. Meissner. The PMU asked for comments on the map as to correctness and completeness. Are some PAs missing? Should we include potential Protected Areas? Those who got copies were asked to contact the PMU ( with comments. Those who would like copies – please ask the PMU – the file size by email is around 2 MB. The map is shown on the title page (but is best shown on A3 paper). The map is shown on the title page. CONCLUSIONS: WHAT WERE THE REACTIONS FROM THE PARTICIPANTS? A) IN GENERAL THERE WAS GREAT INTEREST – Most people and all working groups expressed interest in SDPASE, and saw value in SDPASE as a conservation Project in Ethiopia. All Groups in their Feedback said that SDPASE was relevant, was necessary (and was very late in starting). All groups said that there was a need for updating content of project documentation B) The PROJECT DOCUMENT EVERYONE said: This is a very complex document (set of documents) to understand. There is a need to make the core parts of the document (goal outcome outputs) much clearer, to outsiders, to partners and to those charged with implementation or parts of implementation. Everyone said that the project needs to prepare better sets of documents for working groups. C) PATTERNS OF CHANGE (General) • • The wildlife conservation sector has progressed since the Project Document was first drafted. The sector has progressed in the last year since The Project Document was signed 28 • • Key issues were the Proclamation setting up the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation AUTHORITY; and The new approved policy and regulations D) PATTERNS OF CHANGE (Specific) • • • Comments were that the first stage of reform was in place (i.e. policy, new institution), but that now the policy needs to be enacted, and capacity of the new EWCA needs to be built. There has been a huge increase, but most needing training and skills. A recurring comment was the main progress was at HQ – Federal level – there now needs to be attention at REGIONAL level. E) The FIVE OUTCOMES • The five Outcomes were all relevant a) Mainstreaming (making PAs relevant to the national development process) b) Moving the policy process forwards; from preparing to implementing policy. c) Institutional Support: Focus on Capacity and Training d) Learning from On Ground Experiences e) Sustainable Financing BUT underneath these large level OUTCOMES, i.e. at output / activity level • • • • There is much less clarity: The Project should therefore develop a clearer logframe / results matrix to provide such clarity. This logframe would focus on Outputs and Activities Once this is done, there is value in sharing this with Stakeholders to validate the process – partners – priority. F) NETWORKING One obvious outcome of the workshop was the positive networking between participants. This was obvious from listening and observing workshop process, and this was reinforced by the results of the Evaluation Forms. All groups of people wanted more and continued contact with each other. This was said by regional staff, by EWCA and by the NGOs, donors and civil society. The project must learn from that and invest in networking, which is an essential first step to experience sharing, best practice dissemination and overall knowledge management. Inviting the wardens (the staff on the ground, the cutting edge!) is essential. The new structure of the wildlife sector, with what were National Parks managed by the Regions, to National Parks which are managed by the Federal EWCA, but which remain surrounded by buffer zones of forest and people / regional land, will need quite complex networking and partnership strategies that focus on the landscape level. 29 Such landscape planning is an essential part of the developing Protected Area SYSTEM of Ethiopia. G) CONCLUSIONS • • • • • • • • Project feedback was largely general. Participants did not have clarity of documentation to be more specific. The Project needs to focus on “HOW TO” do things. The Proclamation / Policy bullet points need fleshing out in strategy papers A clear priority remains the linkage to Regions – in both broad institutional terms, and from the Project viewpoint Revising documentation for update and clarity is a priority. Develop draft position papers on key issues The presentation on sustainable finance was compelling. We should use the Project to attract more resources, from government, from donors and from new emerging sources via PES (tourism, water, carbon) The project should maintain principles of capacity building, sustainability and partnership. You have the beginnings of stakeholder consultation process. BUILD ON THAT. Have part two of the workshop, when there has been updating, when there is greater clarity within each outcome. Bring in main partners. 30 Annex 1: DETAILS OF ASSESSMENTS, POSITION / POLICY PAPERS, STUDIES AND REPORTS These are arranged in five main categories: 1) Mainstreaming into national development processes 2) Economic analyses and financial support, business planning 3) Training, skill development 4) Protected Area System planning 5) Specific position papers Please note that the following list is tentative. Priorities might change in view of developments in EWCA and the sector, and papers listed below might be developped and supported by other agencies/donors. Not all studies/papers have the same priority, thus some might be dropped reflecting changes in priorities. DETAILS OF ASSESSMENT AND STUDIES ETC No.1 MAINSTREAMING INTO NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES 1.1. Integrating (and institutionalizing) M & E process about Protected Areas into PASDEP. This includes the indicators and targets agreed on at PASDEP start-up in 2006. Study will develop protocols for such data collection and modalities to integrate. 1.2. The integration of EIA process on wildlife areas into PASDEP, with specific reference on reducing conflict between conservation and “unplanned” development. The consultant will produce Guidelines for future EIA process and use past case history to illustrate issues. 1.3 A study on Protected Area impact on SLM / Land Degradation, e.g. around Simien in Amhara Region (dry mountains) and new Ogaden in Somali Region (arid) PAs. The aim is to contrast in and out PA situations, comparing resource status and livelihood implications. 1.4. To compile learning, and best practices on Sustainable Land Management within documentation to feed into a larger workshop on PA – SLM interactions in general at a later stage in project. 31 DETAILS OF ASSESSMENT AND STUDIES ETC 1.5. A field study on Protected Area and Poverty issues, with reference to selected Ethiopian protected areas (and transfer skills in such studies). Study will look at positive and negative impacts and opportunities for improvement. Note that this feeds into later studies on community support, training curricula, tourism linkages etc. Outputs include: 1) Detailed documents (with statistics) on impacts of Protected Areas on Local Livelihoods (including lost opportunity costs). 2) An understanding of these impacts within wildlife sector at all levels. 3) Recommendations to reduce negative consequences and improve positive feedback. 2 2.1 ECONOMIC ANALYSES AND FINANCIAL SUPPORT, BUSINESS PLANNING To develop the overall “Business Plan” for the Wildlife Sector, looking at long-term needs and contributions from Federal/Regional levels. Factor in the growing linkages from tourism and PES process. Advise on planning at system and PA level. This leads to Stage 2 of Project. Key Outputs are: 1) The optimum and essential costs scenarios for the Wildlife Sector, factoring in major new PAs / staffing are outlined 2) Funding strategies are outlined showing present and anticipated government allocations, compared with regional norms. To review the existing financing / business plans models and enabling legislation for ALL the regional wildlife units in Ethiopia. 3) To analyze the scope for PES (Payment for Ecological Services) issues around PAs - looking at potential for watershed services to the PA system. Strategies to meet gaps between requirements and probable funding are outlined (looking at PES, Tourism, Carbon, Hunting etc) 2.2 To prepare the detailed economic assessment of Ethiopia’s PA system. (“Making the Economic Case”). This incorporates tourism and PES planning information as outlined in Outcome 1. Part two of the study uses this information to show growing importance of PA system to macro-economic and local micro-economic systems in country, and show how to use this information to advocate for funding flows. Part three of this study links the PA Business Plan models to the economic arguments. 2.3 Agreement on PES structures within Federal and Regional Authorities. 2.4 To list the main elements of existing wildlife policy and legislation and institutional arrangements on federal and regional level and their linkages with other sectors etc in other regions. The study will present federal and regional law and policy and institutional set ups and consequences for action on field level. The study provides lessons on best practice at regional level. 32 DETAILS OF ASSESSMENT AND STUDIES ETC 2.5 Ensure all PAs are on IUCN WCMC list. This study will work with authorities to improve PA gazettement reporting process. Key outputs include: 1) Clarity on PA categories, linking international typology to national categories. 2) Agreement on the functions of the UN List of PAs, Updating Ethiopia’s database 3) Advice on PA categories of value in Ethiopian context 3. TRAINING, SKILL DEVELOPMENT 3.1. An updated Training Needs Assessment for “In-Service Training”, and develop the Training Programme for all staff cadres (work with Training Officer). 3.2. To develop a training framework for Wildlife Guards - (Training Needs Assessment, Curriculum and Methodology) working with new Dept Training Officer and co-finance partners for Guard (Scout) cadres. Providing links to Kenya Ranger Training School and others. 3.3. To develop a training framework for new Wildlife wardens (Training Needs Assessment, Curriculum and Methodology) working with new Dept Training Officer and appropriate training institutions. Providing links to CAWM Mweka Tanzania and KWS School Kenya) 3.4. To develop the overall Knowledge Management system for the sector, including databases, computerized and hard copy records. Advise on learning, and planning KM at federal regional and at PA level. This leads to Stage 2 of Project. Key outputs are: 1) A “SWOT” assessment of existing formal and informal knowledge management systems in Ethiopia’s “wildlife sector”. 2) Recommendations for strengthening such knowledge and information management, from government, NGOs and Academia 3) Demonstrations of KM mechanisms including web sites, databases, library storage etc. 4. PROTECTED AREA SYSTEM PLANNING 4.1. GAP-analysis: To advise on PA system ecological coverage, looking at total gaps and inadequacies in terms of size and design. Set out a biogeographic planning framework, which fits into GIS planning structures. This leads to Stage 2. Key Outputs are: 1) Building on the PA System analysis from PDF B, assess the current bio-geographic analysis of Ethiopia 2) Assess the coverage of current PA network against the best of bio-geographic and ecological systems (real & potential PAs) 3 Make recommendations for further improvements to PA system (new PAS, upgrading, dispersal, corridors, fragmentation) 33 DETAILS OF ASSESSMENT AND STUDIES ETC 4.2. To describe best practises of business and management planning in the sector, especially experiences from partner’s initiative. To develop national guide lines. 4.3. To develop plans for an overall cost-effective GIS system for the wildlife sector (learn from Forests). Select local technical partners to undertake training and set up systems. Advise on needs at federal / regional level. Key outputs from this “planning consultancy” include: 1) Assessment of current GIS situation in Ethiopia (training, practitioners, skills) with special reference to past forest expertise 2) An agreed outline of GIS Options for wildlife sector (including costs and benefits) 3) An approved contract setting out the development of a GIS system. 4.4. 5. To assist EWCA in carrying out species conservation plans, analyse the consequences of these plans for the PA system, demonstrate coordination with broader Africa scale plans for e.g. Elephant, Lion conservation. SPECIFIC POSITION PAPERS 5.1. To examine best practice, opportunities and constraints within existing working partnerships (Region to Development Partner, PA to Development Partner, PA and Region to varied donor groups and larger NGOs; and PAs with the Private Sector) with a view to determining best practices for future partnership. . 5.2. Service Contract to University of Addis Ababa to commission student small scale field studies in priority PAs, to build greater partnership between biodiversity researchers and wildlife sectors. Contract covers 3 years, to be governed by joint committee to decide criteria, priorities and timing. Amounts increase as University builds capacity. Key Outputs include: 1) A network of wildlife researchers established, with greater awareness in academia of wildlife problems. 2) A set of research outputs that address priority issues in PAs 3) Protected Area field staff participate in field research and resource surveys, with linkages to academia. 34 DETAILS OF ASSESSMENT AND STUDIES ETC 5.3. Service contracts to two field based civil society groups to undertake awareness raising, leading to increased cooperation amongst communities around conflict PAs. Details of PAs to be decided after Inception process, but key outputs include: 1) Greater factual knowledge of background to community – conservation conflicts which can inform management 2) Knowledge can feed into management Plan and Community planning frameworks 3) A greater capacity in country to address socio-economic issues within the wildlife sector 5.4. A review of the hunting sector: lessons and best practices on quota setting, hunting management and reserve conservation, as a technical study to EWCA, involving local and international hunting organisations. Key Outputs include: 1) A review of present hunting concessions (historical trends in quota use, revenues and beneficiaries) 2) Strengthening of the private sector association with linkages top PA management and resident communities. 3) Recommendations for improving conservation management in key hunting areas of Ethiopia. 35 ANNEX TWO: LIST OF PARTICIPANTS (and contacts) No. Name Organization Position Tel E-mail 1 Sanne Van Aarst HOA-REC Program Officer 0913 122900 2 Dr. Yirmed Demeke Wild for Sustainable Development Coordinator 0911 643388 3 Didumo Adar CTPAC Communication Officer 0911 397714 4 Aklilu Kebede EWCA Expert 0911 050451 5 Kahsay G/Tensay EWCA Department Head 0911 742003 6 Dr. Zelealem Tefera FZS Representative 0911 406483 7 Dereje Dejene UNDP Team Leader 0911 374837 8 Abiyot Hailu Awash National Park Warden 0911 835780 9 Lakew Berhanu SDPASE NPC 0911644889 10 Fride G/Yesus EPAA Manager 0111 552140 11 Edward Dwumfour World Bank Env. specialist 0911 501199 12 Berhanu Jilcha Bale Mountain NP Warden 0911 957530 13 Adane Tsegaye Chebra Churchura Park Warden 0913 357056 14 Alehgne Taye Maze National Park Warden 0468840411 15 James Young Born Free Foundation Project Director 0913 119054 16 A.N Roussos Eth Rift Valley Safari General Manager 0911 200704 36 17 Mesfin Anbesse Senkelle Swayne's Hartebeest Sanctuary Warden 0911 397067 18 Berhanu Gebre Amhara Parks and Protection Authority General Manager 0918 340139 19 Asmare Goshu Alatish National Park Warden 0918 731460 20 Maru Brudier Simien Mountain NP Warder 0918 731742 21 Kassa Abuhay Blue Nile Safari Manager 0911 418317 22 Degu Tadie Wildcode Manager 0911 157583 23 Fiona Flintan SC-US 0911 202716 24 Rowan Mactagart ESTA 0912 600409 25 Shimelis Fedadu EPA Head, Planning 0911 644523 26 Aynalem Meshesha MOFED Expert 0911 214956 27 Ayele Kebede FfE Program Manager 0911 013886 28 Wondwosen Sisay EWCA Warden 0911 024569 29 Cheire Enawgaw EWCA Expert 0911 673737 30 Janny Poley RNE-HOA First Secretary Emb. 011 3711100 jc.poley@minbuza.hl 31 Omot Agw Okwoy Gambella National Park Warden 0911 478984 32 Alan Rodgers GTZ-IS Facilitator 33 Hailemariam G/Micheal Tigrai BoARD Team Leader 0914 706768 37 34 Dr. Graham Hemson EWCP Coordinator 0911 864628 35 Almaz Beyero TPHA Head 0911 823695 36 Alemayehu Matewos Mago National Park Warden 0916 856427 37 Baffa Balcha Nech Sar National Park Warden 046 8840409 38 Genet Garedew EWCA Department Head 011 5154844 39 Hailu Ayarra ASLNP Warden 0911 865753 40 Woubishet Zenebe ONP Acting Warden 41 Dr. Ludwig Siege SDPASE Chief Technical Advisor 0913073700 42 Ato Esayas Abebe GTZ-IS Deputy Director 0116622260 43 Zina Benjelloun GTZ-IS Head of Strategy and PR 0116622260 44 Dr. Leonhard Moll Austrian Dev. Au Head Coordinator 011 1533835 45 Getachew Tilahun Libah Safari Manager 011 5509364 46 Ahmed Ali Livestock, Crop & Natural Resource Dev. Bureau Team Leader 0911 013886 47 Fetene Hailu EWCA Coordinator 0911 930974 48 Sisay Shewamene Shield & Spear International Safari General Manager 0911209105 38 ANNEX THREE: THE EVALUATION OF THE WORKSHOP Introduction: The Workshop team distributed a simple one page “Workshop Evaluation Form”, and 32 participants returned completed forms. The form asked for a three part rating (Satisfactory, Partial Satisfactory, Non-satisfactory) on two issues: Did the Workshop raise awareness and understanding of the SDPASE Project? Did the Workshop allow stakeholders to participate and comment on SDPASE objectives and outcomes, and so suggest changes in the Project Documentation? The Evaluation Form asked participants on good and bad things about Workshop Process, Content and Organisation, and to suggest what organisers could do to improve workshops in the future. Respondents were divided into Four Categories: those from EWCA, those from Regional Wildlife Agencies / Parks, those from Civil Society, Academia and Donors, and Hunters. Responses: Category EWCA Staff Regional Staff Civil Society Hunters Totals % Satis 6 8 8 4 26 78 Awareness Question Part Sat Non-Sat Total 1 0 7 4 0 11 1 0 9 0 0 4 6 0 32 22 0 100 Satis 5 8 4 3 20 65 Participation Question Part Sat Non-Sat Total 1 1 7 4 0 12 5 0 9 1 0 4 11 1 32 34 3 100 Specifics: 1) What Could be Improved for Future Workshops? No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Issue More time needed for discussion Better, clearer materials to be given out More and complete set of stakeholders Allow participants to choose groups Broaden process to allow more presentations Repeat process in regions (and in PAs) Include more training Include Amharic translator (as English not good) More leadership from EWCA Do it at weekends Hunter 1 1 1 Civil Soc 7 4 4 2 1 3 Region 5 5 1 EWCA 2 4 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 Total 15 14 7 2 2 9 2 1 2 1 This mirrored comments on poor aspects: NOT enough time, people needed more/ better materials, and some stakeholders were missing (eg EWNHS, Community leaders, Academia). 2) What was good about the workshop? 39 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Issue Opportunity for networking Ability to learn about the Project and Wildlife Conservation in Ethiopia Opportunity to suggest how to update document Information Sharing Time available to discuss important issues Broad range of stakeholders, especially regions Opportunities to integrate different conservation activities / perspectives Good Facilities (apart from Parking!) The bringing in of Park Staff Good Facilitation / Moderation * Number 12 12 11 9 8 8 5 4 4 11 (*The moderator thanks them all, especially the person who said “the Moderator was nice and good-looking”, but notes the lady did not leave her telephone number). Some Quotes Good to have so many stakeholders and actors in nature conservation and tourism development brought together (a donor) It is always good to network, and good for us in civil society projects to be involved in such conservation project process; let us have more of it, and ask us fir assistance if you need it; let us see how to integrate more (Civil Society). It was a good mix of stakeholders, especially bringing in the Park Wardens (CS). It was good to bring together so many stakeholders, to know their views and needs (EWCA) Some of the stakeholders were irrelevant to the Workshop. (EWCA) The workshop allowed participation from many actors (EWCA) It was good to share experiences from so many stakeholders (EWCA) I got a lot of information about other PAs in Ethiopia, which I did not know about (Region) The Discussion Groups allowed greater understanding of issues (Region). It was good to have a group focus on capacity building (Region) This allowed free and open discussion, especially for Park Wardens (Region) Meeting all the stakeholders in conservation, including donors, was useful (Region). Conclusions For a first workshop this was a GOOD result. YES, the organisers are aware of time issues;, and the need for better materials. There is an obvious need for more meeting, participation and interaction in general. There is an obvious need for opportunity to debate specific interest topics, giving informed materials and time for presentations from different stakeholders. SDPASE has resources to provide such input, which is a key part of capacity building. SDPASE Addis Ababa, 16.2.09 40